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Data Management: Importance, Types, and Tools

Lokesh Lalwani
Data management is the process of
ingesting, storing, organizing and
maintaining the data created and
collected by an organization. Effective
data management is a crucial piece of
deploying the IT systems that run
business applications and provide
analytical information to help drive
operational decision-making and
strategic planning by corporate
executives, business managers and
other end users.
Importance of data
data silos, inconsistent data sets
and data quality problems that
limit their ability to run business
intelligence (BI) and analytics
applications -- or, worse, lead to
faulty findings.
Types of data
management functions.
Databases are the most common
platform used to hold corporate
Data increasingly is seen as a
data. They contain a collection of
corporate asset that can be used
data that's organized so it can be
to make better-informed
accessed, updated and managed.
business decisions, improve
They're used in both transaction
marketing campaigns, optimize
processing systems that create
business operations and reduce
operational The separate
costs, all with the goal of
disciplines that are part of the
increasing revenue and profits.
overall data management
But a lack of proper data
process cover a series of steps,
management can saddle
from data processing and
organizations with incompatible
storage to governance of how
data is formatted and used in
operational and analytical
systems. Developing a data
architecture is often the first
step, particularly in large
organizations with lots of data to
manage. A data architecture
provides a blueprint for
managing data and deploying
databases and other data
platforms, including data, such
Data management tools
and techniques
as customer records and sales
A wide range of technologies,
orders, and data warehouses,
tools and techniques can be
which store consolidated data
employed as part of the data
sets from business systems for
management process. The
BI and analytics.
following options are available
for different aspects of managing
Data management tools
and techniques
A wide range of technologies,
tools and techniques can be