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Case Study 1

Tyler Kurtz
MGT 271
Google Case Study
Another approach one could do to see whether mangers matter is to observe what
would go on if a manger was not there for a day. Task the employees to go about their
regular day, complete projects, and hold meetings. At the end of the day, they will fill
out a survey on how they think that day went. If everything got done in a timely manner
with no hiccups, have them go another day without their manger. If the employees
could go a full business week without a manager present or helping them in any way,
then the company can save money and not hire managers.
Some qualities that were not a part of The Oxygen 8 include patience, open
mindedness, and do not see others as less. As a manager, having patience with your
team goes a long way. Everyone has a different learning speed, and a good manager will
realize that and create an environment that includes everyone. To add on to this, having
an open mind with your employees will make them more comfortable working for you.
Having a manager that judges you on every little question or decision is a stressful
situation to be in. Finally, working for someone with a power trip makes the work
environment stressful place. A good manager recognizes their authority when they need
to but talks to their employees like peers.
The role of data should not be the deciding factor on anything without an opinion from
a boss or CEO. Data and analytics are the foundation for our future since we are
advancing into a more tech-savvy world. With that said, having an emotional connection
to your job will beat any data thrown at a company. The role of data and analytics in the
workplace should be used as an observation tool for the company. Being able to locate
problems within the company using data and analytics is a huge advantage because it
allows companies to pinpoint the problem faster than word of mouth. The challenge
with being a more data and analytic company is that they might start solely relying on
data to solve every problem. Yes, data and analytics can solve most problems but some
of them require a human touch. As long as a company can balance both sides, data and
analytics will only be a positive in any company.