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4-Week Home Workout Plan: HIIT & Bodyweight Exercises

Try these workouts also if you’re needing an extra challenge. If you don’t have resistance bands,
please invest in some to make these workouts more challenging. Make sure you’re doing Hitt
training on the days that it says, following this is extremely vital to reaching your desired goals.
Monday (stretch before and after)
▶️HITT run 30 sec as fast as you can then walk 30 sec for 1 minute. You will do this 10 times
back to back nonstop. Once more advanced or for more intensity run 1 minute and walk the next
▶️Squats 5x30
▶️Jump squats 100
▶️single leg squat 3x25
▶️Wall sit 3x 1 min
▶️in place lunges 60 eaach leg
Tuesday (stretch before and after)
▶️lunges 3x20
▶️ hip thrust 4x25
▶️glute kick backs 3x25
▶️ rainbows 3x25
▶️curtsey lunges 3x30
▶️jump squats 100
Wednesday (stretch before and after)
jump squats, jumping lunges, followed by burpees non stop for 1 min x 10
It’ll become easier after a while, make sure to complete all sets don’t skip any. After you do
these you are done for the day because you most definitely put in work! Great job, I’m proud of
Thursday (stretch before and after)
▶️HITT run 30 sec as fast as you can then walk 30 sec for 1 minute. You will do this 10 times
back to back nonstop. Once more advanced or for more intensity run 1 minute and walk the next
▶️push ups or girl push ups 4x10
▶️overhead triceps with bands 3x15
▶️band curl 3x15
Friday (stretch before and after) You’re doing amazing let’s make it to week 4 keep pushing!
▶️walking squats 4x50
▶️Goblet squat 3x12
▶️single leg deadlift 3x10
▶️sumo deadlift 3x20
▶️thruster 3x12
▶️sumo squat 3x20
▶️calf raises 3x20 each leg
▶️reverse lunges 3x30
▶️Walking squats 3x25
▶️side to side squats 3x20
▶️donkey kicks 4x10
▶️fire hydrants 4x50
▶️hip thrust 4x50
▶️curtsy lunge 3x30
▶️kick backs 3x20 each leg
Tuesday (stretch before and after)
▶️HITT run 30 sec as fast as you can then walk 30 sec for 1 minute. You will do this 10 times
back to back nonstop. Once more advanced or for more intensity run 1 minute and walk the next
▶️toe touches 3x10
▶️crunches 3x10
▶️sit ups 3x10
▶️Russian twists 3x10
▶️ leg raises 3x10
▶️planks 1 min 3x
▶️flutter kicks 3x40
Wednesday (stretch before and after)
▶️HITT run 30 sec as fast as you can then walk 30 sec for 1 minute. You will do this 10 times
back to back nonstop. Once more advanced or for more intensity run 1 minute and walk the next
Thursday (stretch before and after)
▶️kneeling squats 3x35
▶️hip thrust 4x60
▶️single leg sky bridge 3x10
▶️glute kick backs 4x20
▶️10 squats hold on the last one for 1 min do this 6x
Friday (stretch before and after)
Jump squats, jumping lunges, followed by burpees non stop for 1 min x10
Great job this work out is not easy at all, if you’re feeling up for a challenge do 12 sets of this!
▶️ as many squats as you can do in 1 min 3 sets of this
Monday (stretch before and after)
▶️as many squats as you can do in 1 min do this 6x
▶️regular squats 3x25
▶️wall sit 1 min x3
▶️lunges 3x50 each leg
▶️100 jumping squats
Tuesday (stretch before after)
▶️HITT run 30 sec as fast as you can then walk 30 sec for 1 minute. You will do this 10 times
back to back nonstop. Once more advanced or for more intensity run 1 minute and walk the next
▶️ side to side planks 3x10
▶️planks 1 min
▶️ sit ups 3x10
▶️leg ups 3x10
▶️Russian twist 3x10
Wednesday (stretch before and after)
▶️hip thrust 3x50
▶️rainbows 3x12
▶️donkey kicks 3x20
▶️fire hydrants 3x50 each leg (feel the burn)
▶️glute kick backs 3x25 each leg
Thursday (stretch before and after)
▶️HITT run 30 sec as fast as you can then walk 30 sec for 1 minute. You will do this 10 times
back to back nonstop. Once more advanced or for more intensity run 1 minute and walk the next
▶️ girl push ups 3x10
▶️ curls3x10
▶️girl push up hold for 30 sec
▶️ burpees 3x10
▶️half burpees 3x10
Friday (stretch before and after)
Burn out
Monday (stretch before and after)
▶️elevated split squats 3x10
▶️side lunges 3x10
▶️sumo squats 4x20
▶️hip thrust 4x50
Tuesday (stretch before after)
▶️single leg raises
▶️single leg squat 3x8
▶️good mornings 3x10
Wednesday (stretch before and after)
▶️HITT run 30 sec as fast as you can then walk 30 sec for 1 minute. You will do this 10 times
back to back nonstop. Once more advanced or for more intensity run 1 minute and walk the next
▶️forward raise 3x10
▶️lateral resistance 3x10
▶️curls 3x10
▶️ push ups 3x10
▶️over head triceps 3x10
▶️calf raises
Thursday (stretch before and after)
▶️curtsy lunges 3x30
▶️glute bridge 3x50
▶️prisoner walk 3x30
▶️reverse lung 3x30
▶️thruster 3x20
▶️banded lateral walk 3x50 each leg
Friday (stretch before and after)
▶️HIT run 30 sec as fast as you can walk other 30 sec 10 min (once more advanced do 1 min)
▶️ 6 inches 3x12
▶️toe touches 3x10
▶️Russian twist 3x10
▶️sit ups 3x10
▶️leg ups 3x10
▶️planks 1 min