Uploaded by Kent Atanoso

Communication Barriers & Effective Communication Activity

Activity 1
Answer the following:
1. Identify possible communication blocks in the given situation:
interaction between a nurse and a patient (10 pts.)
Like everybody knows, communication is important for understanding one
another, for sharing ideas and for expressing your thoughts. It also enhances
relationships and performs a major part in the development of all things.
However, there are some instances that we cannot directly understand or
communicate to the other people. Whenever we go, there are always barriers that
occur during a certain communication. One example for this is between a nurse and
a patient. Its possible barriers are nurse’s lack of attention due to overloaded works
and insufficient time to do his/her tasks. Age and gender can also be considered as
a barrier. And especially the differences in language that can cause
misunderstandings or misinterpretations that can possibly lead to conflicts. These
kinds of problems can possibly affect the nurse’s nursing practices towards the
patient and later can affect the patient’s health.
Hence, we can address these kinds of issues by the process of listening and
understanding the point of each other. To completely grasp communication in life
and achieve good rapport, we must construct ourselves first whenever we are about
to talk.
2. Through a slogan, state how the knowledge of the communication process
aids people in communicating effectively. Give your short but complete
explanation below the slogan you made. (20pts.)
“Listen and Understand; Effective Communication Will Follow”
Every day, sharing one’s thought or information starts the communication
process between the sender and receiver. We need communication as an
essential aspect in our everyday lives, from professional life to social gatherings
and everything in between. We need to listen and understand in order for us to
acquire the right or accurate information, avoid misunderstandings, and maintain
a close and harmonious relationship despite our cultural differences and
languages. By doing that, barriers may not happen and we can easily understand
each other.
Activity 2
1. Kindly watch the video “Wiring a Web for Global Good” by TED Global
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7rrJAC84FA), then, study the speech.
In a form of a reaction paper, answer the following questions: (20 pts.)
a. What global issues have emerged because of miscommunication?
b. How can effective communication and language use contribute to
the creation of a truly global society?
Miscommunication is a failure to communicate clearly. In addition,
problems are arising when it comes to this, because communication is an act or
process of using words, sounds or behaviors to express your ideas, thoughts,
feelings to someone else. This is a way also for sending information to people by
using technology.
For instance: “Me and my friend are having a problem in terms of money,
and miscommunication is one of the key, and why we end this case.” Also,
miscommunication occur in global society. Corruption may arise when
miscommunication take place that could lead to poverty, and this problem can
affect the economy and the people as well. Even crime, violence, racism is also
emerged. And mostly when one country and another having miscommunication
or misinterpretation may result to war.
Hence, this global issues affect every one of us physically, mentally and
socially. As global community trust is the number issue when it comes to any
problem that may happen or happened. If we build trust and having a good
communication everything will fine or settled. No problem or issues occur.
As what Brown said “combine the power of a global ethic with the power of
our ability to communicate and organize globally, with the challenged that we are
faced now, we cannot be solved from one country but has to be solved by the
world working together.” Indeed, no man is an island because no one can solve
of their problem but with the help of everyone we can solve it and unity is the key.
Therefore, through effective communication we can create a true global
society with no difficulty. With that the people around the world are motivated to
do their obligation or responsibility as citizens and to bring them to the actual
problem in the world. Even we cannot see physically but with the help of
technology we are connected and updated of what’s happening to the world.
Also, learning languages will contribute growing our global society, especially in
the business industry. It is a great opportunity to share the different cultures,
knowing what’s importance and unique to the other people.
Having a good communication, learning languages, and with the support
of everyone we can create a differences, and a true global society. And I believe
these will surely contribute to the future generations.