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Bowel Cancer Awareness Project Participant Request

Cancer and The Black Community - Bowel Cancer - Participant Request V1.2_20201218
Participant Request
Bowel Cancer and The Black Community
Dear Resident,
As a member of SCHWeP (Southwark Culture, Health & Wellbeing Partnership), W.E.L.L.BEING
SE15 are currently engaged in a Bowel Cancer Screening awareness project with the support of NHS
South East London Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), UAL: London College of
Communication and F.A.T. Studios.
The aim is to educate the public through a series of awareness videos made for digital distribution
across multiple platforms while highlighting the real-world experiences and feelings of the Black men in
our community, where the “c-word” is concerned. While the focus of this project is Black men, we do
hope for the work produced to have a broader impact.
Bowel cancer (which includes the intestines as well as the colon) is an illness that is typically associated
with people over the age of 60. However, based on personal and revealing conversations with members
of the Black community, more and more men and women, including some of those under the age of 60,
are being diagnosed with this illness and possibly at too late a stage.
According to reports by MacMillan Cancer Support and Cancer Research UK...
23% of all newly diagnosed cases of cancer are detected through an emergency route.
With early detection, 53% of bowel cancer cases are survivable.
54% of cases are actually avoidable.
Any form of cancer can have devastating effects on the patient as well as their loved-ones.
This can be either physical, emotional and/or financial. It’s clear that honest conversations need to be
had about how diagnosis, treatment and aftercare affect and are viewed by Black men in the community.
We’d like you to be a part of that conversation and education.
We are looking for 10 men from South-East London’s Black African and Caribbean community, aged 18
and over, who would be interested in taking part in 2 rounds of online group discussions.
The discussions will be centred on your personal experiences and opinions either as a Bowel Cancer
survivor/patient; a support worker/carer or; the partner, relative or friend of a diagnosed man from the
same community.
Discussions will be held as two 1.5hour sessions over two dates.
Interested participants will be notified about the dates of each session.
As a thank you, participants will each be given a £50 voucher for 3 hours of their time.
To register your interest, please contact us via email: info@wellbeingse15.org or request a call-back
via 07944 636 380.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Daniel & Shelene
Co-Founders of W.E.L.LBEINGSE15
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook: @wellbeingse15