(c) Referring to the f igure and table: i. write the series of commands on SWITCHlto enable trunk. (4 marks) ii. determine why Virtual LocalArea Network (VLAN) does not show up on the other switches when a new V LAN is added to SWITCH3. (3 marks) iii. determine the number of broadcast domain that may occur. Just ify the answer. (5 marks) Q. r Pf Ill.AN 10 . PC·Pf PC6 11\.AN 30 Ports Assignment Network Fa 0/1-0/3 Fa 0/5 Fa 0/10 Fa 0/15 802. g trunks (native VLAN 44) VLAN 10 - Student VLAN 20 - Staff VLAN 30 - Guest