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Biology Exam Questions: Feedback, Respiration, Metabolism

1. Positive feedback.
a). Applies only to engineering control systems and has no relevance in biology
b). Is the one in which a deviation leads to an ever increasing augmentation of the deviation.+
c). Serves to reduce the difference between the output and the desired value.
d). Applies on enzymes of the digestive system (e.g the conversion of trypsinogen to active
e). Is the most common type of feedback in biological systems and tends to stabilize the input
and maintain the system at a given level
2. Which statement of the following statement is true?
a). In organisms different foodstuffs give rather different amounts of energy for each litre of
CO2 produced.
b). Metabolic rate of an animal may be calculated by the difference in the amount of food
ingested and the amount of excreta (primarily feaces and urine) produced.
c). The total O2 consumption of a mammal decreases constantly with increasing body size.
d). Some animal groups exhibit metabolic regression lines with a slope closer to 1.0 indicating
that O2 consumption is inversely proportional to the body mass.
e). All diving reptiles are unable to extract appreciable amount of oxygen while submerged in
3. By what route does CO2 leaves the human body?
a) Pulmonary artery>alveolus>bronchus>bronchiole>trachea.>Pharynx>larynx
b) Pulmonary vein> bronchiole> alveolus> Bronchus> trachea> pharynx>larynx
c) Pulmonary artery > alveolus>bronchiole> bronchus> trachea> larynx> pharynx
d) Pulmonary vein > alveolus>bronchus > bronchiole> trachea> larynx>pharynx
e) Pulmonary artery > alveolus > bronchiole> bronchus> trachea > pharynx > larynx
4. Haemoglobin
a) tends to give up oxygen in regions where partial pressure of oxygen exceeds that in the
b) tends to hold onto oxygen when the pH of the blood drops.
c) tends to release oxygen when the temperature lower
d) Releases oxygen more readily in highly active tissues
5. Which of the following statements is false
a) Endotherms have high metabolic rates than ectotherms
b) Endotherms can regulate their temperature through behavior
c) Ectotherms regulates their temperature through behavior
d) Heterotherms may function as either an ectotherm or an endotherm
e) Ectotherms do better in cold climates
6. If you skip a meal which of the following would prevail
a) Insulin level would rise.
b) Glucagon would levels would rise.
c) Glycogen would be converted to glucose.
d) Insulin level would rise, and Glycogen would be converted to glucose.
e) Glucagon levels would rise and glycogen would be converted to glucose.
7. When insects turn on endothermic heat generation in some parts of their body when they
need to become active at low Ta the thermal strategy is termed
a) Partial endothermy
b). Facultative endothermy
c). Regional endothermy
d). Regional heterothermy
e). Inertial homeothermy
8. Oxygen rich water flowing in the opposite direction to oxygen poor blood in order to
maximize the diffusion across the surface of a gill is a concept called
a). Reverse expiration
b). Haldane effect
c). Countercurrent flow
d). Partial pressure saturation
e). Hemoglobin saturation shift
9. Which of the following statement is true?
a). The partial pressure of oxygen is higher at high altitude .
b). The properties of hemoglobin are such that plotting the amount of oxygen it binds relative
to the partial pressure of oxygen a sigmoid curve
c). the range of the thermoneutral zone is usually broad in small desert mammals
d). As a general rule the metabolic rate (mlO2 g-1 h-1) of mammals increases with increasing
body size.
e). The ratio between CO2 formed in metabolism and O2 used is known as the Q10
10. when a person lives in an environment of lower oxygen tension which of the following
increases in order to adjust to the lower tension?
a). Erythrocytes
b). leucocytes
c). Platelets
d). Plasma
e). Leucocytes and platelets
11. Which of the following is false?
a). All respiratory surfaces must be kept moist
b). The amount of gas diffusing across a respiratory membrane is dependent upon the surface
area and the partial pressure of each gas.
c). Boyles Law states that the pressure of a gas in a closed container is directly proportional to
the volume of the container.
d). The movement of the flap over a fish’s gill is known as ventilation.
e). A hemoglobin molecule binds to four oxygen molecules.
12. Which type of animal is most likely to gain water by osmosis from the environment?
a). Marine bony fish
b). Freshwater bony fishes
c). Cartilaginous fishes
d). Reptiles
e). Birds
13. An ectotherm is more likely to survive an extended period of food deprivation than would
an equally sized endotherm because
a). The ectotherm maintains a higher basal metabolic rate
b). The ectotherm expends more energy/kg body weight than the endotherm
c). The ectotherm inverts little energy in temperature regulation
d). The ectotherm metabolizes its stored energy more readily than can the endotherm
e). The ectotherm has a greater insulation on its body surface
14. Air rushes into the lungs of humans during inhalation because
a). The rib muscles and diaphragm contract increasing the lung volume
b). Pressure in the alveoli increases
c). Gas flows from a region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure
d). Pulmonary muscles contract and pull on the outer surface of the lungs
e). A positive respiratory pressure is created when the diaphragm relaxes
15. Marine bony fish
a). Have blood salts more concentrated than sea water
b). Excrete excess salt by active transport across the gills
c). Produce urine more concentrated than their blood
d). Retain excess salts as means of maintaining osmotic equilibrium with their environment
e). Do not drink the medium since there is no osmotic water loss
16. Study the figure below and answer the question that follows
The figure above best indicates which of the following?
a). Reserve expiration
b). Haldane effect
c). Chloride shift
d). Bohr effect
e). Root effect
17. What is the Q10 of an organism if its metabolic rate at 30 °C is 4 times its rate at 10 °C?
a). 2
b). 4
c). 3
d). 1
e). 5
18. Venous blood has a slightly higher haematocrit than arterial blood. This is directly due to
a). Hamburger shift
b). Haldane effect
c). Effect of Carbaminohaemoglobin
d). Vast quantities of CO2 which is dissolved in the blood plasma
e). Venous blood having more erythrocytes than arterial blood
Examine the diagram below and answer the questions (19 and 20) that follow
19. Oxygen poor blood circulates through
a). A
b). B
c). C
d). D
e). A, C and E
20. ‘’ D’’ shows the entry of the _______ into the______
a). Superior vena cava , left atrium
b). Interior vena cava, right atrium
c). Pulmonary arteries, left atrium
d). Pulmonary veins, left atrium
e). Coronary arteries, aorta