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Distribution Strategy: Channels, Logistics, Supply Chain

PUC Siem Reap Campus
Panññāsāstra University of Cambodia
Committed to Excellent
សីល សមាធិ បញ្ញា
Part 4
Present by:
#Group 4
SOTH Bun Heng
YIN Sreynuth
PEOU Kimhouy
Chapter 11# Deliver the Goods: Determines
Distribution Strategy
Lecturer : Keara PHANN
 Types of Distribution Channel and Wholesale Intermediaries
• Functions of Distribution Channels
• Wholesaling Intermediaries
 Develop a Channel Strategy
• Step 1: Develop distribution objectives
• Step 2: Evaluate Internal and External Environmental Influences
• Step 3: Choose a Distribute Strategy
• Step 4: Develop Distribution Tactics
Logistic and the Supply Chain
• Order Processing
• Warehousing
• Transportation
• Supply Chain
• Inventory Control
Chapter Objectives
• Explain what a distribution channel is,
identify types of wholesaling intermediaries,
and describe the different types of
distribution channels
• List and explain the steps to plan a
distribution channel strategy
• Discuss the concepts of logistics and supply
Types of Distribution
Channel and Wholesale
Distribution Channels
Functions of Distribution Channels:
• Channel provide the place, Time, and possession
utility. They make desired products, available when,
where, and in the sizes and quantities that
customer desire.
• Distribution Channels provide a number of logistics
or physical distribution functions that increase the
efficiency of the flow of goods from producers to
Distribution Channels
Function of
Distribution Channels
Channels of distribution is a series of firms or
individuals that facilitates the movement of a
product for the producer to the final customer.
Evolution of Distribution Functions
If intermediaries fail to provide
unique value, they are at risk of
- New technology can render
channel members obsolete
Online Distribution
• The Internet has changed
how channel members
coordinate supply chains
- Knowledge management
• Use of Internet as a
distribution channel not
without challenges
- Online distribution piracy
Wholesaling Intermediaries
Wholesaling Intermediaries are firm that handle the
flow of product from the manufacturers to the
retailer of business users.
Types of Intermediaries:
Types of Intermediaries in details:
2 Develop a Channel Strategy
Step 1: Develop
Distribution Objectives
• Objectives must support overall marketing goals
- How does distribution work with the other
marketing mix elements to increase sales,
profits, or market share?
- Specific objectives may depend on
characteristics of the product and market
. e.g., if the product is heavy, a key goal may be to
minimize shipping cost.
Step 2: Evaluate Internal and External
Environmental Influences
• What are relevant internal and external environmental
Marketers consider both the internal and external
environmental influences and how these factors can be
used or minimized to develop the best channel
• For example, is intensive, selective, or exclusive
distribution most appropriate?
Step 3: Choose a
Distribution Strategy
• There are two decision of distribution strategy:
- Decision 1: Conventional, Vertical, or Horizontal
Marketing System.
- Decision 2: Intensive, Exclusive, or Selective.
1. Conventional Marketing System
• Multilevel distribution channel in which members work
independently of another.
-Relationships limited to simply buying and selling from
each other. Each firm seeks to benefit, with little concern
for other channel members.
Common goals that conventional marketing channel
partners work toward are to:
 build demand (for the product or service)
 cut costs
 improve customer satisfaction
2. Vertical Marketing Systems (VMS)
• Refers to a channel of distribution in which there is formal
cooperation among members at the manufacturing, wholesaling,
and retailing levels.
• Three types of vertical marketing systems
- Administered VMS: One member of the channel is large and
powerful enough to coordinate the activities of the other
members without an ownership stake.
- Corporate VMS: A single firm owns manufacturing,
wholesaling, and retailing operations.
- Contractual VMS: would include a franchise relationship
between a franchise store and the corporate office or producer.
The producer likenesses a wholesaler to distribute its products.
3. Horizontal Marketing System
• Two or more firms at the same channel level agree
to work together to get their product to the
- Example: airline code sharing agreements
Intensive, Selective, and Exclusive Distribution
- Intensive distribution: Maximize coverage by
selling through as many outlets as possible.
- Exclusive distribution: Limit distribution to a single
outlet in a particular region
- Selective distribution: good market coverage,
increased control and reduced costs as compared
to intensive distribution.
Step 4: Develop
Distribution Tactics
• Distribution tactics relate to two aspects of strategy
implementation of two strategies:
1. Selecting channel partners
- Firms consider economic, competitive,
relationship, and sustainability factors
2. How to manage the channel
Logistic and the Supply Chain
Logistic manage the movement of products through a supply chain
Order Processing
Order Processing includes the series of activities that
occurs between the time an order comes into the
organization and the time a product goes out the
Warehouse storing goods in anticipation of safe or
transfer to another member of the channel distribution
Material Handling
Is the moving of products into,
within, and out of warehouse
The made by which products move among channel
Transportation modes differ along multiple dimensions,
- Dependability
- Cost
- Speed of delivery
- Accessibility
- Capability
- Traceability
Inventory Control
Activities to ensure that goods, are always available to
meet customer’s demand.
-Just in Time (JIT) delivery systems help ensure
deliveries arrive when they are actually needed
-New technologies like RFID ( Radio Frequency
Identification)also reduce costs
Supply Chain
Distribution Channel and
Wholesale Intermediaries
Develop a Channel Strategy
Logistic and the Supply
Functions of Distribution
Develop distribution
Wholesaling Intermediaries
Evaluate Internal and
External Environmental
Choose a Distribute
Material Handling
Order Processing
Develop Distribution Tactics Transportation
Inventory Control