Marketing Principles Study Guide Test 2 Chapters 9, 10, 11, 13 & 15 This guide is in approximate order of text and notes. Selected Specific Key Terms – some are only in “Things to Know” section, some are in both. Key Terms: Marketing Research Marketing Information System Decision Support System Experimental (Causal) Design Descriptive Design Primary Data Secondary Data Product + (line)+(mix) Unsought Products Convenience, Shopping, Specialty Goods Line Extension, Filling, Contraction Brand (ing) (name) (equity) (loyalty) Product Life Cycle Marketing (distribution) Channel Intensive, Selective, and Exclusive Distribution Exclusive Dealing Requirement Vertical Marketing System (VMS) Intermediary (Middleman) Retailing and Wholesaling Topics and packages of things to know with discussion possibilities in bold. Be able to name and explain the steps in the marketing research process. Be familiar with the types of products (matching) per convenience, shopping goods etc. Know the product life cycle per name and explain each stage. Know the new product development process per name and explain each step. Be familiar (matching) with characteristics that affect the rate of adoption of a new product and the categories of adopters. Distribution/marketing chan middlemen (intermediaries), intense vs. selective vs. exclusive distribution, exclusive dealing, vertical integration (vertical marketing systems) You should know and be able to explain the functions or activities performed by a middleman such as a retailer or wholesaler and apply them to a particular business like Kroger Grocery Store or Mississippi Wholesale Vegetable and Produce. If you eliminate the middleman what happens? What is the value of intermediaries? Per be able to name and explain the functions provided by intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers. Know types or classifications of retailers and wholesalers (matching)