HDFC Bank Disclosure Letter to Stock Exchanges

CIN: L65920MH1994PLC080618
HDFC Bank Limited,
Process House,
Kamala Mills Compound,
SenapatiBapat Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai- 400 013
Tel.: 022-2498 8484
Fax: 022-2496 5235
13thMay, 2016
BSE Limited
Dept of Corporate Services
PhirozeJeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Fort,
Mumbai 400 001
Fax No. 022-22722037 /39 /41
The National Stock Exchange of India Limited
The Listing Department
Exchange Plaza
BandraKurla Complex,
Mumbai 400 051
Fax No. 022-26598237 / 38/ 66418124/25/26
Dear Sir,
Re: Disclosure of information
As part of our practise for ensuring fair disclosure and dissemination of information relating to the
Bank, we wish to bring to your record the excerpts from an interview given by Mr.Parag Rao, Group
Head- Cards, Merchant Acquiring Services and Marketing to Business Standard.
The interview is available on the Bank’s website at the link:
This is for your information and record.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For HDFC Bank Limited
Sanjay Dongre
Executive Vice President (Legal) & Company Secretary