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Glacial Landforms Vocabulary

Glacial Landforms Vocab
glacier - An accumulation of ice large enough to flow under the force of its own weight.
cirque - A steep-walled bowl at the top of a valley cut by a valley glacier.
striation - Glacial striations result from glaciers dragging rocks across bedrock, cutting grooves
in the bedrock.
horn - A prominent topographic high left where 3 or more cirques meet. The Matterhorn is a
prime example.
arete - A knife edge topographic high left where 2 cirques meet.
fiord - A valley carved by a glacier that is now flooded by the sea. Norway is the archetypal
place to find fjords. British Columbia and Alaska are closer to home. Sometimes spelled Fjord or
glacial till - Material deposited directly by a glacier.
moraine - A landform of material deposited by a glacier. Moraines are made from glacial till.
Important types of moraines include lateral, medial, terminal, and ground moraines.
esker - A sinuous hill that is left behind after a glacier melts where a river was flowing on or in
the glacier. The sediments on the bottom of the river are deposited leaving a sinuous hill.
glacial outwash - Material washed out of the terminal moraine by water melting from the
erratic - a large boulder carried far from its source by a glacier.
kettle - A topographic depression caused by melting of a large chunk of ice that was broken off
a glacier and buried in outwash. The ice chunk melts, leaving a hole known as a kettle.