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Change Management & OD Question Bank

Question Bank
Unit 1: Change Management:
1. “Change is highly important to the success of an organization but
many people have the tendency overtly or covertly to resist it”
Explain this statement.
2. “People resist change for the sake of resistance” Comment.
3. Discuss the methods of overcoming resistance to organizational
4. Write short note on:
a) Visioning
b) Change Proneness
c) HRM and Culture of Change.
6 Discuss the change and its effects on the employees and the
7 Discuss how manager manages the change effectively.
8 What do you mean by change? Explain the types of change.
9 Discuss change management in detail.
10 Explain why people resist change? What are the various sources of
resistance to change in an organization? Explain it with examples.
11 How the resistance to change is minimized? What are the various
strategies adopted by the management to reduce resistance to change.
12 Why is participation considered such an effective technique for
lessening resistance to change?
13 “Resistance to change is an irrational response” Do you agree or
disagree? Explain.
14 What can organization do to reduce resistance to change?
15 Are all managers are change agent? Discuss.
16 What are the various forces responsible for change in an organization?
17 Write a note on Transactional and Transformational Change.
Unit 2: Organizational Change Models and its Process:
1. What are the various models of change Management ? Discuss
2. Discuss the system,s model of organizational change
3. Discuss various theories of Change Management i.e. Open system
model, Leavitt’s System Model, Burke Litwin Model of Change with
4. Explain Force field model of change management
5. Explain the process of managing change in an organization.
6. What do you mean by change? How to lead change in an organization
7. Discuss how the change can be facilitated in an organization.
8. Write short Note on:
(a) Change Process
(b) Leading the Change
(c) Facilitating the Change
Unit 3 Organizational Culture and Change:
1. Discuss how cultural change can be brought in an organization.
Explain with examples.
2. What do you understand by organization culture? Discuss the types of
3. Discuss the concept of OCTAPACE Culture.
4. “An healthy organization culture rests on eight values of
OCTAPACE” Discuss.
5. How do you design the strategy for cultural change in an
6. Explain the various strategies used for making an cultural changes in
an organization
7. How to make cultural changes in an organization? Explain.
8. Discuss the characteristics of good organization culture.
Unit 4: Organization Development
1. The focus of OD is on Organizations and making them functions
better, that is, on total system change’. Elaborate the comment.
2. What are the goals of an OD program?
3. Organizational Development is all about change. Explain how OD
practices help in bringing about change in the Organization.
4. Analyze the characteristics of organizational development as a means
of managing change in an organization
5. Write a short note on the history of organizational development.
6. Explain with a diagram Techno-structural approach and Human
proconsul approach to organizational development
7. What is OD? Explain the operational goals of OD with suitable
8. Explain the assumptions and values of organizational development.
9. How do you assess organizational development?
10.Explain the Humanistic, Optimistic and Democratic OD values.
11.What are the implication of OD values and Assumptions?
12.Explain the concepts and scope of organisation development in India.
13.Explain the merits and demerits of organizational development
14.Differentiate between Organization Development and Organization
15.Explain the role of consultant and client in Organization development.
Unit 5: OD Foundations and Action Research:
1. Discuss the foundations of OD. Also discuss various fields having
contribution in OD
2. Explain OD Models and theories of change with example.
3. Explain Lewins Force Field Theory of Organization Change and
4. What is Action Research? Explain action research process. How it
Supplements OD?
5. Explain in brief the organization development process.
6. Explain the interrelationship between action research and organization
7. What are Parallel Learning Structures
8. Explain Systems Theory
9. Explain the major issues that arise in the organization development
10.Explain Survey Feedback? Also discuss the importance of survey
feedback in OD.
11.“Survey feedback can be a problematic OD technique because it
permits people who are affected by organisational policies to generate
data that speaks against those policies.” Comment.
12.Explain Burke-Litwin Model of organizational change with example.
13.What is Sensitivity Training? State various advantages of Sensitivity
training and also mention its limitations.
14. Explain first order and second order change in tha foundations of OD.
Unit 6: OD Interventions
1. Explain comprehensive interventions.
2. List out the benefits of action research.
3. What are the different components involved in O.D?
4. Evaluate organizational development and organizational performance
5. Briefly explain the personal and group process interventions.
6. Explain the benefits of the employees when organization development
is implemented.
7. Briefly mention the objectives of OD. Describe how and when TGroup method can be used as an OD Intervention, citing an example.
8. Explain various types of OD Interventions with example.
9. Discuss the relevance of Quality of Work-Life and recent trends
affecting the quality of Work-Life of Employees.
10.What is OD Intervention? Discuss any two types of Intervention and
there significance to the organization.
11.Explain Process Consultation with example
12.What do you understand by team Interventions? Explain the various
types of Team Interventions with example.
13.Discuss Intergroup Interventions. What are the various steps involved
in intergroup interventions
14.Explain in brief various kinds of organization structure interventions.
15. Write a short note on:
i) Process Consultation
ii) Self Managed teams
iii) Choosing the depth of OD Interventions
iv) Third Party intergroup Intervention