or Exercises f Regular exercise prevents obesity and harmful weight gain. Being overweight puts more stress on veins and valves in our bodies. This forces our veins to work harder to keep blood flowing. Exercise promotes healthy veins by stimulating the flow of blood. st Ex erc ise s tha t inv olv e yo ur leg s ar e the mo scl es mu eff ec tiv e for ve in he alt h. Th ey str etc h yo ur he ar t. to ma ke blo od flo w up wa rd tow ar ds the the He re ar e top ex erc ise s to he lp yo u im pr ov e he alt h of yo ur ve ins . BUTT-KICK While standing in place, raise your heel to reach your buttocks. Try “kicking” your butt every few seconds while alternating between legs. Do this for 30 seconds to a minute a few times a day. LEG LIFTS Sit or lie on your back with your legs straight out. If you prefer to stay off the floor, sit in a chair with your feet flat. Slowly lift one leg and ho ld it in the air for at least fiv e seconds. Repeat the exercise with your other leg. SQUATS From a standing position, lower your body. Once you have reached a seated position, use your leg muscles to resume standing. If you have balance issues, you can do squats against a wall for added support. LUNGES Step forward with one foot until your leg reaches a 90degree angle. Then lift your front lunging leg to return to the starting position. Repeat in this position for more reps, or change legs between each rep. www.njvvc.com