Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Document title: CS & CRA Dead leg Management Procedure Document ID PR-2547 Document Type Procedure Security Restricted Discipline Material, Corrosion, and Integrity Owner Issue Date Version UEC 30/06/2024 1.0 Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 This page was intentionally left blank. Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 2 Revision: Effective: Petroleum Development Oman LLC i Document Authorisation Authorised for Issue Document Authorisation Document Owner Document Custodian Document Author (CFDH) NABHANI,TALAL UEC Mukhaini, Ali UEC5 Date : 30-07-2024 4:16 PM Date : 08-07-2024 8:25 AM Hubaishi, UEC57 Mohammed Date : 27-06-2024 1:58 PM Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 3 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 ii Revision History The following is a brief summary of the most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department. Version No. 1.0 Date 30/06/2 024 Author Mohammed, Al Hubaishi UEC57 Scope / Remarks Initial issue iii Related Business Documents Code Business (EPBM 4.0) iv Related Corporate Management System (CMS) Documents The related CMS Documents can be retrieved from the Corporate Management System Portal (CMS). Code CP-104 Doc title Maintenance & Integrity Management – Code of practice CP-208 Corrosion Management Code of Practice SP-2328 Static Equipment Integrity Management Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 4 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: Effective: TABLE OF CONTENTS i Document Authorisation ......................................................................................................... 3 ii Revision History ..................................................................................................................... 4 iii Related Business Documents ................................................................................................ 4 iv Related Corporate Management System (CMS) Documents ................................................ 4 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.2 Background ...................................................................................................................... 6 1.3 Objective .......................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Target Audience ............................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Review and Improvement ................................................................................................ 7 2 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3 Definition of dead legs ......................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Dead legs Management - Solutions ............................................................................... 11 3.1.1 Buried dead legs:.......................................................................................... 11 3.2 CS Dead legs Management – Procedure ...................................................................... 13 3.3 Risk assessment ............................................................................................................ 15 Appendix 1, dead leg examples .............................................................................................. 17 Appendix 2, Dead leg register ................................................................................................. 24 Appendix 3, Team members ................................................................................................... 26 Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 5 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 1 Introduction Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this PR is to provide the assets and the projects with a systematic and a riskbased approach to effectively manage CS & CRA dead leg internal corrosion. The aim of this PR is to eliminate and reduce the number of CS & CRA dead legs to the extent possible and to effectively manage the dead legs threat for those which cannot be eliminated. Background 1.2 For many years, PDO has been suffering from many leaks across its asset due to the aggressive internal corrosion in CS & CRA Dead legs. The leaks associated with this threat has recently increased as PDO asset aged and due to an increase in fluid corrosiveness. This has resulted in unnecessary shutdowns, major production deferment and exposing people and asset to toxic & dangerous environment. Several solutions were implemented to manage the internal corrosion in the CS & CRA dead legs. While some of these implemented solutions helped partially manage the internal corrosion in the dead legs, the leaks due to dead leg internal corrosion did not stop as all the solutions implemented has its own limitations. Increasing inspection intervals is one of the mitigations implemented by PDO to help manage the dead leg issue. However, Inspection is generally not a cost effective, long-term mitigation option for highly corrosive dead legs where high corrosion rate can result in inspection intervals that are too short to be practical or economical. Furthermore, the selection of the wrong inspection technique or inspection location and extent can easily render the inspection ineffective. This is especially critical where the dead leg is suffering from localized corrosion (i.e., pin holes) The key causes of corrosion in dead legs are: 12345- Microbial corrosion, Under deposit corrosion and Condensing CO2 corrosion Acidic Sour Water Corrosion A combination of the above The forms of corrosion in dead legs can be either a general corrosion or Localized corrosion. Appendix 1 provide typical example of dead legs in PDO. 1.3 Objective The objective of this PR is to set the minimum requirements for managing CS & CRA dead legs for the assets and the Projects. The PR has been developed based on a comprehensive review of: 1- Available practices, solutions, resources, and references from PDO Various disciplines 2- Available international codes and practices 3- Available practices and codes of other operators in the region and internationally The PR will clearly define: 1234- The scope of the PR The definition of dead leg The solutions The solutions implementation methodology Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 6 Petroleum Development Oman LLC 1.4 Revision: Effective: Target Audience All PDO users 1.5 Review and Improvement This Procedure will have a validity of three years from date of issue. The review authority will be within the head of inspection and integrity. Changes to this document shall only be accepted upon obtaining approval from the custodian (Head of Materials and Integrity). Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 7 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 2 Scope The scope of this PR is applicable to: 1- All dead legs in CS systems (piping, pipeline, equipment nozzles), where the dead legs are meeting all the criteria and definition in section 3. 2- All dead legs in CRA system (piping, pipeline, equipment nozzles), where the dead legs are meeting all the criteria and definition in section 3. a. This is only applicable to SS316L, DSS and Alloy 825 3- All asset (Operations) and all Projects (Design) 4- All instrumentation and small-bore piping This PR doesn’t cover the following: 1- CRA (Mainly SDSS & alloy 625) and GRE Dead leg a. Dead leg in GRE is not foreseen. b. CRA (Mainly SDSS & alloy 625) material should be resistance to corrosion in dead legs. However, in specific cases and under specific conditions/environment, there materials may suffer from corrosion at dead legs. For such cases, the material and corrosion engineer shall evaluate the risk of corrosion in dead leg. The control measure, if required, shall be indicated in the relevant asset/project documents (e.g., MSR, CMM…etc.) 2- Internally coated/lined dead leg (e.g., PCS-8, HDPE lined CS…etc.). 3- Anything not meeting the criteria or definition in section 3. 4- Mothballing of decommissioned equipment (Non-operational side) a. This is the part that is not continuously exposed to the process fluid (i.e., isolated). In such cases, the same shall follow the required preservation procedure. 5- Drain, vent, flare, and relief lines downstream of the “closed” valve. a. This is the part that is not continuously expose to the process fluid (i.e., Intermittent operation). b. It shall be designed as per SP-1126 requirements. 6- CS dead leg external corrosion 7- Drain/Vent Vertical upward liquid filled dead legs: a. if the vertical upward dead leg has a pocket or horizontal section where liquid can be stagnant then it shall be considered as dead leg and shall be follow this PR requirements. The below sketches give further clarification of what shall be considered as a dead leg in vertical upward liquid filled sections. b. In any new project vertical upward section shall be designed to avoid corrosion due to dead legs Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 8 Petroleum Development Oman LLC This configuration shall not be considered as a dead leg and shall not follow this procedure requirements Revision: Effective: The vertical upward line contains horizontal and vertical downward section before the blind flange. The same shall be considered as dead leg and shall follow the requirements of this procedure. 8- No buried dead legs are allowed therefore buried systems are not included. 9- Instrumentation tubing Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 9 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 3 Definition of dead legs The General definition of dead leg is: “A Components of a system that normally have little or no significant flow where it can trap fluids at stagnant conditions during normal operating condition”. Based on the review of resources and references available, it was obvious that there are many ways to define and categorise dead legs. To avoid confusion and to standardize our approach and for the purpose of this PR, Dead legs will be divided into two main categories: I. II. Permanent/Physical (design) dead legs: Areas subject to long term stagnation which have been built into the plant or have arisen from modifications over the course of the life of the facility. Operation dead legs: Location or sections of the plant that are stagnant due to temporary changes, repairs, or other operational reasons. Regardless of the classification, the issue remains the same across all type of dead legs. Typical Dead legs examples are in Appendix 1 A section of the facility shall be considered as a dead leg and shall follow this PR requirements if all the following criteria are met: a) The material of construction is Bare CS, SS316L, DSS or Alloy 825 b) The fluid or the internal environment within the section is corrosive (e.g., containing H2S, CO2, O2, Sand, acids, presence of bacteria, corrosive chemicals…etc.) c) The section contains fluids that are at stagnant condition or with No significant flow. d) A section that operates intermittently (At a continuous stagnant condition for > 3 month) • For the advance/early tie-in sections that meet all the dead leg criteria, an inspection shall be done Annually. Other dead leg solutions shall not be implemented unless the tie-in scope will remain in stagnant conditions for more than 2 years. e) Not self-draining f) When the length is longer than 3 X pipe OD or 1.2 meter whichever is lesser (applicable only to horizontal and downward vertical section) • The length of the dead-leg is the distance measured from the outside diameter of the header (or run) to the near end of the section containing the stagnant fluids. g) When the gas operating temperature is below the water dew point temperature • This is mainly applicable to gas vent, drain and relief section connected to a gas main line/equipment. The gas at the main line/equipment usually operates at temperature above its water dew point but at the vent/drain/relief lines, the gas temperature at the farthest point may drop below the water dew point temperature causing condensation and water accumulation at the horizontal section of the vent/drain/relief line. This is especially of a concern when vent/drain/relief line are having the following conditions: - The length of the vent/drain/relief line up to the first valve is sufficient to allow for the temperature of the gas to drop below its water dew point temperature. - The vent/drain/relief line up to the first valve is not insulated/heat traced. - The vent/drain/relief line has horizontal section or a pocket with no slope or free draining and where liquid can accumulate. Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 10 Petroleum Development Oman LLC - 3.1 Revision: Effective: (Refer to the last example in appendix 1) This is only a concern with water condensation and not with HC condensation. Dead legs Management - Solutions Based on the review completed on the available resources and references, it was obvious that the solutions available to manage dead legs are limited and common for both the assets and the projects. The different solutions identified can be classified into three groups. 1- Solutions that can Eliminate Dead legs issues: a. Eliminate/remove dead leg from the system. b. Redesign (changing orientation, reducing length…etc.) c. Material upgrade (including internal coating) 2- Solutions that can Mitigate/control Dead legs issues. a. Chemical injection (inhibitor and biocide) b. Flushing & Draining c. Insulation/heat tracing (applicable to gas system) 3- Solution to monitor dead legs: a. Inspect and replace (reduced inspection interval) Some of the solutions above will need to be combined with other solution to ensure its effectiveness. For example, injecting corrosion inhibition shall be combined with inspection…etc. The solution implementation will differ if the dead leg is in an asset (operation) or in a project as some solutions can be easily implemented at the project phase but not at operation phase. Dead legs identified as with a high and medium risk shall be 1- Prioritize first 2- Solutions that can eliminate dead legs, shall be implemented first. (Refer to a solution prioritization tree below) The following guidelines shall be considered when using the solution prioritization tree below: 1- For High-Risk dead leg, the asset/project shall implement Priority No.1 Solutions first. Only if there are solid justifications, Priority No.2 solutions can be implemented, and the same process shall be followed for the rest of the solutions. The justifications for going to solutions other than priority No.1 shall be documented in the risk register and shall be accepted and approved by Material & Corrosion TA2 2- For Medium-Risk dead leg, the asset/project shall implement Priority No.1 Solution first. Only if there are solid justifications, Priority No.2 solution can be implemented. The same process shall be followed for the rest of the solutions. The justifications for going to solutions other than priority No.1 shall be documented in the risk register, but Material & Corrosion TA2 approval is not required. 3- For low-risk dead legs, normal PDO dead leg inspection strategy (Priority 5 solution in the solution prioritization tree below) shall be implemented in line with SP-2328 requirements. 3.1.1 Buried dead legs: Dead leg in buried system shall be avoided and shall not be allowed. However, and only at extreme cases, if dead leg in buried system exists, then it shall follow either solution Priority 1 ,2 or 3 only. Other solution priority for buried dead leg are not allowed. Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 11 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 High/Medium Risk Dead legs Priority 1 Eliminate/rem ove dead leg from the system 1- Remove unnecessary dead legs or low points that are not required for operation and that have no chance of being utilized in the future 2- Pipe running on pipe ways, racks or trenches for supporting purposes shall be removed 3- Answering the following question may help determine if dead leg is required or not: a. What is the purpose of the dead leg? b. Is it required for operation? How frequently is it used or how frequent it will be used? c. What benefit does it provide? d. Is there an alternative piping system or configuration, which may be used in place of the dead leg? Priority 2 Re-design dead legs 1- Re-design of dead legs to eliminate or minimize the conditions that lead to corrosion, fo r example: a. Shortening the length of dead leg to be less than the length criteria b. Add a block valve in close proximity to the main piping system to isolate the dead legs from the corrosive fluids. The remining length of the dead leg section upstream of the block valve shall be less than the dead leg length criteria c. change the orientation of the dead leg (e.g. for liquid filled dead leg make it vertical upward) Priority 3 Material upgrade 1- Material Engineer shall advise the material selection 2- Internal coating/lining shall be considered. The maintenance and design life of the coating shall be considered when selecting this option 3- Insulating kit might be required wherever CRA is used 4- Th e Nozzles and dead legs connected to the Nozzles of the Vessel, tank, heat exchanger or any equipment shall follow the material of the equipment or it shall be of a higher material grade. This is applicable to instrumentations tubes, taps, connections and nozzles 5- Material Upgrade shall include all items exposed to the stagnant fluid including valves, b lind flanges, spectacle blinds...etc. Priority 4 Priority 4 Priority 4 Chem ical injection Flushing & Draining Insulation/heat tracing 1- The dead leg shall be design with injection point or injection system 2- Th e dead leg shall be design with drain system to remove the stagnant liquid before chemical injection 3- A design that prevent shutting down the facility to carry out chemical injection is recommended . 3- Th e corrosion control engineer sh all advise type of the chemicals and injection rate 4- Th e chemical injected shall not become corrosive when accumulated and when at stagnant condition 5- It is recommended to inject both inhibition and biocide 6- Th e frequency of injection shall be advised by corrosion control engineer 7- The dead leg shall be registered in CIMS and shall follow PDO dead leg inspection strategy 1- The Dead leg shall be designed to accommodate flushing, preferably without the requirements of shutdown 2- Flushing shall be done on monthly basis for high risk dead leg and every quarter for medium risk dead legs 3- Flushing velocity shall be minimum 1.5-2 m/s or higher to ensure removal of deposits from the dead leg 4- Th e dead leg shall be registered in CIMS and it shall follow PDO dead leg inspection strategy 5- Th e flushing frequency can be optimized based on the inspection result and resultant corrosion rate 6- Automatic self flushing is should be considered 1- Th is is mainly applicable to gas System vent and relief section connected to gas main line operating at temperature above its water dew points and where the temperature of the gas at the vent or relief line drop below its water dew p oint temperature leading to water con densation and accumulation at dead legs 2- Th e dead leg shall be registered in CIMS and it shall follow PDO dead leg inspection strategy Priority 5 Inspect and replace 1- Th is is PDO current dead leg inspection strategy (inspect every 3 years) as per SP -2328. 2- Th is shall not be considered as a mitigation or control measure. It helps determine metal loss and predict remaining life in which replacement/repair can be then planned before leak. 3- This shall be considered for the dead leg with remaining life > 3 years 4- Dead leg with remaining life < 3 years shall not be considered for this solution and more robust solution shall be implemented 5- The dead leg shall be registered in CIMS 6- Th e Inspection technique shall be identified for each dead leg and shall be clearly mentioned in the dead leg register. a- Th e inspection technique shall b e recommended/reviewed by the integrity Engineer and NDE specialist b- GA drawing, Isometric, actual photo of the dead leg, the dead leg configuration from 3D module shall be provided to the Integrity Engineer and NDE specialist Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 12 Petroleum Development Oman LLC 3.2 Revision: Effective: CS Dead legs Management – Procedure Two structured procedures are shown below indicating different steps that shall be followed by the project or asset to manage CS dead legs. For all Projects, the full steps of the dead leg management exercise including (risk assessment) shall be considered in the project Schedule and CTD. It is also recommended that for brown field the below steps should start from BFD stage and for green field the same can start from the define stage. Project Start Step 1 Identify CS systems/sections/loops that are susceptible to corrosion due to CS dead legs Responsible: Material Engineer Instructions: 1- Any Systems not meeting the below two conditions shall not be considered: a. Only CS/SS316L/DSS/Alloy 825 system/section/loop to be included (including inhibited lines and dry gas system) b. The process fluid shall be corrosive to the specified material at the dead legs 2- Internally coated or lined CS is excluded 3- A dead leg management section in MSR shall be added and making reference to this PR Step 2 During Model review, identify dead legs and update the dead leg register Responsible: Material engineer, Process engineer & Piping engineer Instructions: 1- Prior to the Module review, a pre identification of the dead legs in the PEFS for the susceptible corrosion loops (identified in step 1) shall be carried out by the 3D module design team. 2- Dead leg identification during module review shall not rely only on the pre-identified dead leg in the PEFS, however the full susceptible corrosion loop shall be reviewed thoroughly for all dead legs that otherwise not identified/captured in the PEFS 3- During the identification of the dead legs in the module review, all the identified dead legs shall be verified to ensure it is meeting the below two criteria: a. Meeting the length criteria b. For Dry gas system, verify if the temperature can drop below the dew point at the farthest point from the main line. The piping engineer shall provide the length of the vent/ drain/relief line from the main line up to the first valve and the Process engineer shall calculate the water dew point temperature of the gas at the discharge line and shall confirm if the temperature of the gas at the farthest point will drop below the water dew point temperature or not. 4- For small scale project or FCP, where 3D module is not used then the dead leg verification shall be conducted on 2D piping GAD desktop review Step 4 Conduct risk assessment workshop to Rank the identified dead legs and identify the solutions Responsible: Material engineer Instructions: 1- Process, piping/static & TSE shall attend the workshop 2- Refer to Risk assessment Guideline in section 3.3 of this PR 3- Refer to Solution assignment guideline in section 3.1 of this PR Step 5 Implement the agreed solution and update the dead leg register Responsible: Material engineer Instructions: 1- Once all Solutions are implemented and agreed, the risk register shall be updated (final version) 2- Dead legs that need to be inspected shall be shared with M&I team to be captured in CIMS as dead leg. This include dead legs with combined solution where the inspection is part of the solution. 3- Dead legs that need to be flushed or drained shall be captured in the POM and a Maintenance plan shall be created in SAP for each dead leg requiring flushing or draining with the agreed frequency as identified in the dead leg register. 4- If a modification is required as part of the identified solution then it shall follow PMOC process 5- If other modifications (not related to dead leg solutions) has resulted in additional dead legs then the above steps shall be followed and the register shall be updated Finish Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 13 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Operation Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 Start Step 1 Identify CS systems/sections/loops that are susceptible to corrosion due to CS dead legs Responsible: Corrosion Control Engineer Instructions: 1- Both on plot and off plot corrosion loops shall be considered 1- Any Systems not meeting the below two conditions shall not be considered: a. Only CS/SS316L/DSS/Alloy 825 system/section/loop to be included (including inhibited lines and dry gas system) b. The process fluid shall be corrosive to the specified material at the dead legs 3- Internally coated or lined CS is excluded Step 2 Identify and Mark dead legs in the Isometrics for the identified systems in step 1 Responsible: Static Integrity & Pipeline Integrity Engineer Instructions: 1- Dead leg in piping, pipeline and equipment shall be considered 2- Process engineer to help confirm if the identified dead legs are: a. At stagnant conditions or operation frequency is > 3 months b. Not self draining 3- The identified dead leg length to be confirmed in step 3 Step 3 Carry out site survey to Verify identified dead legs in step 2 and update the dead leg register Responsible: Operation team Instructions: 1- The main verification at this stage is to confirm if the dead legs identified in step 2 are; a. meeting the length criteria b. For Dry gas system, verify if the temperature can drop below the water dew point at farthest point from the main line 2- A training shall be provided to the surveyor 3- Refer to appendix 3 for the dead leg register Step 4 Conduct risk assessment workshop to Rank the identified dead legs and identify the solutions Responsible: Static and Pipeline integrity engineer Instructions: 1- Process, operation, TSE, corrosion control, Material shall attend the workshop 2- Refer to Risk assessment Guideline in section 3.3 of this PR 3- Solution assignment shall follow section 3.1 Step 5 Implement the agreed solution and update the dead leg register Responsible: Static support OXO61 Instructions: 1- Once all Solutions are implemented and agreed, the risk register shall be updated 2- Risk register shall be kept as live document and it shall be updated continuously 3- Dead legs that need to be inspected shall be shared with Inspection team to be captured in CIMS as a dead leg. This include dead legs with combined solution where the inspection is part of the solution. 4-Maintenance plan shall be created in SAP for each dead leg requiring flushing or draining with agreed frequency identified in the dead leg register. 5- If asset modifications occurred in future and new dead legs were created the above steps shall be repeated for the new dead legs Finish Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 14 Revision: Effective: Petroleum Development Oman LLC Risk assessment 3.3 Risk assessment shall be conducted to identify the risk ranking of the identified dead leg. The risk assessment will follow the guidelines given in shell MEC_RP_04-04.2_V1 with slight modification to meet PDO requirements. Likelihood PCRD minus DCR = >0.5 mm/y Community PCRD minus DCR = 0.25 0.5 mm/y Environmental PCRD minus DCR = 0.13 0.25 mm/y Asset 0 Consequences Health & Safety Consequence Severity The Risk assessment matrix is shown below: PCRD minus DCR < 0.13 mm/y No injury or health effect No damage No effect No effect L L L L Slight injury or health effect Minor injury or health effect Major injury or health effect <100k USD Slight effect Slight effect L L M M 100 -1M USD Minor effect Minor effect L M M H 1M – 10M USD Moderate effect Moderate effect M M H H 4 PTD or up to 3 fatalities 10 100M USD Major effect Major effect M H H H 5 More than 3 fatalities >100M USD Massive effect Massive effect M H H H 1 2 3 Notes: 1- PCRD: Potential corrosion rate of dead leg 2- DCR: Design corrosion rate (unmitigated) of the main piping, pipeline, or equipment (i.e., Hydrocor CR) 3- Other operational scenarios (e.g., high pressure, high temp, toxicity…etc.) shall be considered during risk ranking assessment. The PCRD shall be specified by the material and corrosion engineer it can be obtained from 1- Hydrocor simulation (creating a case with low water flow while keeping the other parameters in the system as it is ) Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 15 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 2- Historical Corrosion rate in dead legs at the same asset Using the historical corrosion rate obtained from actual inspection of dead legs or reported leaks are the most recommended way to obtain the PCRD. Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 16 Revision: Effective: Petroleum Development Oman LLC Appendix 1, dead leg examples Dead legs examples include, but not limited to, 1- Blanked (blinded) branches, 2- Lines with normally closed block valves, 3- Lines with one end blanked (blinded), 4- Pressurized dummy support legs, 5- Stagnant control valve bypass piping, 6- Spare pump piping, 7- Level bridles, 8- Pressure relieving device inlet and outlet header piping, 9- Pump trim bypass lines, 10- High-point vents, 11- Sample points, 12- Drains, 13- Bleeders, 14- Instrument connections and tapping. 15- Piping that is no longer in use but still connected to the process (Not isolated) Examples from PDO assets are shown in the table below: Example Description Vessel Nozzle connected to NC valves drain lines Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 17 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 1-Vessle vacuum truck connection (right piping) 2-Vessel level Gauge connection (76-LG-601B) Vertical line connected to NC valve but with Horizontal section Such case might be applicable to gas line where condensation can occur and accumulate in the horizontal section Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 18 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: Effective: Pipe with blind flange Horizontal dead leg (spool with blind flange) Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 19 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 Vertical downward blind flanged dead leg A section of pipeline with blind end Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 20 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: Effective: Vertical downward pipe section connected to NC valve Instrument connections/t ap piping. Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 21 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision:1.0 Effective:30/06/2024 Typical dead legs in pipeline receiver/laun cher lines Bypass line Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 22 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: Effective: This is an example of drain line connected to main gas line where the temperature of the gas dropped below its dew point (53 degC) Causing condensation and accumulation of sour water at the horizontal section which had eventually led to a pin hole leak Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 23 Appendix 2, Dead leg register CS dead leg register shall follow below formatting. Asset/project team may develop their own dead leg register format, but it shall contain the below minimum requirements. Asset/Project name: CS Dead Leg Register No. PEFS/ISO No. Parent system TAG number Service Dead leg Classification Orientation Length diameters description Risk Ranking Solution Identified Solution identified remark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Definitions: 123456- PEFS/ISO No: It is the number of the PEFS or Isometric drawing containing the dead leg. Parent system Tag number: It is the number of the system (piping, pipeline, or equipment) containing the dead leg. Service: It is the type of fluids overseen by the parent system (i.e., Multiphase, gas, oil, water…etc.) Dead leg classification: Permanent/Physical (design) or operation dead legs Orientation: Horizontal, vertical downward. Vertical upward with horizontal section…etc. Length: It is the length of the dead leg section Action Owner Due date Solution implementation status Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: Effective: 7- Diameters: The ID of the dead leg 8- Description: Dead leg description to give clear understanding of the dead leg configuration such as: off take line from main line to drain valve or vacuum truck connection or instrument connection or blinded section …. etc. 9- Risk ranking: High, medium, or low based on risk assessment as per section 3.3 10- Solution identified: it is the solution agreed as per section 3.1. 11- Solution identified requirements: any requirements applicable to the identified solution (e.g., flushing frequency, chemicals dosage rate, inspection frequency…etc.) 12- Solution implementation status: The status of the solution implementation Printed 05/08/2024 Procedure Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Page 25 Appendix 3, Team members The below individuals were part of the creation of this dead leg procedure: Team Name & ref. indicator South Static support Hakmani, Mohamed OSO61 North Static support Saifi, Ahmed ONO61QAS Gas Static support GB Static support Suleiman, Barwani GGO61 Martinez Blanchard, Oscar GGO61 Hosni, Mazin OSGO61 Shahid, Adnan OSO7T Operation team (Amal) Rajula, Gangadher OSO222T Fazari, Mohamed OSOT1 Mechanical Static/Piping Abri, Muhanna UEMS9 Sankaranarayanan, Ramalingam UEP1 Process Al Lamki, Said OSO23N Gustaman, Frieza OSO23 Al Hosni, Hamad OSO23T Material, corrosion, and Integrity Al Khouly, Shadha UEC411S Kharusi, Amjad UEFM14