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Persuasive Argument Outline: School Uniforms

Persuasive Argument Outline
Opening strategy: “No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce,
but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build
confidence in the creative spirit.”
― Ansel Adams
Thesis Statement:” Without self-expression, are we still ourselves? If a child does not have the freedom
to explore their individuality, who do they then become? Is this really the vision we have for our future;
for our children to become part of the pleaded skirt, khaki pants marching masses?” This is the way I
used to think, before I started researching for this paper.
1. Uniforms can take financial burden off of parents
a. Uniforms can be recycled and passed on to another family
2. Create a sense of community and pride among students
a. Students can better see similarities in each other
3. Decrease violence and drop outs
a. Children feel less out of place
4. Raise test scores and attendance
a. Students are better able to focus on their studies
All of which are cited in Messitt, Maggie. "Buttoned Down: Are School Uniform Policies A Perfect Fit For
All Students?." Teaching Tolerance 52.43 (2013): 56-57. ERIC. Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
Why uniforms might be bad
1. Legal cases might result over a first amendment right to expression
a. McDaniel, Thomas R.1. "Making The School Uniform Decision: Is It Right For Your
School?." Kappa Delta Pi Record 49.4 (2013): 162-167. Education Full Text (H.W.
Wilson). Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
2. Some studies have found little to no difference in schools with uniforms to those without
a. Rice, Alexandra. "Dressed For Success? The Effect Of School Uniforms On Student
Achievement And Behavior." Education Week 31.2 (2011): 4. Education Full Text (H.W.
Wilson). Web. 9 Apr. 2014.
While there are many arguments to this topic, the only opinions that matter are those of who are
personally effected by uniforms; the parents that buy them, students that wear them, and teachers that
experience the environment first hand. All of the studies report positive experiences and outcomes.