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Blooms Questions- PDF

NorKam Physical Education Bloom's Taxonomy
Recall facts without understanding.
Exhibits previously learned material
by recalling facts, terms, basic
concepts and answers.
To show understanding; finding
information from the text or what
was said. Demonstrating basic
understanding of facts and ideas.
To use in a new situation. Solving
problems by applying acquired
knowledge, facts, techniques and
rules in a different way.
To examine in detail. Examining
and breaking information into parts
by identifying motives or causes;
making inferences and finding
evidence to support generalizations.
To change or create into something To justify. Presenting and defending
new. Compiling information
opinions by making judgements
together in a different way by
about information, validity of ideas
combining elements in a new pattern or quality of work based on a set of
or proposing alternative solutions.
-Make a list of foods containing
-Participate in a variety of muscular
development activities. Identify
which training method was used in
each (plyometrics, isometrics,
weight training, resistance training,
aerobic training)
-Make a timeline of activities you
did last week.
-Match your partner’s duration for
jumping rope.
-Make a facts chart of different types
of bones.
-Participate in four different
activities. Identify the activities that
were aerobic and the ones that were
-Write a list of any recreational
spaces you can remember in your
-Select warm-up exercises that are
appropriate for the day’s activity.
-Make a chart showing different
respiratory rates of your classmates.
-Make an acrostic of terms related to
-Have students perform 5 different
activities. On a 3 x 5 card have them
match activities to fitness
components by drawing a line from
one to the other.
-Can you identify the boundary lines
in the gym?
-Will you list the rules for this game
on the chalk board?
-Can you recall any new vocabulary
from yesterday's lesson?
-What are the parts of the racquet?
-A 'try' is worth how many points?
-After participating in a circuit of
activities, distinguish the ones that
strengthen arms by repeating them.
-Copy pictures that show healthy and
weak bone.
-Describe what you think the main
idea was in relating stress
management to meditation.
-Distinguish different intensity levels
of running by demonstrating them.
-Make a cartoon strip showing feats
of strength.
-Play act a scene on how friends can
positively and negatively influence
each other.
-Retell, in your words, how
respiration and circulation work
-Draw a picture of your family doing
your favorite activity together.
-Perform examples of fast twitch and
slow twitch movements.
-Write a summary report of activities
appropriate for older adults.
-Prepare a flow chart to illustrate the
sequence of events leading to stroke.
-Estimate respiratory rate for several
different activities. Carry out those
activities, chart respiratory rate and
compare to resting respiratory rate.
-Given three different games, predict
the activity that will raise heart rate
the highest. Play the games and
check heart rate.
-Compare the actual heart rate in
several different activities to the
predicted heart rate.
-Can you convert your six second
heart rate count into beats/minute?
-Why will that strategy work?
-Show the difference between static
and dynamic stretching by
performing two of each type of
-Demonstrate how to overload
several different muscle groups
without weight equipment.
-Color in the muscles on a chart that
are being strengthened by the leg
-Complete weekly exercise goals.
-Show strength building activities
for muscular strength and muscular
-Classify water soluble and fat
soluble vitamins.
-Suggest a change in a game that
will increase heart rate.
-Demonstrate activities for each of
the fitness components.
-Predict which activities will
improve core strength.
-Examine a market strategy for a
weight loss or fitness product you’ve
seen advertised.
-Write a pamphlet about relaxation.
-How might you apply concepts you
used today into real life situations?
-Can you help modify this game for
a student who is in a wheelchair?
-How could we change this activity
so that we will be reaching our target
heart rate?
-You used a number of strategies in
order to get your teammates free in
this game... how can you apply these
same strategies to another activity?
-We just performed a soccer; how
can we apply this same drill in order
to improve a given skill elsewhere?
-Design a questionnaire to gather
information about people’s attitude
toward exercise.
-After participating 6 different
activities over 6 classes, categorize
which ones are lifetime activities.
-As students participate in a training
circuit they identify where they
worked on speed, agility, power,
coordination and balance.
-Conduct an investigation to produce
information to support your view on
steroids in sports.
-Make a chart to show the critical
stages of increased body fat.
-Compare and demonstrate the
movements for 4 sets of antagonistic
-Construct a graph to illustrate the
changes in heart rate during a
-Relate a variety of activities to their
benefits by participating in them and
then submitting a “report card” on
-Write a biography of an older
family member who stays fit.
-Prepare a report about a recent
fitness craze.
-Design your own home gym.
Include plans for all the components
of fitness.
-Review an exercise video in terms
of fitness components, safety and
-Con you break down the movement
sequence into its main components?
-Can you compare and contrast two
-Can you analyze the strategies?
-Devise and demonstrate a way to
increase resistance for a variety of
different muscular development
-Invent a machine to improve a
specific area of fitness.
-Construct a personal fitness plan in
which you will engage in lifetime
activities designed to improve your
-Plan and perform a series of weight
bearing exercises for arms, back and
-Design a meal plan for yourself for
the week that excludes junk food.
-Create a new fitness product. Give
it a name and plan a marketing
-Write about your feelings in relation
to how you deal with peer pressure.
-Design a magazine cover for “Kid’s
Fitness Magazine”
-Make up a new interactive fitness
web site.
-Use imaging during meditation that
helps you relax.
-Devise a way to lower the costs of
healthy food.
-Propose a way to include
opportunities for students in our
school to have more physical activity
during the school day.
-Can your team plan an activity that
will teach the kindergarten class ?
-Can we modify this game so that
second graders can play as well?
-Generate some strategies that will
help your group complete the task.
Then choose one that you think will
work best.
-Prepare a list of criteria to judge an
exercise facility. Indicate priority
and ratings. Create a web site for
kids evaluating local gyms and how
good they are for kids.
-Work in groups to devise a core
exercise routine. Evaluate the
routines of the other groups.
-Make a booklet about 5 water safety
rules you see as most critical to
-Form a panel to discuss views, e.g.
"Community Planning for Promoting
Physical Activity."
-Rate intensity levels as you perform
a variety of cardio activities.
-Prioritize your daily obligations
according to those that are most
beneficial to you.
-Prepare a case to present your view
about food labeling on organic,
locally grown products.
-Recommend exercise program
changes for a person as they go from
teens, 20’s, 40’s and 60’s.
-Determine an exercise plan that
works for your interests and life.
-Explain your group's choice to use
the aerobic steps instead of another
piece of equipment for your fitness
-Can you support your decision to
choose that game strategy over
-How do you think today's lesson
concepts may relate to your life?