Uploaded by Alfred Hernandez

Human Geography Matching Worksheet

“Who’s Who!” and “What’s What!” in Human Geography
Matching: Match the geographer with the contribution he is known for.
_____ 1. Carl Sauer
A. Central Place theory
_____ 2. Johann Von Thünen
B. Multiple Nuclei model of city structure
_____ 3. Walter Christaller
C. Rimland theory
_____ 4. Homer Hoyt
D. Least cost theory of industrial location
_____ 5. Ernst Burgess
E. Cultural landscape
_____ 6. Harris and Ullman
F. Concentric zone model of city structure
_____ 7. Halford Mackinder
G. Agricultural land use model
_____ 8. Nicholas Spykman
H. Sector zone model of city structure
_____ 9. Alfred Weber
I. Stages of economic growth/development
_____10. W.W. Rostow
J. Heartland theory
Matching: Match the theory/model with the phrase associated with it.
_____ 1. Central Place theory
A. “Look for minimum transportation costs.”
_____ 2. Concentric zone model
B. Is used to resolve boundary conflicts.
_____ 3. Sector model
_____ 4. Multiple Nuclei model
C. Control of either part of the “World Island” leads to world
D. “Export raw materials and import manufactured goods.”
_____ 5. Core-Periphery
E. Spreads from CBD, but housing/roads determine the shape.
_____ 6. Demographic Transition model
_____ 7. Mercantilism/dependency theory
F. Europe and North America are dominant, but it may exist,
too, within a region.
G. Explains the spatial distribution of cities.
_____ 8. Gravity model
H. Spreads from CBD; land cost (bid rent) decreases outward.
_____ 9. Heartland and Rimland theories
I. Nodes of different development attract different activities.
_____ 10. Median-line principle
J. Involves birth/death rates and various “revolutions.”
_____ 11. Least Cost theory
K. Involve push/pull factors.
_____ 12. Migration theories
L. Distance affects interaction; determines range.