Object of Expenditure Account Code Budget Year Expenditure (Proposed) Expected Results (Desired Objective) Performance Indicators (means of measurement) Part I. Receipts Program Ten percent (10%) of the general fund of the barangay 186,355.60 Remaining balance 2020 108,469.70 TOTAL ESTIMATED FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION 294,825.30 Part II. Expenditure Program GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMS: CURRENT OPERATING EXPENDITURES Maintenance and other Operating Expenses (MOOE) Travel Expenses Training Expenses Office Supplies Expenses AID TO PPSK 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 Fidelity bond 5, 000.00 TOTAL MOOE 55,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM SK YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EMPOWERMENT PROGRAMS 55,000.00 A. Equitable access to quality education TOTAL 2,000.00 Indigent students in need of provided with school supply to augment schooling expenses 2,000.00 OSY provided with orientation on the ALS program 4,000.00 No. of indigent students provided with school supply No. of OSY oriented Budget Year Expenditure (Proposed) Expected Results (Desired Objective) TOTAL 2,000.00 2,000.00 TOTAL 30,000 30,000 Tree planting activity conducted in MENRO identified location 0 COVID 19 Cases No.of activity conducted and No. of youth participants. Barangay Youth provides of materials and supplies for protection against infectious disease (COVID 19) Account Code Object of Expenditure Performance Indicators (means of measurement) B. Environmental Protection MOOE C. Climate change adaption, Disaster risk Reduction and resiliency Supplies & Materials TOTAL D. Youth employment and livelihood MOOE TOTAL 2,000.00 2,000.00 Unemployed OSY provided with livelihood training. No. of unemployed OSY provided with livelihood training. E. Health and anti-drug abuse MOOE Materials Foods 2,000.00 2,000.00 Massive IEC on anti-illegal drugs with the use of either paper and print media social and voice media conducted No. of IEC Conducted. Barangay Youth sensitized on GAD concept and issues No. of youth sensitized. 2,000.00 TOTAL F. Gender sensitivity MOOE Supplies and Materials TOTAL 2,000.00 2,000.00 Object of Expenditure Budget Year Expenditure (Proposed) Account Code G. Sports development 1.) Provision of "I love cubi" Playground standee 2.) conduct sports competition 3.)Provision for the request of digital scoreboard 4.)Provision on Brgy. Tanod Outpost 50,000.00 28,825.30 40,000.00 45,000.00 TOTAL H. Capability Building MOOE TOTAL Expected Results (Desired Objective) Performance Indicators (means of measurement) Enhance sports abilities of youth and improve camaraderie No. Of participants acquired sports equipment’s SK Officials provided with training on arliamentary procedure, planning, budgeting and disbursement, leadership training and team building No. of training activities conducted KK Assembly conducted as per mandate by law No. of conducted 163,825.30 30,000.00 30,000.00 I. Lingo ng Kabataan MOOE TOTAL 10,000.00 10,000.00 Total for Youth Development and Empowerment Programs 294,825.30 TOTAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM 294,825.30 ENDING BALANCE 0