OB Exam 1 notes CNM o Can independently care for low risk patients o Prenatal and post-natal care o Does not need to consult with physician but should have one available in the case that they need one Doula o NO MEDICAL TRAINING OR CERTIFICATION o Do not release any patient info to doula Hospital admission o Vaginal birth-48 hours o C-section- 96 hours Prenatal care o Number one reason for lack of care are financial barriers o Offered to lessen anxiety o Lamaze breathing o Hypnobirthing Infertility o Primary- cannot conceive first child o Secondary- cannot conceive second or third child o Men are 40% of the reason for infertility Semen analysis o Do not ejaculate for 1-2 days prior to obtaining specimen o Easier to test men than women, less invasive Estrogen o Cause for hyperpigmentation Linea nigra, chloasma o Can cause stuffy nose, epistaxis and nasal congestion o Encourage humidifiers o Highest levels before ovulation o Prepares breasts for lactation Progesterone o Peaks during secretory phase o Causes relaxation throughout the body Can increase risk of UTI and yeast infections Inhibits uterine contractions o Decreases GI motility and slows digestion Encourage fluids, mobility, fiber miralax may be used as last resort Monitor for hemorrhoids Sitz bath o Pregnancy hormone o Necessary for maintaining pregnancy o Raises basal metabolic rate o Causes the cervix to secrete thick mucus to create mucous plug o Plays a role in endometrial proliferation o Decreased blood pressure HCG o Hormone looked for on pregnancy test o Highest during secretory phase o Keeps corpus luteum open o Causes N/V, hemmroids, relux and heartburn Avoid straining Antacids can be taken but limited amount Encourage small frequent meals o HPL (human placental lactogen) o Insulin antagonist o Mother becomes resistant to her own insulin o Test for gestational diabetes Page 1 of 7 Relaxin o Causes relaxation of tendons, ligaments and joints of pelvis o Caution exercising/lifting --- get out of car slowly Ovulation o Basal body temp should be raised 0.5-1.0 degrees Fahrenheit o Thin, clear and watery cervical mucous to increase sperm mobility o Mittleshmerz Degeneration of corpus luteum o Occurs during the ischemic phase (days 27/28) o Hcg will keep corpus luteum open if an ovum is fertilized o Scar tissue will grow over this o Maintains pregnancy until placenta can take over (8 weeks) Negative feedback o When estrogen and progesterone are high there will be no ovulation o The production of LH and FSH are interrupted when an egg has been fertilized Spotting can occur in ischemic phase Fertilization o Occurs in the fallopian tubes Fertile window o 2 days before and 24 hours after ovulation o Sperm can live for 48-72 hours Only healthy for 24 Implantation o Occurs in the upper anterior portion of the uterus o Occurs 7-10 days after fertilization Important gestational milestones FIRST TRIMESTER o Week 3 brain, spinal cord and heart develop (Big 3) GI tract develops Leg and arm buds appear o Week 4 Heart beat at 28 days Heart begins to pump blood Heart beat can be seen on ultrasound but NOT HEARD o Week 6 Liver produces RBC’s Brain waves are detectable Lungs begin to develop Circulation is established o Week 8 Baby resembles a human Heart development is complete Circulation through umbilicus is established First ultrasound to verify pregnancy and pregnancy location Blood typing is done here o Weeks 9-12 Fetal heartbeat can be heard on ultrasound at week 12 Genitals are well formed but cannot be picked up on ultrasound GU tract complete, kidneys re producing urine Eyelids are closed o Weeks 13-16 Beginning of second trimester Gender reveal is done (16 weeks) Quickening is felt (if this isn’t first pregnancy) Lanugo is developed, skin is still transparent Identifiable skeleton ossification o Weeks 21-24 Surfactant production starts Blood is shunted away from lungs because baby does not need to use them right now o Weeks 25-28 Page 2 of 7 Baby assumes head down position Brain development continues Fetus can respond to light and sound Eyelids open and close o Weeks 29-32 Start of third trimester Rhythmic breathing and partial temperature control Fetus stores Pb, Ca, and Ph Lungs are not fully mature yet o Weeks 33 and on Fetus has routine for eating and sleeping Fetus receives antibodies from mom Assumes head down positions Baby gains weight Fetal circulation o AVA Two arteries carrying waste away from baby One vein carrying blood/oxygen/nutrients to baby 3 adaptations o Ductus venosus Found at liver and umbilical vein Shunts oxygenated blood to inferior vena cava Liver is not fully functional yet Most blood is shunted AWAY from the liver to IVC o Foramen ovale Found in right atrium Oxygenated blood will be shunted through foramen ovale to the left atrium Blood from left atrium enters left ventricle to the aorta Foramen ovale useful for shunting oxygenated blood back to the rest of the body (avoiding the lungs) o Ductus arteriosus A mix of both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are shunted through pulmonary artery to the umbilical arteries From here blood will leave baby and go back to placenta so mom can clear waste and resupply it with fresh O2 and nutrients Diagnostic testing/ Screening o CVS Offered at 10-14 weeks Does not test for neural tube defects o MSAFP Offered at 15-20 weeks Only test that screens for neural tube defects NOT DIAGNOSTIC – risk for false negatives and positives If results are abnormal, follow up with amniocentesis or ultrasound Low results are linked to down syndrome (trisomy 21) High levels are linked to neural tube defects o Quad screen Offered at 15-20 weeks Tests for MSAF, estradiol, HCG and inhibin A Diagnostic o Amniocentesis Offered at 15-20 weeks Tests amniotic fluid Diagnostic Mother must receive rho-gam after procedure Report fever, chills or any leakage At risk for termination of pregnancy o Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) Done <16 weeks (as early as 11 weeks) o Fetal kick counts Done after 28 weeks Report decreased or absent movement Page 3 of 7 Baby can be sleeping – time specific If baby is sleeping, drink OJ to wake them up Maternal perception of movement may vary o Contraction stress test Done in the third trimester Have tocolytic medication available to reverse contractions Contraindicated History of preterm labor PROM Placenta previa Unexplained vaginal bleeding Multifetal pregnancy o Non stress test Increase FHR with fetal movement indicates adequate oxygen High false positives related to sleep cycle o Nuchal translucency Measures thickness of fluid at the back of fetal neck Increased fluid is associated with abnormalities Offered between 11-13 weeks Any abnormalities do not immediately mean abortion- mothers right to choose Scheduled Testing o Ultrasound-- 10-20 weeks o Cell free DNA-- earliest is 10 weeks o CVS—10-14 weeks o PUBS--- as early as 11 weeks o MSAFP--- 15-20 weeks o Quad screen --- 15-20 weeks o Amniocentesis--- 15-20 weeks o Glucose tolerance --- 24-28 weeks (>35 requires additional testing) o Fetal kick counts--- 28 weeks and on o Antibody screening and RhoGam--- 28 weeks o CBC and STD screen--- 28 weeks o GBS- 35-37 weeks Immunizations o Can receive most immunizations o Avoid MMR and varicella vaccine o Tdap is recommended Presumptive indicators of pregnancy o Amenorrhea o Nausea, vomiting o Urinary frequency o Quickening o Fatigue o Montgomery glands/ breast changes Probable indicators of pregnancy o Chadwick’s sign Purplish/bluish color of the cervix due to increase vascularity o Goodells sign Cervix will feel mushy during digital exam o Ballottement o Hegar’s sign o Enlargement of uterus o Pregnancy test Not diagnostic because other factors can contribute to a false positive o Braxton hicks Positive indicators of pregnancy o Ultrasound o Fetal heart beat o Skilled physician feels movement (20-22 weeks) Abdomen Page 4 of 7 o o Gallstones can occur due to delayed emptying Kidneys enlarge due to increased blood volume Urinary frequency and increased GFR should be seen If decreased, suspect a UTI o Any abdominal pain during pregnancy is NOT normal o Diastisis Rectii is measured in finger breaths Measures how far muscle has separated o Linea nigra and striae are normal o Uterus becomes and abdominal organ at 12 weeks Fundal height o Can only be measured between 20-32 weeks when determining gestational age o Measured in cm From symphysis pubis to top of uterus Number of cm is accurate plus or minus two Size will be greater than gestational age in multifetal pregnancies Vagina and vulva o Leukorrhea is normal Increased secretion of thick, white acidic mucous o Acidic environment increase risk for yeast infections Very common in pregnancy, but only treated if mother states it bothers her Miconazole o Avoid douching Breasts o Montgomery glands Teach not to pop o Increased mammary vascularization Veins can be seen through skin o Colostrum Sticky, white-yellow Can be produced before baby is born Filled with antibodies and nutrients o Women can start pumping right after birth if baby is in NICU o People with inverted breasts CAN breast feed Pre-eclampsia o Creeping blood pressure, epigastric pain, edema in hands and face, one sided headaches, migraines and visual disturbances should all be reported to the provider o Blood pressure should not raise during pregnancy Cardiovascular system o C/O and HR will increase due to the increase in blood volume o Blood pressure should decrease o Stroke volume will increase HR will increase 15-20 BPM. Peaks at 28-32 weeks o Palpitations are not normal Maternal hypotension o Lightheaded, dizziness, pallor, clamminess occurs when lying flat on back o Teach to lay on left side or semi fowlers with knees slightly flexed o Caused by pressure being placed on inferior vena cava o Encourage use of pillows when sleeping o Not an emergency o Orthostatic hypotension is normal Blood components o Size of RBC’s will increase causing blood volume to increase o Increased need for iron because baby will store its own o CBC is obtained on first visit, a small drop in HGB and HCT is anticipated, obtained again after 28 weeks Physiologic anemia o Because plasma volume increases more than the size of RBC’s HGB and HCT will decrease Blood clots and DVT’s o Increased risk due to the rise in plasma fibrinogen and fibrin levels o Hypercoagulable state Teach to avoid sitting for long periods of times o Dependent edema may occur Page 5 of 7 o Swelling in feet Teach to elevate feet Avoid coumadin if pregnant Iron o Take with vitamin C o Avoid taking with milk, antacids and caffeine o If stomach ache occurs- take at night Promote dental hygiene o Poor dental hygiene has been linked to preterm labor o Encourage dental visits o Soft tooth brush Bladder o Main concern is pyelonephritis Patient can become septic o Pressure on bladder is caused by baby placing pressure on uterus/bladder Average weight gain o 25-35 pounds if normal BMI o 28-40 if underweight o 15-25 if overweight o Weight gain should increase gradually Skin changes o Telangiectasias o Linea Nigra o Chloasma Facial pigment change o Palmar erythema o Hyperpigmentation Cocoa butter only helps top layer Education for musculo-skeletal system o Encourage comfy shoes o PT tape or sports tap e o Support weight (belly band) Muscle cramps o Increase magnesium and potassium o Dorsiflex foot o Massage Lessening anxiety o Prenatal classes o Birth plan- specific for pain tolerance o Nutrition Folic acid and prenatal vitamins o Normal dose for folic acid is 0.4mg – 400mcg Folic acid is necessary to prevent neural tube defects o Continue taking prenatal if breast feeding o If prenatal cannot be tolerated Recommend taking at night Take folic acid instead Initial office visit o H&P o Risk assessment – assessed at every visit o Nutrition assessment o Verify pregnancy o Calculate EDD o Negotiate plan of care o Lab testing o Ultrasound or CRL Nageles rule o How to calculate EDD o Subtract 3 months and add 7 days Prenatal education o Sex- yes Page 6 of 7 Travel – yes unless you are term If driving, stop to ambulate frequently o Hot tubs/ saunas- no o Douching- no o Immunizaitons Promote the flu and Tdap vaccine Discourage MMR and varicella (live vaccines) Check-up schedule o Q4 weeks until 28 weeks o Q2 weeks until 36 weeks o Q1 week until delivery Teratogens o Prescribed medication o Illicit drugs o Alcohol o Caffeine Do not consume any more than 300mg/ day One cup is equivalent to 100 mg o Tobacco/cocaine Vasoconstrictors Leads to low birth weights o Herbals Category D medication o Continue to take (ex: seizure meds) o Benefits outweigh the risks Diet o Avoid foods high in mercury Shark, swordfish o Avoid raw meats Sushi, deli meats unless steaming hot o Tuna is okay in moderation. Light tuna is recommended o NO more than 6oz of light tuna/ week o Increase 300 calories/ day o If patient does not like milk encourage green leafy veggies o Promote tofu, eggs and beans for vegetarians No raw eggs Listeriosis o Unpasteurized milk and dairy products, meat and, poultry and seafood can be harmful o NO hot dogs or deli meats unless fried/ cooked o Page 7 of 7