Name Ibrahim Ahmed Registration No. 2017-GE-30 WORK SHEET Design Lab 7: Seismic Hazards Your Mission: Use the computer program Seismic Eruption to investigate global seismic hazards Your Task: 1. Login to a computer in the computer lab and double click on the icon called Seismic Eruption on your desktop. After the program opens, click on the Start button, then click on the Go button. 2. Choose a region from the world map that interests you. You will be using this region to familiarize yourself with the Seismic Eruption program. Click on the region. Next click on a subset selection if available. Name of the region/subset you chose Asia Group, Japan. 3. Now practice using the Seismic Eruption program. You will need to familiarize yourself with special features in order to answer the questions on the following pages. Check off the following boxes after you have practiced using the following features: Play/Pause/Rewind/F. Forward Information Step EQ cutoff Control→ Map View/3-D/Cross-Section Control→ Interactive (3D) Control → Set up Cross-Section View… Practice Question #1: Briefly describe (3 sentences) the region that you are viewing (use the Information button). _______________________________________________________________________ _ The famous earthquakes and volcanoes of Japan are all related to subduction _______________________________________________________________________ _ Japan’s three main islands contain about 70 volcanoes that have erupted in the last 10,000 years _______________________________________________________________________ _ Sakura-jima volcano in Kyush has been erupting more or less continuously since 1960 _______________________________________________________________________ _ Practice Question #2: Start date of the data set you viewed 1960/01/02 Stop date of the data set you viewed 2020/06/22 Practice Question #3: Number of earthquakes that occurred during the above time range. 6630 Practice Question #4: Number of volcanoes that occurred during the above time range. 153 Now click the Back button a few times until you arrive at the original world map selection screen. Use the following scenarios to answer the questions. Scenario #1 Loma Prieta Earthquake Hint: North America group, California group Hint: View all 3 groups of data Q1. What was the magnitude of the Loma Prieta Earthquake? 7.1. Q2. What time did the main shock hit? Just past 5:00 pm. Q3. How many aftershocks were there? About 10,000. Q4. How long did the aftershocks last? 1 year. Q5. What was special about the main shock compared to the aftershocks? The main shock had the highest magnitude (largest dot in the software). _______________________________________________________________________ Scenario #2 Recent California Earthquakes Hint: North America, California group, California Q1. What is the time range of this data set? 1960/01/01 – 2020/06/22 Q2. How many earthquakes were there in total (M2-6)? 29762. Q3. How many earthquakes greater than M5 were there? 770. Q4. How many earthquakes greater than M7 were there? 6. Q5. What were the magnitudes of these earthquakes? They ranged from 2-6. Q6. What is the deepest depth of all the earthquakes in California? 50 km. Scenario #3 United States Earthquakes Hint: North America Group, United States Q1. What is the time range of this data set? 1986/01/01 – 2020/06/22 Q2. Where did the deepest earthquakes occur? State Wyoming. Q3. How many earthquakes occurred in Texas? More than 100. Q4. How many earthquakes occurred in Alabama? 374. Scenario #4 Hawaii Earthquakes Hint: Pacific Group, Hawaii Q1. Which of the Hawaiian Islands is this? The Big Island of Hawaii Q2. What is the time range of this data set? 2960/01/01 – 2009/10/01 Q3. How many volcanoes have been active on the island? 4. Q4. How many eruptions? 2. Q5. How many earthquakes greater than M6.5? 3. Q6. Where did these occur? The Big Island of Hawaii. Scenario #5 South America Hint: South America Q1. What is the time range of this data set? 1976/04/02 – 2020/06/22 Q2. Where in South America was the largest earthquake ever recorded? Southern Chile. Q3. What day did it occur? May 22, 1960. Q4. What was its magnitude? 8.5 Q5. How many earthquakes in South America have been greater than M7.5? 27. Q6. How many great than M8.0? 8. Scenario #6 Sumatra Hint: Asia, Sumatra 2004 Q1. What is the time range of this data set? 2004/12/25 – 2005/12/31 Q2. What was the magnitude of the main shock? 9.0 Q3. In what direction did most of the aftershocks take place? In the northeast. Q4. How deep was the main shock located? 30 km. Q5. When viewing a cross-section of the earthquake and aftershocks, do any patterns stand out to you? If so, what? From viewing the pattern, we can see that the earthquake and aftershocks observed a line pattern, which indicates that there may be a plate boundary or an active fault in this location.