Kindness Lesson Plan: How Full Is Your Bucket?

How full is your bucket lesson
Instead of celebrating "Anti-Bully Week" at St. Matthews School in Cambridge, England, they decided to
have a week dedicated to kindness. Children learned the importance of being kind to themselves and
others while delving deeper into the Kindness In the Classroom curriculum.
If they understand what being kind is and what it means to be a good friend they can recognize when
someone isn't being a good friend to them.
It gives them the vocabulary and the emotional literacy to be able to go and get help.
When people give me compliments I always give them a compliment back and I feel really nice and safe.
"If someone looking sad or upset help them"
"Be kind and careful"
"If we are kind we can be a superhero"
We got the children to think about what makes them happy first and then, they were looking at who makes
them happy in their life.
"I chose my mom because she is caring and loving.