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15 Day Kindness Challenge: Ideas & Activities

Although not everything can be solved or resolved by kindness alone, it is a wonderful place for
us to start as we consider and study some of the darker aspects of our human and global
community through our literature units. In Naomi Shihab Nye’s “Kindness” poem she mentions
regions between kindness. What if we tried to lessen the gap between kindnesses for those
around us?
Each school day for 3 weeks, enter on the shared class Padlet one intentional kindness you did
that day.
Ideas to get you started:
● Greet someone you haven't seen in awhile by using their name, asking how they are,
and listening to their response.
● Send an old friend a nice text.
● Call an older relative and ask them to tell you a story about their lives.
● Tell someone who sacrifices for you that you love them.
● Hug someone in your home.
● Spend time playing a game with a younger friend or sibling.
● Make a small gift or card for a friend.
● Take cookies to the neighbors.
● Share a treat with somebody.
● Offer to do a chore/errand for an elderly
● Fold the laundry as a surprise.
● Say something about someone's
character: “You've shown such
perseverance this year!”
● Choose not to join in on gossip.
● When someone is mad, scared, sad or
upset, listen and communicate they have
been heard.
● Buy or pick flowers for someone.
● Share a book.
Velez 2021