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Cat and Orange: Past Simple Tense Worksheet

Read the passage and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple tense.
Felix the cat ……….. (go) into the kitchen and …………. (jump) up onto the
table. He ……….. (see) two plates, three cups, four knives, a loaf of bread, and
an orange! He …………. (raise) his paw and ……….. (roll) the orange until it
…………… (fall) onto the floor! Then he ………. (get) down and …………..
(start) playing with the orange. He …………..(roll) it all around the floor and he
……….. (have) such fun! Then, Mario, Felix’s human, ………….. (come) into the kitchen. He ………….
(smile) at Felix. Then, he …………. (pick) up the orange and he …………. (decide) to eat it! He
………….. (put) it back on the table, …………… (take) a knife out of the drawer and ………… (cut) the
orange in two. I don’t know if you know this, but, cats are really curious! Felix …………. (jump) back onto
the table and …………… (look) at the orange. When he ………….. (see) what was inside, his eyes
………….. (open) wide with surprise! He …………… (think) it was beautiful. Shining, sparkling orange
triangles! It ………… (look) like a huge cat’s eye! Felix was so surprised that the simple orange ball
………… (have) so much to it. Then, he …………. (push) his nose into the
orange and - yuck! A zingy, zesty smell ………… (get) up his nostrils and
…………. (make) him sneeze! He ……………. (not like) that at all! He quickly
…………… (leap) off the table and …………. (run) out into the garden as fast
as he could!
Sometimes, things are more complicated than they seem!
TRUE or FALSE? Correct the false sentences.
Insert the correct question word and then
1) The event happened in the kitchen.
answer the questions in full sentences.
2) The kitchen table had nothing on it.
3) Felix played with a ball of wool.
1) _________ did Felix go?
2) ________ was on the table?
3) ________ came into the kitchen?
4) Felix had great fun
4) ________ did he take from a drawer?
5) Felix’s owner entered the kitchen
6) Felix’s owner wanted to eat the orange
7) Felix’s owner divided the orange into four
8) Felix was interested to see the inside of the
9) Felix began to sneeze
10) Felix stayed in the kitchen.
5) ________ did Felix jump back onto the table?
6) ________ did Felix think about the inside of
the orange?
7) _______ did the orange smell?
8) _______ made him sneeze?
9) _______ did Felix run to?
10) _______ are cats like?