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7 Years' War Synopsis: Causes, Events & Impact on Canada

Synopsis of 7 Years War: Some causes of the seven years war include growing
tensions in Europe and the Americas. I will start off with Europe, but we will
mainly focus on North America. In Europe there was a place called the Holy
Roman Empire. Which Is pretty much a beta Germany. A bunch of small German
kingdoms operating independently with 1 emperor. This is largely different to
how Germany operates today but at the time this is what Germany was. Not 1
nation but a bunch of small kingdoms ruled by 1 emperor who did nothing. The 2
leading powers were Austria, and Prussia. The Austrian Hapsburgs leaded the
H.R.E, but Prussia was nothing to sneeze at either. Both of these kingdoms were
insane powers in Europe that had territories inside and outside the H.R.E.
However, in 1740 the Holy Roman Emperor died without a male heir. Even though
this was illegal, his daughter became Holy Roman Emperor. Prussia seeing this as
an opportunity invaded Austria and took plenty of land. France joined the
Prussian cause, while Britain fearing great French power joined the Austrians.
After 5 years of warfare Austria and Prussia signs a peace treaty and Prussia even
gets to keep the land they took from Austria. Britain and France keep going at it in
North America. As France and Britain compete over the Ohio valley. Britain
wanted to build lots of settlements in the area and get out the French. So, the
French attacked many British colonists. Meanwhile in Europe the alliances switch
around. Britain fearing losing their German colony (they had this because the king
of Britain was also king of Hannover, a German state) signed an alliance with
Prussia. France signs one with Austria. Russia joins the French and Austrian cause.
Meanwhile in North America. Britain conquers the French Colony of Acadia. Now
they can really focus in on New France in 1759 Britain invaded Quebec City and
took it over. And the French surrendered. After the British gaining control of all
New France. And Prussia showing Austria who is the most powerful German state.
The 7 Years war was over. (also, Russia and Prussia and Austria took over Poland)
How the 7 years’ war effects Canada today: Without the 7 years’ war
Canada would be completely different, Canada would likely be under French
control nowadays also the American revolution would have never happened.
With the 7 years’ war Britain got control of modern-day Canada and the USA.
Leading to the revolutionary war, war of 1812, WW1, WW2, and the cold war.
Canada got independence from U.K and pretty much all of modern history boiled
down to this war. Austrian Prussian tensions led to the unification of Germany
with the exclusion of Austria. And like I said all of modern history boils down to
this war.