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AP World History Unit 7 Worksheet: WWI Causes & Conduct

APWH|Unit 7 Sections 1-3 “Shifting Power,” “Causes of WWI” “Conducting WWI”
Directions: F​ or each reading section define the important vocabulary words and answer the reading questions that follow using
specific details. ​It is imperative that you complete your readings thoughtfully and independently. Students who do not do their
reading will not do well in this course. ​MAKE SURE TO USE COMPLETE SENTENCES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.
Ms. Ward: T AM, Th PM
Whole Packet Due and Quiz on: Wed 2/26 A, Thurs 2/27 B
Ms. Beachum: M AM, T PM
Review (Important relevant information from old sections)
Directions: Answer the following questions briefly, using your old AMSCOs as needed.
1. What is imperialism? How did it lead to competition?
2. What was industrialization? How could it lead to mass production of weapons technology?
3. What was the Russian government system like after the Mongols? Who were the Romanovs?
Vocabulary for Sections 6.6-6.8
Key term/event
1. Bloody Sunday
2. The Revolution of 1905
3. Sun Yat-sen
4. Young Turks
5. Mexican Revolution
6. Franz Ferdinand
7. Great War
8. Triple Entente
9. Triple Alliance
10. Self-Determination
11. Conscription
12. Trench Warfare
13. Zimmerman Telegram
14. Total War
15. Fourteen Points
26. Treaty of Versailles
Key Developments
Explain how
internal and
to change in
various states
after 1900.
1. Give an overview of why rebellions are occurring during this time and what this might mean for the 20th
Revolution in Russia
2. Russia is having a lot of challenges in the early 20th century, falling behind most of Europe, the US, and Japan.
A. WHY (internal challenges)
● Russia was slow to
○ Promote industrialization and __________________ growth.
○ Expand ________________ for peasants
○ Build _____________, and other parts of transportation
○ Failed to support entrepreneurs with ______________ and contracts.
Russia’s tsarist government also
○ Ignored calls for ____________________ reform
○ Ignored the call for ________________________________ and to allow more citizens to
participate in government.
B. WHY (external challenges)
● Russia becomes weaker due to the above issues, and begins to have other problems
○ It lost the ______________________________ (1853-1856) against the Ottomans
○ It lost the _______________________________(1904-1905) against Japan
What group overthrew the tsarist government:
Who was the leader:
What did they believe:
What actions did they take to achieve this goal:
What was the reaction of the rest of the world - why?
Upheaval in China
3. China also had a lot of issues at home and outside its borders, leading to the overthrow of the Qing in 1911,
shifting China from dynasties to a new form of government.
A. WHY (internal challenges)
● List the three major internal issues China faced inside its borders
○ 1) __________________________________________________: differences in ethnicities such
as ethnic Han and Manchu groups led to political tension.
○ 2) __________________________________________________: China’s large population
growth was not met with growth of agriculture; any drought or flood could cause instability in
○ 3) ___________________________________________________: the imperial government had
not updated their tax system, so they had no money to fix roads, bridges, and canals.
B. WHY (external challenges)
● Explain how Europe’s industrialization threatened China? How did they react to products from Europe?
Even though many supported the empress of the Qing Dynasty, the last dynasty was overthrown in 1911
○ Who overthrew it:_____________________________
○ What were his beliefs:
What was his book:______________________________, and the ideals of his book?
■ ____________________________: Sun believed in sovereignty for active and
pragmatic Chinese
■ ____________________________: Sun advocated patriotism and loyalty to authority.
■ ____________________________: Sun wanted to end the large unequal distribution
of wealth in China and harsh economic exploitation.
Why did he give up power?
Who were the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party) - when would they lose power?
Self-Determination in the Ottoman Collapse
4. Explain who the Young Turks were and what their goal was.
5. Why did the Ottoman Empire side with Germany in WWI?
6. What was the result (how was Turkey created)?
7. Who was Ataturk and what were his policies/reforms? (Feel free to list).
Power Shifts in Mexico
8. Who was Porfirio Diaz and why is he considered a dictator?
9. What were the goals of the Mexican Revolution? What was the result?
Key Developments
Explain the
causes and
of WWI.
1. Summarize the era before WWI.
Immediate Causes of the Great War
2. Why was WWI called the ‘Great War’? What made it different than previous conflicts - explain.
3. Why is WWI so significant to world history?
4. The immediate cause of WWI was:
A. The assassination of ___________________________________, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne
(and his wife Sophie).
● By ___________________________________, member of the Black Hand.
● The Black Hand wanted to end _________________________________________ in the
Balkans, yet the Austro-Hungarians viewed them as a __________________________ group.
This led to (here’s how the war grows into a global conflict)
● ________________________ sending an ultimatum to the Serbian government
● ________________________ refusing the ultimatum
● ________________________declaring war on Serbia, depending on Germany for help
● ________________________looked to Russia (and other Slavic countries) for help
● On August 1, ________________________declared war on Russia and then ______________.
● Then ______________________ declared war on Germany.
● Then ______________________declared war on Austria.
● Eventually Japan will enter into this world wide conflict, essentially a brawl.
Long-Term Causes of the Great War
5. Militarism
A. Definition:
How was the Industrial Revolution involved:
6. Alliances
A. Definition:
Who were the Triple Entente/Allies members:
Who were the Triple Alliance/Central Powers Members:
D. Why was Germany a rival:
7. Imperialism
A. Definition:
How was imperialism a contributing factor:
8. Nationalism
A. Definition:
How did nationalism contribute to WWI:
How was self-determination involved:
Consequences of the Great War
9. Explain how “virtually every major event during the remainder of the 20th century was a direct or indirect
result of WWI.”
10. Why is WWI one of the deadliest conflicts? Who ends up gaining power?
Key Developments
Explain how
used a variety
of methods to
conduct war.
1. What is the “old lie” Wilfred Owen writes about in the poem?
Changes in Warfare
2. How did all view the war at first? How does their perception change over time?
3. New advancements
A. Trench warfare
● Describe the conditions:
Poison gas
● How/what was used:
Why were they outlawed:
Machine guns
How did machine guns make fighting different?
D. Submarines
● How/what were submarines used for?
● How/what were airplanes used for?
How/what were tanks used for?
4. Why/how did these advancements lead to a stalemate?
The United States Enters the War
5. Why did the US enter the war:
A. _____________________________________between the US and the Allies
B. Many American believed that the Allied nations were more ____________________than the Central
C. __________________________________against the Germans, especially for submarine attacks on
civilians upset the US
● An example was the sinking of the passenger ship, the _____________________.
D. The final event pushing the US to fight in WWI was the interception of the ________________________,
where Germany offered to help Mexico take back territory from the US if they helped Germany win.
Total War
6. Explain how WWI was a ‘total war’ - give examples.
7. How was propaganda used - give examples.
8. What was the effect of this propaganda?
A Global War
9. How was WWI a global war? Explain.
10. What other territory was used for battle?
11. Colonial troops reinforced their home countries’ forces in several battles - give examples of who fought,
where, and for whom.
12. Why did colonies join the war effort? What were they hoping for?
13. What was the role of women in the war? Explain.
The Paris Peace Conference
14. What was the Paris Peace conference?
15. Who were the “Big Four”?
16. Why was Italy mad? Why was Russia not invited?
17. How did the views of the Big Four differ on how to settle peace?
18. What were the Fourteen Points - how would the League of Nations help prevent war, according to it?
19. What was the outcome of the Treaty of Versailles? Who was punished most severely?
20. What did Germany have to do - how did it impact them and allow Nazis to take power? Explain.
AMSCO 7.1 Multiple Choice
2. ______________ 3. _____________
AMSCO 7.2 Multiple Choice
2. ______________ 3. _____________
AMSCO 7.3 Multiple Choice
2. ______________ 3. _____________
SAQ Outline
AMSCO 7.1 Question 1
AMSCO 7.2 Question 2
AMSCO 7.3 Question 1