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Release Management Overview: Process & Skills

Release Management: It's the process of planning and scheduling and managing and controlling the
progress of a software build through the various stages of development and deployment.
you may choose to start with the defining the scope, gathering requirements & specifications, usually
release management starts with the development process then there are a number of testing stages unit testing, integration testing, system testing and finally user acceptance testing and then there's the
sign-off and finally there may be stages of deployment into a live operational environment possibly a
pilot stage and certainly the final rollout.
Release management requires a number of skills –
1. Technical Knowledge 2. Risk Management - At each stage you're placing not only the software and the progress of the
project at risk but potentially as we move towards deployment the operational integrity and
reputation of the organization.
3. Stakeholder Engagement - At each and every stage you need the collaboration and the
understanding of your stakeholders particularly once again as we move through to user
acceptance testing and deployment.
Enterprise Release Management: ERM coordinates the deployment of software across the entire
organization. It requires high levels of business awareness, strategic planning abilities