P.O. Box 15284 Wilmington, DE 19850 Customer service information Customer service: 1.800.432.1000 TDD/TTY users only: 1.800.288.4408 SAMUEL MCDUFFIE 231 TWILIGHT CT BRENTWOOD, CA 94513-7309 En Español: 1.800.688.6086 bankofamerica.com Bank of America, N.A. P.O. Box 25118 Tampa, FL 33622-5118 Your Adv SafeBalance Banking for March 13, 2020 to April 13, 2020 Account number: 3251 2791 4835 SAMUEL MCDUFFIE Account summary Beginning balance on March 13, 2020 Deposits and other additions 2,548.80 ATM and debit card subtractions -454.50 Other subtractions -2,101.77 Service fees -5.38 Ending balance on April 13, 2020 PULL: B CYCLE: 7 SPEC: E DELIVERY: E TYPE: $8.87 IMAGE: I BC: CA1 -$3.98 Page 1 of 6 SAMUEL MCDUFFIE ! Account # 3251 2791 4835 ! March 13, 2020 to April 13, 2020 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: BANK DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS How to Contact Us - You may call us at the telephone number listed on the front of this statement. Updating your contact information - We encourage you to keep your contact information up-to-date. This includes address, email and phone number. If your information has changed, the easiest way to update it is by visiting the Help & Support tab of Online Banking. Deposit agreement - When you opened your account, you received a deposit agreement and fee schedule and agreed that your account would be governed by the terms of these documents, as we may amend them from time to time. These documents are part of the contract for your deposit account and govern all transactions relating to your account, including all deposits and withdrawals. Copies of both the deposit agreement and fee schedule which contain the current version of the terms and conditions of your account relationship may be obtained at our financial centers. Electronic transfers: In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers - If you think your statement or receipt is wrong or you need more information about an electronic transfer (e.g., ATM transactions, direct deposits or withdrawals, point-of-sale transactions) on the statement or receipt, telephone or write us at the address and number listed on the front of this statement as soon as you can. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent you the FIRST statement on which the error or problem appeared. - Tell us your name and account number. Describe the error or transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe there is an error or why you need more information. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error. For consumer accounts used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, we will investigate your complaint and will correct any error promptly. If we take more than 10 business days (10 calendar days if you are a Massachusetts customer) (20 business days if you are a new customer, for electronic transfers occurring during the first 30 days after the first deposit is made to your account) to do this, we will provisionally credit your account for the amount you think is in error, so that you will have use of the money during the time it will take to complete our investigation. For other accounts, we investigate, and if we find we have made an error, we credit your account at the conclusion of our investigation. Reporting other problems - You must examine your statement carefully and promptly. You are in the best position to discover errors and unauthorized transactions on your account. If you fail to notify us in writing of suspected problems or an unauthorized transaction within the time period specified in the deposit agreement (which periods are no more than 60 days after we make the statement available to you and in some cases are 30 days or less), we are not liable to you and you agree to not make a claim against us, for the problems or unauthorized transactions. Direct deposits - If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your account at least once every 60 days from the same person or company, you may call us to find out if the deposit was made as scheduled. You may also review your activity online or visit a financial center for information. © 2020 Bank of America Corporation Page 2 of 6 SAMUEL MCDUFFIE ! Account # 3251 2791 4835 ! March 13, 2020 to April 13, 2020 Deposits and other additions Date Description 03/13/20 DoorDash, Inc. 03/13 #000024771 PMNT RCVD DoorDash, Inc. Visa Direct CA 8.01 03/16/20 DoorDash, Inc. 03/14 #000100819 PMNT RCVD DoorDash, Inc. Visa Direct CA 124.76 03/16/20 DoorDash, Inc. 03/15 #000169914 PMNT RCVD DoorDash, Inc. Visa Direct CA 83.51 03/16/20 DoorDash, Inc. 03/16 #000263814 PMNT RCVD DoorDash, Inc. Visa Direct CA 9.76 03/19/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# b5eda1f64; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 13.07 03/23/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# e46db45fa; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 70.00 03/24/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 78d385f3a; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 20.00 03/26/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# d2e87563a; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 2.00 03/27/20 PAYPAL*mcduffi 03/27 #000351113 PMNT RCVD PAYPAL*mcduffie s San Jose 03/27/20 BKOFAMERICA ATM 03/26 #000007175 DEPOSIT BRENTWOOD 03/31/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 6786d4143; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 04/01/20 PAYPAL*McDuffi 04/02 #000459759 PMNT RCVD PAYPAL*McDuffie S San Jose 04/01/20 BKOFAMERICA ATM 04/01 #000008756 DEPOSIT BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD CA 45.00 04/03/20 BKOFAMERICA ATM 04/03 #000009924 DEPOSIT BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD CA 1,555.92 04/08/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# a02fd884c; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 55.00 04/10/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 151c2c6a2; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 100.00 04/10/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 4c9441fb9; MCDUFFIE, ALISA 8.00 Total deposits and other additions Amount CA BRENTWOOD 115.06 CA 12.00 26.00 CA 300.71 $2,548.80 Page 3 of 6 SAMUEL MCDUFFIE ! Account # 3251 2791 4835 ! March 13, 2020 to April 13, 2020 Withdrawals and other subtractions ATM and debit card subtractions Date Description Amount 03/13/20 CHECKCARD 0312 AMZN MKTP US*W29HU5OQ3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 24431060073083333459486 -10.81 03/16/20 CHECKCARD 0314 CHEVRON 0377818 BRENTWOOD CA 24692160074100097662336 -47.20 03/16/20 CHECKCARD 0315 CHEVRON 0377818 BRENTWOOD CA 24692160075100869567985 -32.97 03/23/20 CHECKCARD 0322 MCDONALDS F7570 BRENTWOOD 03/23/20 DOLLAR GE 7820 03/22 #000355812 PURCHASE DOLLAR GE 7820 BR BRENTWOOD 03/24/20 CHECKCARD 0322 TACO BELL 30762 BRENTWOOD 03/24/20 USPS KIOSK 050 03/24 #000807335 PURCHASE USPS KIOSK 05093 BRENTWOOD 03/26/20 OFFICE DEPOT 0 03/26 #000649846 PURCHASE OFFICE DEPOT 00 5 ANTIOCH 03/27/20 FOODMAXX#480.B 03/26 #000274365 PURCHASE FOODMAXX#480.BR 03/30/20 CHECKCARD 0327 AMZN MKTP US*P67T37TV3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 24431060087083738041784 03/30/20 WINCO FOODS #5 03/28 #000518487 PURCHASE WINCO FOODS #52 6 Brentwood 03/31/20 DOLLAR GE 7820 03/30 #000334618 PURCHASE DOLLAR GE 7820 BR BRENTWOOD CA -1.00 04/01/20 DOLLAR TR 51 S 04/01 #000143138 PURCHASE DOLLAR TR 51 SAND BRENTWOOD CA -3.25 04/01/20 USPS KIOSK 050 04/01 #000951744 PURCHASE USPS KIOSK 05093 BRENTWOOD 04/02/20 CHECKCARD 0401 EYEQ BY INFINITE MIND INFINITEMIND.UT 24492150092637098049519 04/02/20 CHECKCARD 0401 CC*ONEFREELANCE 448005200342 04/03/20 CHECKCARD 0403 MCDONALDS F7570 BRENTWOOD 04/06/20 CHECKCARD 0403 AMZN MKTP US*CD2K82JN3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 24431060094083712452156 04/06/20 BKOFAMERICA ATM 04/05 #000001430 WITHDRWL BRENTWOOD 04/06/20 USPS KIOSK 050 04/05 #000122443 PURCHASE USPS KIOSK 05093 BRENTWOOD 04/10/20 BKOFAMERICA ATM 04/10 #000003035 WITHDRWL SLATTEN RANCH CA -100.00 04/13/20 CHECKCARD 0410 Amazon Prime*Y00GX1J63 Amzn.com/billWA 24692160101100572154913 RECURRING -7.03 CA 24427330082720218833986 -11.19 CA CA 24431060083838005184326 -1.08 -10.83 CA -18.45 CA -0.83 BRENTWOOD CA -112.39 -17.31 CA -0.63 CA 74424650092213838561374 -10.35 -9.00 -14.45 CA 24427330093740253059344 -18.58 -6.05 BRENTWOOD BRENTWOOD CA -20.00 CA Total ATM and debit card subtractions -1.10 -$454.50 Other subtractions Date Description Amount 03/16/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 7fc5e7e50; ALISA -80.00 03/16/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 17e607bb9; ALISA -50.00 03/17/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -13.00 03/18/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -14.00 continued on the next page Page 4 of 6 SAMUEL MCDUFFIE ! Account # 3251 2791 4835 ! March 13, 2020 to April 13, 2020 Withdrawals and other subtractions - continued Other subtractions - continued Date Description 03/24/20 ROBINHOOD WEB 04/01/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 8b20fbde2; ALISA -21.00 04/01/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# 904580111; ALISA -200.00 04/02/20 ROBINHOOD WEB 04/03/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# ce2c5f4cf; ALISA 04/03/20 ROBINHOOD WEB 04/06/20 Zelle Transfer Conf# d90ad6dbd; ALISA 04/06/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -25.00 04/07/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -50.00 04/07/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -50.00 04/09/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -22.00 04/09/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -7.77 04/09/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -7.00 04/13/20 ROBINHOOD WEB DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 -26.00 Total other subtractions Amount DES:Funds DES:Funds DES:Funds ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie ID:XXXXXXXXX INDN:Samuel McDuffie CO ID:1464364776 CO ID:1464364776 -45.00 -26.00 -150.00 CO ID:1464364776 -35.00 -1,280.00 -$2,101.77 Page 5 of 6 SAMUEL MCDUFFIE ! Account # 3251 2791 4835 ! March 13, 2020 to April 13, 2020 Service fees Date Transaction description 04/02/20 CHECKCARD 0401 CC*ONEFREELANCE 448005200342 74424650092213838561374 INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTION FEE -0.43 04/13/20 Monthly Maintenance Fee -4.95 Total service fees Amount -$5.38 Note your Ending Balance already reflects the subtraction of Service Fees. Page 6 of 6