A balanced diet Digestive system Mouth physical break dam - chewing chemical break down -Enzymes(amylase) to break dam carbohydrates. Main nutrients Carbohydrates Proteins Fats/lipids Vitamins & minerals Roles Energy storage Growth& repair Energy storage To keep our body Sources Rich, bread Meat, milk Vegetable oil, butter Fruits& vegetables Enzymes-Biological catalyses that speed up chemical reactions in the body. Oesophagus -peristalsis (movement to pass down the food to stomach) Liver (produces bile) Bile-to breakdown fats large intestines reabsorb the water Stomach-contain hydrochloric acid (prevents the bacterial infections Small intestine -captain enzymes (pepsin)to breakdown proteins -absorb nutrients Rectum-stores the faeces Anus-exit for faeces Nutrients Enzymes Small molecules Carbohydrates Carbohydrase Proteins Protease Sugar molecules (glucose) Amino acids Fats/lipids lipase 1 glycerol, 3 fatty acids