2 This paper demonstrates appropriate techniques from Stata specifically designed to handle a sample survey. 3 4 In Simple Random Sampling In case of a simple random sampling, every member has an equal chance of being included in the sample. This method doesn't favor certain members/groups. Each individual has 1/N probability of being sampled 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sample Allocation Region % of sample Number of Households South 2.7% 338 West 12.2% 1405 North 20.9% 2643 East 32.7% 4145 Kigali 31.5% 4009 Total Rwanda 100% 12540 Target Sample = 12540 households 11 12 13 14 Variable Obs Mean psu_no_ov 38,060 1019.173 Std. Dev. 583.3237 Min Max 1 2035 15 16 17 18 MMR – Maternal Mortality Rate Research question (identify target pop’n, age group) Identify variables and dataset Generate variables Descriptive statistics Conceptual framework Univariate regression analysis Collinearity or interaction Multivariable regression analysis 19 Source:- DHS course- Population Survey Analysis course 20 21 First stage – 492 clusters selected from 2010 census frame (urban and rural) Systematically selected with probability proportional to size (PPS) The second stage involved selecting a sample of households in these enumeration areas 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 THANK YOU 29