PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AUDIT The purpose of this audit is to conduct a more in depth analysis of the Performance Management Systems in Insel Consulting Nigeria Limited in order to identify areas of strengths and weakness and where improvements may be needed in the firm’s PMS. This shall involve a review of current practices, policies, and procedure as well as how PMS can help accomplish the strategic and integrated approach of delivering sustained success to Insel Consulting by improving the performance of the people who work in team and by developing the capabilities of teams and individual contributors. Thank you for your co-operation. 1. How long have you been working with Insel Consulting? a. 0-5 Years b. 5-10 Years c. 10 to 15 Years d. More than 15 Years 2. What is your role in the organization i.e. what do you do in Insel Consulting? (Tick as applicable) HR Finance/Accounts Keeper Maintenance Finance HSE Production Commercial Admin Sales Operations QAQC Officer Store IT (Computer Room) Transport (Driver) Others (please state) 3. List out 3-5 corporate Goals/Objectives/Targets the company has set out to achieve in 2020. i. __________________________________________________________________ ii. __________________________________________________________________ iii. __________________________________________________________________ iv. __________________________________________________________________ v. __________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you feel Insel Consulting can achieve these corporate Goals/Objectives/Targets this year? Yes No If yes / no, state how / why? 5. Do you think Performance Management System is clearly defined at Insel Consulting? a. Yes b. No If No, please state your reason(s) 1 Confidential to Insel Consulting 6. What are the three top factors hindering performance at Insel Consulting? i. __________________________________________________________________ ii. __________________________________________________________________ iii. __________________________________________________________________ 7. Do you think all the factors facilitating and hindering performance are taken into consideration while appraising employee performance? a.Yes b. No 8. Do you think goals/targets set for Performance Evaluation are mutually decided goals? a.Yes b. No 9. Within your unit or as an individual employee, have you jointly discussed and agreed during one-on-one, face-to-face meetings with your direct line manager what is expected of you (Performance measures and standards) this year? Yes No 10. Are you satisfied with the scores given to you in your last two performance appraisals? a. Yes b. No If no, state your reason(s) 11. Does performance of employees improve due to current Performance Management System at Insel Consulting? a. Yes b. No 12. Do you think the current Performance Management System at Insel Consulting foster a participative environment? a. Yes b. No 13. Are promotions strictly based on Performance Evaluations? a. Yes b. No 14. Do you think technical and business skills are developed at Insel Consulting due to Performance Management System? a. Yes b. No 15. Does the company provide formal training, development and coaching to improve performance? Yes No 16. What is the role of your supervisor/manager in the performance appraisal process? describe Please 17. Have you been praised, recognized or rewarded for your performance in the last 12 months? Yes No 18. What is the current compensation system in Insel Consulting? (i.e is compensation tied to performance) Please describe _______________________________________________________________________ 2 Confidential to Insel Consulting 19. Is the compensation system reviewed periodically? Yes No If yes, what’s the period? 20. Do you feel free to express to your appraiser, your disagreement regarding the appraisal decisions? a. Yes b. No 21. Does your Job Description clearly defines Key Result Areas on which your performance is rated? a. Yes b. No 22. Are you satisfied with the existing Performance Management System at Insel Consulting? a. Yes b. No Thank you very much for your response. 3 Confidential to Insel Consulting