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Pacemakers: Function, Types, and Design

Dr. AB Khalaf
What are pacemakers?
A pacemaker is an electronic device used to treat patients
who have symptoms caused by abnormally slow heartbeats.
• A pacemaker is capable of keeping track of the patient's
heartbeats. If the patient's heart is beating too slowly, the
pacemaker will generate electrical signals similar to the heart's
natural signals, causing the heart to beat faster.
• The purpose of the pacemaker is to maintain heartbeats so that
adequate oxygen and nutrients are delivered through the blood
to the organs of the body.
A pacemaker is a man-made device that instructs the
heart to beat.
What is a natural pacemaker?
• The heart's "natural" pacemaker is called the sinoatrial (SA)
node or sinus node. It's a small mass of specialized cells in the
top of the heart's right atrium (upper chamber). It makes the
electrical impulses that cause your heart to beat.
• A chamber of the heart contracts when an electrical impulse
moves across it. For the heart to beat properly, the signal
must travel down a specific path to reach the ventricles, the
heart's lower (pumping) chambers.
• The natural pacemaker may be defecLve, causing the
heartbeat to be too fast, too slow or irregular. The heart's
electrical pathways also may be blocked.
What’s an arLficial pacemaker?
An "ar6ficial pacemaker" is a small, baNery-operated device
that helps the heart beat in a regular rhythm. Some are
permanent (internal) and some are temporary (external).
They can replace a defecLve natural pacemaker or blocked
• A pacemaker uses baNeries to send electrical impulses to the
heart to help it pump properly. An electrode is placed next to
the heart wall and small electrical charges travel through the
wire to the heart.
• Most pacemakers are demand pacemakers. They have a
sensing device. It turns the signal off when the heartbeat is
above a certain level. It turns the signal back on when the
heartbeat is too slow.
Who needs a pacemaker?
A pacemaker fixes irregular heartbeats. It is used to correct
various types of arrhythmias:
Too Slow Heartbeat ("Bradycardia")
Too Rapid Heartbeat ("Tachycardia")
ErraLc Heartbeat
– Ventricular FibrillaLon or
– Atrial FibrillaLon
Hindered Regular Internal Pacemaker ("Heart Block" of the
sinoatrial node)
What are the causes of slow heart rate?
Abnormally slow heart rates (bradycardias) can result from
diseases affecLng the SA node, the conducLon Lssues, and the
AV node.
• Sick sinus syndrome is a disease wherein the SA node cannot
generate signals frequently enough to maintain adequate heart
• Heart blocks are condiLons where diseases (such as heart
aNacks) or degeneraLon (due to processes such as aging) of the
AV node and/or the conducLon Lssues impair the transmission
of signals from the SA node to the heart muscles.
• The most common cause of bradycardia is degeneraLon of the
conducLon system that occurs as part of the aging process.
How can an abnormally slow heart rate be
• Temporary pacemakers are usually used first,
especially if the abnormally slow heart rate is
believed to be transient (lasLng only days) and
caused by condiLons that are reversible or
correctable. Temporary pacemakers are easily
disconnected if the heart rate returns to normal.
• Permanent pacemakers are necessary when the slow
heart rate becomes chronic (lasLng more than a few
days) or is believed to be irreversible.
What is the design of permanent pacemakers?
• A permanent pacemaker has two parts; the pacemaker chamber and the
lead(s). The pacemaker chamber contains a Lming device for se\ng the
pacing rate, a circuitry that detects electrical signals from the heart, and a
• In some paLents who need permanent pacemakers for abnormally slow heart
rates, fluctuaLons of the heart rate can occur. The pacemaker is capable of
"listening" to the natural electrical signals from the heart. When the heart is
beaLng normally, the pacemaker does nothing. When the heart stops beaLng
or beats too slowly, the pacemaker takes over generaLng electrical signals for
the heart at a frequency set by the doctor.
• While temporary pacemakers are housed in chambers outside of the body
and can use external electrical power sources, permanent pacemakers are
implanted inside the body and therefore need their own baNeries. Most of
the modern permanent pacemaker chambers are small, weighing less than 30
What is the design of permanent pacemakers?
• The pacemaker lead is inserted through a vein in the chest
into the heart. The Lp of the lead is placed in contact with the
inner wall of the right atrium or the right ventricle, while the
other end of the lead is connected to the pacemaker
chamber. These leads are safe, and generally do not injure or
cause infecLons in the veins or the heart.
• These small, lightweight devices are comfortable to wear
inside the body and are barely visible. The small baNeries
inside the pacemaker chambers are also durable. Most
implanted pacemakers have baNeries that will last 7-10 years
before needing to be replaced.
What is the design of permanent pacemakers?
• The conducLng wire(s) that carry electrical signals between
the heart and the pacemaker is usually made of plaLnum.
These wires are insulated with silicone or polyurethane. The
insulted wires are called leads. Some pacemakers have only
one lead, and are called single-chamber pacemakers. Others
have two leads and are called dual- chamber pacemakers.
• The pacemaker lead is inserted through a vein in the chest
into the heart. The Lp of the lead is placed in contact with the
inner wall of the right atrium or the right ventricle, while the
other end of the lead is connected to the pacemaker
chamber. These leads are safe, and generally do not injure or
cause infecLons in the veins or the heart.
Pacemakers have special baNeries with excepLonally long
lives-reliable for at least seven years. They are made of the
Mercury Zinc
Rechargeable Nickel-sodium
Types of pacemakers?
Pacemakers work when they need to or all of the Lme. There are 3 different
kinds of pacemakers:
• Permanent: A permanent pacemaker is also called a long-term
pacemaker. An incision (cut) is made in your neck or chest. The leads are
guided through a vein into your heart, and aNached to the generator. The
generator is placed in a pocket under your skin. You will have this type of
pacemaker forever.
• Transcutaneous (trans-q-TA-nee-us): This pacemaker is also called an
external pacemaker. It is used in emergency situaLons when your heart is
beaLng too slowly. When this happens, your caregiver needs to speed up
your heart rate quickly. Small sLcky patches are applied to your chest, and
leads are aNached to these patches. At the end of the leads is a
pacemaker with dials on it.
Types of pacemakers?
• These dials allow your caregiver to immediately adjust the
se\ngs of the pacemaker. This type of pacemaker is used for
a short Lme. Ager a Lme, you may need to get a permanent
pacemaker, or you may not need a pacemaker anymore.
• Trasvenous (trans-V-nus): A transvenous pacemaker is also
called a temporary pacemaker. The leads for the pacemaker
are guided into your heart through an incision in your neck or
chest. With a transvenous pacemaker, the generator is worn
outside your body in a small pouch. You will carry this pouch
with you everywhere.
• Your caregiver will decide which pacemaker is right for you.
Two types of pacemaker lead wires?
• Endocardial- Via vein to right atrium.
• Myocardial-directly to the heart muscle.
Pacemakers charge a capacitor from a baNery
Then, periodically discharge the capacitor into the heart
And, recharge the capacitor
• Current is convenLonally shown to flow from posiLve to negaLve.
• Actual flow is movement of electrons (negaLve charge).
• For safety and to conserve energy, pacemakers sLmulate with negaLve
• Asynchronous device is free-running
– Produces uniform sLmulaLon regardless of
cardiac acLvity (i.e. fixed heart-rate)
– Block diagram (right) shows components of
asynchronous pacemaker
» Power supply – provides energy
» Oscillator – controls pulse rate
» Pulse output – produces sLmuli
» Lead wires – conduct sLmuli
» Electrodes – transmit sLmuli to the Lssue
– The simplest form of the pacemaker; not
common any longer (what you will build)
Pacemaker: Output Signal
Pacemaker: Leads
• Important characterisLcs of the leads
– Good conductor
– Mechanically strong and reliable
• Must withstand effects of moLon due to beaLng of heart and movement of body
– Good electrical insulaLon
• Current designs
– Interwound helical coil of spring-wire alloy molded in a silicone-rubber or
polyurethane cylinder
– Coil minimizes mechanical stresses
– MulLple strands prevent loss of sLmulaLon in event of failure of one wire
– Sog coaLng provides flexibility, electrical insulaLon and biological
Pacemaker Design
Pacemaker: Leads
• Important characterisLcs of the leads
– Good conductor
– Mechanically strong and reliable
• Must withstand effects of moLon due to beaLng of heart and movement of body
– Good electrical insulaLon
• Current designs
– Interwound helical coil of spring-wire alloy molded in a silicone-rubber or
polyurethane cylinder
– Coil minimizes mechanical stresses
– MulLple strands prevent loss of sLmulaLon in event of failure of one wire
– Sog coaLng provides flexibility, electrical insulaLon and biological
Pacemaker: Electrodes
• Unipolar vs. Bipolar Pacemakers
– Unipolar:
• Single electrode in contact with the heart
• NegaLve-going pulses are conducted
• A large indifferent electrode is located elsewhere in the body to
complete the circuit
– Bipolar:
• Two electrodes in contact with the heart
• SLmuli are applied across these electrodes
• SLmulus parameters (i.e. voltage/current, duraLon)
are consistent for both
Pacemaker: Electrodes
• Important characterisLcs of electrodes
– Mechanically durable
– Material cannot:
Dissolve in Lssue
Irritate the Lssue
Undergo electrolyLc reacLon due to sLmulaLon
React biologically
– Good Interface with leads
• Current designs
– PlaLnum, plaLnum alloys, and other specialized alloys are used
Pacemaker: Electrodes
Pacemaker: Sensing Electrodes
• Unipolar and bipolar electrodes are also used as
sensing electrodes
• Used in conjuncLon with advanced pacemaker
Pacemaker: Packaging
• Housing for the components must be compaLble and
well tolerated by the body
• Needs to provide protecLon to circuit components
to ensure reliable operaLon
• Size and weight must be considered
• Common designs consist of hermeLcally sealed
Ltanium or stainless steel
Advanced Pacemakers
• Synchronous Pacemakers
– Used for intermiNent sLmulaLon as opposed to
conLnuous sLmulaLon as in asynchronous
• Rate-Responsive Pacemakers
– Used for variable rates of pacing as needed based
on changes in physiological demand
Synchronous Pacemakers
• Prevents possible deleterious outcomes of
conLnuous pacing (i.e. tachycardia, fibrillaLon)
– Minimizes compeLLon between normal pacing
• Two general types of synchronous pacemakers
– Demand pacemakers
– Atrial-synchronous pacemakers
Demand Pacemakers
• Consists of asynchronous
components and feedback loop
• Timing circuit runs at a fixed rate
(60 to 80 bpm)
• Ager each sLmulus, Lming circuit
is reset
• If natural beats occur between
sLmuli, Lming circuit is reset
• Normal cardiac rhythms prevent
pacemaker sLmulaLon
Atrial-Synchronous Pacemaker
• SA node firing triggers the
• Delays are used to simulate natural
delay from SA to AV node (120ms)i
and to create a refractory period
• Output circuit controls ventricular
• Combining the demand pacemaker
with this design allows the device
to let natural SA node firing to
control the cardiac acLvity
500ms Delay
120ms Delay
2ms Delay
Rate-Responsive Pacing
• Replicates cardiac funcLon in a
physiologically intact individual
• Sensor is used to convert physiological
variable to an electrical signal that
serves as an input
• Controller circuit changes heart rate
based on sensor signal (demand-type
pacing can be implemented here)
Lead Wires/
Ventricular Inhibited or R Wave Blocked
• Used for paLents who generally have sinus rhythm
with occasional heart block.
• The circuitry detects spontaneous R wave potenLals
at the electrodes & the pacemaker provides sLmulus
to heart ager preset asystole.
• In case of ventricular acLvity. The R wave does not
trigger the output circuit of the pacemaker but
blocks the output circuit & no sLmulaLon impulse is
given to the heart
Commercial Examples
Commercial Examples
• Typical size and
shape of the
• Upper porLon
is used for
interfacing with
the leads
What outside electrical sources can interfere with
the pacemaker?
• Carry a wallet I.D. card with you. Equipment
used by doctors and denLsts can affect your
pacemaker, so tell them you have one.
How are pacemakers implanted?
Pacemaker systems are ogen implanted under local
anesthesia in a cardiac catheterizaLon laboratory.
ImplantaLon of a pacemaker is considered a minor
• PaLents are typically awake or only mildly sedated during the
procedure. A local anestheLc is injected under the skin over
the area where the pacemaker will be implanted, usually in
the right or leg upper chest near the collarbone. The numbing
injecLon keeps the paLent from feeling pain when a small
incision is made over the same area to create a small space.
The pacemaker lead is then inserted into a vein located in the
upper chest near the collarbone. The lead is placed in the
right atrium or the right ventricle with the visual guidance of
How are pacemakers implanted?
The Lp of the lead is then aNached to the inner surface of the
heart by small Lnes or with a small screw. If there is more
than one lead, the process is repeated. Because there are no
nerve endings inside the blood vessels and the heart, the
paLent usually does not feel the placement of the lead(s).
The other end of the lead(s) is then connected to the pacemaker
chamber, which is then placed under the skin. Closing the
incision with sutures completes the process. The procedure
usually takes about an hour. PaLents are discharged the same
or the next day if there are no complicaLons. PaLents are
given anLbioLcs to prevent possible infecLon, and sent home
with pain medicaLons to alleviate post-surgical pain at the
incision site.
What outside electrical sources can interfere with
the pacemaker?
MagneLc resonance imaging (MRI scan) is a diagnosLc test for studying
the brain, the joints, the spine, the liver, and other organs. The strong
magneLc field from the MRI scan can interfere with pacemakers. PaLents
with pacemakers should not undergo MRI scanning.
Digital cellular phones can interfere with pacemakers. Therefore, the
cellular phone should be held on the ear opposite from the side of the
pacemaker. Do not carry the phone in the pocket near the chest.
Theg detector gates in certain stores can generate signals that interfere
with the pacemaker.
The metal detector gates at airports can also interfere with the
Heavy-duty electrical powered equipment such as arc welders, a running
car engine, and certain electrically powered surgical tools can also cause
disturbances with pacemakers.
• www.medicalonline.com
• www.londoncardiac.ca