Acid Fast Stain Mycobacterium • Members of the Mycobacterium are visualized better by the use of the Adic Fast Stain. Such members have a thick waxy (lipoiodal) wall that becomes an obstacle in usieng the regular gram stain, that is why and acid fast method is used to have the stain penetrate the wall to stain and visualize the bacteria. Example of such bacteria re M.tuberculosis and M.leprae. Apply carbol fuchsin to the slide make sure you have a boiling water leave for 5 minute you can also put a paper towel and saturate it with the stain. Remember you will need to go over the steps of fixing your bacteria on the slide and then apply the carbol fuchsin We rinse after every stain Apply acid alcohol until the it runs clear or keep for 10-15 seconds. We rinse after every stain Counter stain with methylene blue for 2 minutes We rinse after every stain Dry the slide Work • 1- Give two examples of mycobacterium bacteria. • 2- Explain the disease that they cause to humans. • 3- Search the internet to find why heat is needed in this procedure.