. fisfl 0PRM FORM 3fi1S-1A Republic af the Fhrlippines Nalronal Police Commissran NATIONAL I-IEAf]GUARTEfi S. FH I LIPPIN T NA,TIONAL POL IC E Camp Crarne, Quezon Crty ATF}DAVIT OT UNDTRTAKINS IFOLTCE OFFTCER r PSF QUOTA APPLTCANTI of iegal ase. t ii:1.s1 flame I il,liddl€ i{ane I (La:i f'lanaii Qraljfrer, pr*$efitly residing at havlr$ *"dy s***r tc in a*qorda$ce with l*#, ds here&y dep**a e*d stfite; Filrpino ar"rd 1. That I am a Folice Officer 1 {PO1} applicant for this CY Recruitment Program of ,., - .. - ._-- Rquiar ; {uniuofllce} 2 That lwas born on 3. Thet leffi * grsdirets *f ,., *" . ,." *,, " , . ._-pd h6}d# #f {S€gro*r$d.s6e} eligibrirty. 4" Thai I have not besn diehm*rabiy diaeh*rg*d fr*rn rxilit*ry sfll$l*$l1*nt or ofi ,Abuen*a With*ut *ffrclal Leave or Droppd frsrn Ralk fr*nr the PfdP p*lvica ar dismissed for catrse from any civilian position in the Governffleni; $. Th*t *h*ve n* Wfiding criminal *ass i* 6$y eourl i*cluding at the ffice of the OmbudsffHn or adtninistrative case: 6. That I h*ve not heen nonuictrd b,y final iudgrnent of an ofiense or crime involving moral turpitude; 7. That I *gfe€ ts ths *Htoffiic nulliftc*tim sf my *pp*intr*eslt &* Pslifis Otri**r f *nd h*!d mys*$ lisble for pequry, falsehoed, rnisrepresentation or ornission of facts, if thsr* exists a p*nding c€$s a*ein*t me and/or falsification or a*t of disho*esty for **y traudulent, fake *r ta*Bered documer*s tix*t I tmv* submitf*d; S" Thet I will n*i resign fmrn th* esrvifie u,ithin three {3} years after fraving taken my c*th of a$i*e **r *eek rexs*ignr***t/detail with ofher FNF lj.Ilts or sllied ssvi*es outsrde ef for at least flve {5} y€ar$ {{nir] 9" Thst t furth*r *srtiry ftqt th€ f*r*gor*g dff{arstisn$ are tfl& and **cr*mt* t* the best of my knoMedge and ability and I hereby ar.rthorized the PNP to obtain and $e*Jre p*ftirBnt ree*rd$ tha{ will $how rny qualification standards, collstorai requrrernents and case records and other record relatad to thess dedaration rf any, in any agpncy or office. FURM{ER AFFIANT SAYETH NOHE: {AfiEnta $l{r**rse 6Ysr P{ir*s* t*q,r!e} SUBSCRIBED AHD SWORN to before me 6i **M this day of , 2015 Philippirm, #ra*t *xhibiting hi**?er OT0 f'l* at 0n NOTARY PUBLIC