*? $t, {? tl+ .'I? .'t? tI., tI+ Wyatt Graduating Serriors Reurrion Class of zo16 Filth Grade Glass ofi zoog Please ioin lrorrr elassmatesr tormer teactrerst and parents for a special time o0 Mernories Gl Celebrattion! Ptaee: Wyatt Etementarly Cateter{a Ilate: Wednesday, lilay 25 Timee 4?lS The program Feet lree to wear a sbirt - 6aa5 p.r[. wiff begin at approt'oatetlr trou tlre cotlege thet 5115. you wiII be attending. $100 Door Prize Scholarships will be awarded to 4lucky recipients! Contact Cynthia Ward @ cvnthiakayward@tx.rr.com with questions. *r, tt? tI+ tl+ *+ *e tI., tt+