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University as Corporate Enterprise: CSR & Culture

University is a corporate enterprise
In addition to academic orientations, the roles and functions of universities have widened, to a
phase which is named as “academic enterprise”2 or “enterprising universities”3 for Powell and
Deyson (2011)
Together with an expansion of academic environment to the global needs, universities also
specialize to persuade needs of local social needs. To achieve those needs, ‘academic enterprises’
have their priority to equip students with most important competences with which the future
workers would be able to achieve those needs. (Cited in Towards an academic enterprise:
Knowledge creation and emerging modes of cooperation between universities and world of
work, Gipson Varghese and Edurne Bartolome Peral )
(Cái này là của Research về Definitions of Enterprise (trong Enterprise Strategy):
1. a project or undertaking, especially a bold or complex one
2. readiness to engage in daring or difficult action
3. entrepreneurial activity, especially when accompanied by initiative and resourcefulness
4. a business or company)
- 4 cultures of universities: collegium, bureaucracy, corporation and enterprise (From the
collegial academy to corporate enterprise: the changing cultures of Universities)
From a “stakeholder view” perspective:
Finding how CSR affect to framework yields (management) of stakeholder
Identifying “blind spots” whereby closing them could increase the firm's effectiveness concerning
the implementation of their specific corporate responsibility. (Cited in Corporate social
responsibility from a “stakeholder view” perspective: CSR implementation by a Swiss
mobile telecommunication provider)
CSR different view:
From secrectaries: there is evidence that businesses are starting to look beyond financial
accountability as the sole route to creating shareholder value. (Are CSR and Corporate
Governance Converging?: A View from Boardroom Directors and Company Secretaries in
FTSE100 Companies in the UK, Dr Kevin Money, Herman Schepers)
CSR in universities:
Knowledge creation and transfer: the relevance of academic enterprise In addition to traditional task
of education and research ‘the universities operational environment have expanded and new ways of
thinking have emerged’, as explained in Nurmi and Paasio (2007)