Global Citizens Skills and Processe Values and Attitude 1. Collaboration and cooperation 1. Comfort with ambiguity 2. Communication, including verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual, in a variety of contexts 2. Commitment to social justice and equity 3. Concern for the environment and commitment to sustainable practices 4. Curiosity about the world 5. Empathy for others 6. Open-mindedness 3. Communication with individuals of diverse cultures 4. Con ict resolution, including the ability to compromise and negotiate 5. Critical and creative thinking 7. Respect for the rights of others 6. Media, digital, and information literacy 8. Sense of identity and self-awareness 7. Multilingualism 9. Sense of responsibility for helping others 8. Perspective taking 10. Sense of unity with individuals and causes within and outside one’s borders (solidarity) s s fl 11. Values diversity