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Arisoy & Tuğrul Özel (2014): Machine Learning Based Predictive Modeling of Machining Induced Microhardness and Grain Size in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2014.961476 To link to this article: Disclaimer: This is a version of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to authors and researchers we are providing this version of the accepted manuscript (AM). Copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof will be undertaken on this manuscript before final publication of the Version of Record (VoR). During production and pre-press, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal relate to this version also. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. 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Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http:// Machine Learning Based Predictive Modeling of Machining Induced Microhardness and Grain Size in Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Yiğit M. Arisoy1, Tuğrul Özel1 1 Manufacturing and Automation Research Laboratory, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Corresponding author, Manufacturing and Automation Research Laboratory, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, 08854, USA E-mail: Abstract Titanium and its alloys are today used in many industries including aerospace, automotive and medical device and among those Ti-6Al-4V alloy is the most suitable because of favorable properties such as high strength-to-weight ratio, toughness, superb corrosion resistance and bio-compatibility. Machining induced surface integrity and microstructure alterations size play a critical role in product fatigue life and reliability. Cutting tool geometry, coating type, and cutting conditions can affect surface and subsurface hardness as well as grain size. In this paper, predictions of machining induced microhardness and grain size are performed by using 3D finite element simulations of machining and machine learning models. Microhardness and microstructure of machined surfaces of Ti-6Al-4V are investigated. Hardness measurements are conducted at elevated temperatures to develop a predictive model by utilizing FEM based temperature fields for hardness profile. Measured hardness, grain size and fractions are utilized in developing predictive models. Predicted microhardness profiles and grain sizes are then utilized in understanding the effect of machining parameters such as cutting speed, tool 1 coating and edge radius on the surface integrity. Optimization using genetic algorithms is performed to identify most favorable tool edge radius and cutting conditions. KEYWORDS: Machining, Titanium, Machine Learning, Microhardness, Grain size INTRODUCTION Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Titanium alloys, specifically Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64), are commonly used in the aerospace industry due to their high strength to weight ratio, toughness and corrosion resistance. They are also considered bio-compatible and can be used in medical devices. Surface integrity is one of the most relevant parameters used for evaluating the quality of finish machined surfaces, as the critical structural components in industry are manufactured with the objective to reach high reliability levels. Microhardness is an important aspect of surface integrity, and it can play an important role throughout the product’s lifecycle as reviewed in [1]. Microhardness is affected by the machining induced strain, stress and temperature fields in the workpiece and although there are some analytical modeling efforts, they require a great understanding of the microstructure of the specific material and are not easily implemented [1, 2]. However, it is known that machining parameters such as cutting speed, depth of cut, tool radius and tool coating have an effect on stress and temperature fields; therefore it is possible to obtain a relationship between the machining parameters and microhardness. 2 In a recent paper, Moussaoui et al. [3] investigated the effects of milling to microhardness and microstructure in Ti-6Al-4V. They state that machining causes a softening effect on the material due to high temperatures during cutting which cause Vanadium to diffuse into the α phase from the β phase of the alloy, without changing the microstructure. They also state that it is difficult to take traditional hardness measurements from two phase alloys such as the Ti-6Al-4V, and the results are dispersed. Jovanovic et al. [4] Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 investigated how the mechanical properties and microstructure of investment cast Ti-6Al4V change with different annealing temperatures and cooling rates. They found out that higher annealing temperatures and faster cooling rates yield higher tensile strength and hardness. Jovanovic et al. [4] reported microhardness measurements of annealed Ti-6Al4V between 360-375 HV using 10 N force (about 1.02 kg). Moussaoui et al. [3] reported microhardness measurements that were made 300 g force (about 2.94 N) for Ti-6Al-4V as 335.65 HV mean with 19.24 standard deviation. Rotella et al. [5] measured surface and subsurface microhardness values as 354 HV for as received (annealed) Ti-6Al-4V using 50 g force (0.49 N). In this paper, as continuation of the study by Özel and Ulutan [6, 7] on machining induced surface integrity where residual stresses were analyzed using experiments and 3D FE simulations, we perform microhardness analysis using similar experiments, simulations, and machine learning based pseudo models in order to achieve an understanding about how cutting conditions affect the machining induced microhardness on Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. Genetic algorithms are utilized to determine optimum cutting tool and machining conditions for minimizing microstructure alteration. 3 MACHINING EXPERIMENTS Face turning experiments, using four different cutting tools and 16 cutting conditions, were conducted on the Ti-6Al-4V specimen obtained as a cylindrical billet. To accomplish this, the specimen was machined in circular tracks, each track representing a different cutting condition with the same cutting tool. The machined face was then cut Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 from the billet to form about 3 mm thick disk. The billet was then annealed at 704 C and the surface was cleaned with a few finishing passes prior to starting a new set of experiments. This procedure was repeated using different tools (uncoated WC/Co and TiAlN coated WC/Co) until all disks were obtained with different tracks representing different cutting conditions and cutting tools. In the experiments, WC/Co inserts with edge radii of r = 25 µm, r = 10 µm, r = 5 µm (sharp) and TiAlN coated WC/Co inserts with edge radius of r = 10 µm have been tested in face turning of Ti-6Al-4V disks. A depth of cut of ap = 2mm, two cutting speeds of vc=55m/min and 90m/min, and two feeds of f = 0.05 mm/rev and 0.1 mm/rev were selected as cutting conditions. Hardness measurements were taken on machined tracks of the disks using a Rockwell type tester in the HR15N scale (15N or 1.53 kg) and the values were then converted to Vickers Hardness (HV) scale. In some sets, some spreading was observed in hardness measurements. The measurements together with mean and standard deviation values are given in Table 1. The workpiece was annealed at 704 °C in the furnace in between experiments, after each disk was cut off. Hardness measurements were taken from the untouched back surface of the cylindrical billet after each annealing process, and the mean and standard deviation are reported as 335.7 HV and 13.5 HV respectively. Grain 4 size measurements were taken from the side surface of the billet, and the average grain size and its standard deviation were found to be 15.84 μm and 4.56 μm, respectively. Hardness measurements were also taken from the workpiece after air cooling down to room temperature from 700 °C, 600 °C, 500 °C, and 400 °C. About thirty hardness measurements were taken for each case. The mean and standard deviation of hardness values for all cooled cases are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 2. Hot hardness measurements Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 were performed on a cylindrical workpiece that was left over from the disk machining experiments. This piece also shares a surface that was used in taking the hardness measurements after annealing, allowing a valid comparison. Temperature measurements were taken with an infrared thermometer, and the values were fit into exponential curves to smooth the noisy data. Fig. 2 shows the hardness versus temperature curves for each initial temperature. Hot hardness values were used to generate a temperature based instantaneous hardness model for the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, which is explained in Section 4. Note that the first measurements do not precisely represent the furnace heated temperature levels due to setup delays and machine measurement limitations. It is known that microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V is affected by thermo-mechanical processing [9] such as machining [5]. Therefore, microstructural analysis of machined Ti6Al-4V alloy disks was performed after hardness measurements. Firstly Ti-64 disk specimens were prepared for microstructure analysis by polishing with 300, 600, and 1200 grit SiC sand paper and subsequent etching with Kroll’s agent (2 ml HF, 6 ml HNO3, 92 ml distilled water). Then Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) imaging together with a proprietary image processing program written in MATLAB has been 5 utilized to obtain grain size measurements. Grain diameters and volume fractions were determined from these SEM images as shown in Fig. 3 for Ti-64 subsurfaces. Predictive models are developed using Random Forests method as described in Section 4. FINITE ELEMENT BASED SIMULATION OF MACHINING In order to calculate temperature rises in the machined workpiece, 3-D Finite Element Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 simulations of machining Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy have been utilized. These predicted temperature fields will be used as input to predict resultant microhardness profiles on the machined surfaces. A constitutive model relating the flow stress to strain, strain rate and temperature is required for the simulations for the Ti-6Al-4V. This model is often obtained from the Split-Hopkinson pressure bar tests performed under various strain rates and temperatures, and is generally valid in certain ranges. The model given in Eq. (1) that was proposed by Sima and Özel [6] accounts for strain and strain rate hardening, temperature-dependent flow softening and thermal softening effects and it is used in this work. A B n 1 exp 1 Cln a ˙ 1 0 T Tr Tm Tr s m D2 1 D2 tanh 1 p2 (1) where D2 1 T Tm d , and p2 Here, σ is flow stress, ε and T Tm b . are true strain and true strain rate, εo is reference true strain, and T, Tm and To are work, material melting and ambient temperatures respectively. The material model parameters are; A=725 MPa, B=300 MPa, n=0.65, 6 r C=0.035, m=1, a=0.5, b=2, d=0.5, r=12, s=-0.05. The melting temperature for Ti-6Al-4V is Tm = 1604°C. 3D Finite Element software DEFORM was used with workpiece being considered as viscoplastic and tool being considered as rigid bodies [7]. Hence, it was assumed that the workpiece deformations are predominantly viscoplastic. The workpiece was modeled as a Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 4-degree disk sector geometry with the same diameter used in the experiments and it was discretized with 1.5x10 5 elements, giving a minimum element size of 0.005 mm as shown in Fig. 4a. The tool was modeled using a small segment around the corner radius area of the cutting insert (r =0.8 mm with 11° relief angle) and its mesh consists of 1.0x105 elements with minimum element size of 0.015 mm. A very fine mesh was utilized in the cutting zone and the tip of the tool in order to accurately represent the tool characteristics. Boundary conditions were defined for heat transfer from the workpiece to the tool. A very high heat conduction coefficient (h=100 kW/m2 /°C) was adopted to allow a rapid temperature change in the tool. Temperature-dependent material properties i.e. elasticity modulus E(T) (MPa), thermal expansion α(T) (1/°C), thermal conduction λ(T) (W/m/°C) and heat capacity cp(T) (N/mm2/°C) were used in simulations as shown in Table 3. The tool-chip contact friction was computed by a hybrid model where a shear region (with m=τ/k where is the shear stress and k is the shear flow stress) was defined around the tool edge radius curvature and a sliding region with the coefficient μ was defined along the rest of the rake face. The coefficients were taken as m=0.9 and 0.6 μ 0.8 . All FE simulations were run for a fixed cutting distance of 1.8 mm corresponding to simulation times about 2 ms (v c=90m/min) and 1.2 ms (v c=90m/min) during which it was assumed 7 that the temperature rise in the workpiece reached to near steady-state. The simulation output temperature fields were obtained as shown in Fig.4b&c, which were in turn utilized in predictive modeling of microhardness profiles. PREDICTIVE MODELING USING MACHINE LEARNING The Random Forests Method Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 In order to find a relationship and create a predictive model between the temperature of the workpiece during machining and the microhardness, we utilize machine learning algorithms. Once properly configured, machine learning algorithms inspect, extract and use the relationships and patterns that exist within the given dataset, which is very convenient for the user. Among machine learning algorithms, the Random Forests (RF) method proposed by Breiman [10] is an adaptive nearest neighbor algorithm that can be used for classification and regression. By making use of an ensemble of regression trees, it can easily capture nonlinear relationships between an input data set and a target data set. Regression trees work by recursively partitioning the data. Starting from the root node that contains the whole dataset, a tree is grown by generating two branches. The partitioning is done to minimize the sum of the squared errors over all splitting variables α (input parameters and predictor types) and split points β as shown in Eq. (2) where 1 and 2 denote the first and second regions respectively. It should be noted that this equation is a general expression and available in literature. NL min α,β yi1 i 1 y1 2 NR yi 2 y2 2 (2) i 1 8 The splitting process continues at each new node until certain criteria are met; such as meeting a minimum error improvement δ for a split, or setting a minimum number of data points in each branch. When a node cannot be split anymore, it is called a terminal node or a leaf node. Usually, trees are grown until a minimum number of leaves exist. However, over fitting is very common especially if the trees are fully grown. In this case, the bias will be small but small changes in the training data will yield a high variance due Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 to the number of degrees of freedom in the tree. This can be prevented by pruning the trees but it will reduce the model’s ability to capture complicated relationships in the data. The RF method remedies this issue with the introduction of bagging (bootstrap aggregating), which is essentially a random selection of training data for each tree (bootstrapping) combined with an aggregation of predictions from different trees. Also, at each node during the growth of a tree, m out of p input parameters are selected randomly to determine the split instead of using all p parameters. This isolates the trees from each other and reduces the correlation between them, thus improving the accuracy of the predictions. In general, the Random Forest method can be considered similar to genetic programming as well. Prediction Methodology The input and target vectors must first be determined carefully in order to train a model that achieves desirable results. Two separate RF models were constructed to predict instantaneous hardness during machining and final hardness of the workpiece after cooling down to room temperature. The training of the instantaneous model was performed using hot hardness measurements as the target vector, where the temperature 9 and hardness values were measured and recorded. The input vectors were chosen as maximum temperature, instantaneous temperature and the cooling time. An input matrix was constructed by assigning each vector to a column and each row to a different measurement. The RF regression model was trained using 800 trees. A representative tree from the model is shown in Fig. 5a. After the model was trained, FE simulation results were used as inputs to the model to obtain instantaneous hardness values during the Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 machining operations. During the training of the model, 10% of the input data was reserved as test data and was not used in training. Fig. 5b also shows the goodness of the fit. The fit has R2= 0.965, MAE=0.51 and RMSE=0.933. The secondary RF model was trained to calculate the hardness of the cooled down workpiece. The temperatures shown in Fig. 1 and Table 2 were used as the input dataset and the hardness measurements are used as the target dataset, with the exception of the hardness measurements from the furnace cooled 704°C data which was used as the default room temperature hardness for the model to converge to, by setting the temperature to 20°C instead. For the prediction phase, FE simulation data was extracted in the form of nodal temperatures and passed to MATLAB. A line of 0.1 mm depth from the surface was selected close to the middle of the workpiece in order to see the effects of the tool. The temperature data was interpolated using MATLAB. The resulting data was fed into the RF model, and hardness values were calculated. It is important to note that current model is purely temperature dependent and is not intended to capture the work deformation induced effects. For instance, localized heating, an important factor that affects surface integrity during machining, is not present in the hot hardness measurements. Moreover, plastic 10 deformation was not included in this current model. However, a more complicated and accurate model can be developed in a similar manner. Simulations that were conducted at first eight cutting conditions listed in Table 1 were used in the hardness predictions. Two distinct steps of hardness predictions were done. At first an instantaneous change in microhardness was computed based on the temperature Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 rise. The evolution of temperature and hardness on the depth into the material line over time is shown in Fig. 6 for a representative cutting condition (TiAlN coated tool, vc= 90 m/min, and f=0.1 mm/rev condition). It is observed that the machined surface layer experiences an instantaneous hardness state due to localized heating during cutting process, and cools down to a lower temperature. During this repeated heating and cooling process, machined surface and subsurface go through changes in the microhardness. Fig. 7 shows the effects of different cutting conditions and tool coating on instantaneous hardness during various stages of the machining process. Microhardness state into the depth below the surface is shown just prior to chip formation (cutting) process for all cutting conditions in Fig. 7a. Higher feeds create larger change in surface hardness while this effect diminishes after 50 µm depth into the machined surface. In general coated tool influences hardness more than uncoated tool. In addition, instantenous hardness change prior to and after the cutting process was also investigated. Machined surface was cooled down to the room temperature and resultant hardness profile was calculated as shown in Fig. 7b&c. Higher feed rate and a larger edge radius are found responsible for greater alterations in microhardness profiles. Fig. 7b shows that the heated surface is predicted to be softer than the relatively colder interior parts of the workpiece, which follows the hot 11 hardness measurement data. Fig. 7c shows the predicted final hardness of the surface, after being processed and reveals the differences. Microhardness And Grain Size Predictions In order to develop a predictive model for microhardness and grain size of the machined surfaces in Ti-6Al-4V, all 16 experimental cutting conditions listed in Table 1 were Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 utilized and Random Forests based models were trained separately for surface hardness and grain size and volume fractions. The RF method [10] was also used to create predictive models that relate cutting conditions, grain size and fractions, and hardness measurements to each other. Fig. 8 shows the 3 different RF models. The RF1 x model predicts hardness (HV) from cutting conditions, RF2 x model predicts Ti-6Al-4V’s grain size (davg) from cutting conditions, and the RF3 x model predicts hardness from grain size and volume fractions. Cutting conditions are given as v c, f, rβ, and c, which represent cutting speed, feed rate, tool edge radius, and a binary parameter that describes whether coating exists or not (i.e. uncoated c=0 WC/Co uncoated and c=1 for TiAlN coating) respectively. Therefore, the input variable set for RF1 x and RF2 x is x RF3 x is x d avg , f vc , f , r , c and for . Mean values of the hardness and grain size measurements were obtained for each of the 16 cutting conditions (2 levels of cutting speed and feed, and 4 different tools). The data was partitioned into training and testing sets such that the 12 testing set contained 4 conditions, selected from 4 different tool types at varying cutting speeds and feeds. The training set contained the remaining 12 conditions. In addition, using the grain sizes and distributions obtained via SEM, an expression was constructed and proposed to estimate microhardness based on grain size and phase fraction relation and by following a general Hall-Petch (H-P) type equation for grain size Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 and strength relation available in literature: HV c0 m1 n1 c1 d avg f avg (3) where HV is microhardness, davg, and f are α grain size and α or volume fraction, respectively. The c0 and c1 are model constants and m1 and n1 are exponents. Model parameters were obtained via nonlinear optimization using genetic algorithm from SEM measurements for α grain sizes and volume fractions (Eq. 4) and α grain sizes and volume fractions (Eq. 5) to generate a hardness model for predicting machining induced microhardness in Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. These equations can be used to determine the hardness of the particular material that has undergone similar machining conditions from microstructure information. HV 0.07 175.79 112.36 d avg f HV 0.08 0.11 176.26 120.53 d avg f Predicted 0.04 (4) (5) grain sizes in Ti-6Al-4V using RF2 x model were compared against measured ones and predicted microhardness of machined surfaces using RF3 x model and Hall-Petch type equation as given in Eqs. (4) & (5) against measured mean microhardness given in Table 1. Fig. 9 shows the grain size comparisons between 13 measurements and RF2 x model predictions for different cutting speeds, feeds and tools. The predicted values are very close to each other, and while they follow a trend, the accuracy is not spectacular even for the training set, with MSE = 0.9203 (across testing data). This suggests that there are other factors that should be taken into account that determine the final grain size. In fact, it is known that grain sizes in the machined subsurfaces are determined by strain, strain rate and temperature history of the area, Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 which cannot be accurately described solely by the machining conditions. Fig. 10 shows the hardness comparisons between measurements, RF3 x model predictions (and predictions based on the H-P like equation. In this case, the RF3 model performs better than Eq. (5), with MSE= 38.3370 (across testing data) and MSE= 59.9408 (across all data) for H-P like equation. However, standard deviations of measured grain size and Microhardness which represent uncertainty are utilized in obtaining separate RF models and used in predicting these uncertainties (as error bars) in Figs. 9 & 10. GENETIC ALGORITHMS BASED OPTIMIZATION Genetic algorithms and evolutionary computation have been used in optimization problems in materials and manufacturing processes successfully ranging from carbon nanotubes to the process optimization [8, 11, 12]. Recently, a review was provided on the soft computing techniques used in designing metal alloys based on composition-processmicrostructure-property relations by Datta and Chattopadhyay [13] and a critical assessment of this field was given by Chakraborti [14]. In this work, the optimization problem can be formulated as determining cutting conditions using genetic algorithms for minimizing the machining induced hardness alteration. Random Forests based 14 predictions by using the model for cutting condition to hardness RF1 x HVpredicted were utilized to represent a function that can be used in the optimization problem. Then, the objective function f x is the square of the difference between annealed hardness and predicted hardness f x HVannealed HV predicted limitations with a set of decision variables ( x x1 , 2 subject to constraints and process , xn ) (i.e. n number of process Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 parameters), and X is the space with all feasible solutions. The decision variables are cutting speed (v c), feed (f), edge radius (rβ) and coating indicator (c), where rβ and c are forced to be integers i.e. x Minimize subject to vc , f , r , c . f x gj x b j for j 1, 2, , 4 , x r 5, 6, 7, 25 c 0,1 X This mixed-integer optimization problem was solved in MATLAB using the genetic algorithm with default settings (function tolerance = 1e-6, constraint tolerance = 1e-6, stall generations = 50, elite count = 2, crossover fraction = 0.8) and a population size of 500. The optimization took about 15 seconds when run in parallel on an Intel i7-3770K processor, and converged in about 50 generations. Optimal cutting conditions, calculated from this method are listed in Table 4, for different constraints. In Approach 1, all feasible ranges of decision variables i.e. tool type, cutting speed, and feed were included in the search space. In Approach 2, constraints were used to limit the cutting speed to a low setting so that the optimum tool type can be identified in which TiAlN coated tool was determined to be the best choice for minimizing microhardness alterations. As it can 15 (6) be seen from optimization results, a small edge radius tool (r = 6 µm) is being favored and a cutting speed of 85 m/min for uncoated WC/Co tool and a cutting speed of 58 m/min for TiAlN coated tool with a feed of about 0.07 mm/rev are found optimum values within the ranges of experimental data. CONCLUSIONS Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 In this paper, machining induced microstructure alterations such as hardness, grain size and fractions have been investigated by using face turning experiments, Finite Element simulations, and machine learning based predictive modeling for Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy. 3-D Finite Element simulations have been utilized to calculate the temperature fields experience during machining of Ti-6Al-4V. Together with hot hardness measurements conducted at these temperature ranges, prediction of microhardness profile into machined subsurface Ti-6Al-4V is achieved. Furthermore, microstructure is investigated by taking grain size and phase fraction measurements. Effects of tool edge radius and coating as well as cutting conditions on surface microhardness and microstructure i.e. grain size and fractions are identified. It was found that the microhardness of the machined surface and subsurface is affected by the machining process and cutting conditions especially with a large edge radius, high cutting speed and feed rates. Some of the specific conclusions can be given as: Softening occurs in some cutting conditions possibly due to high localized temperatures, dynamic recrystallization and grain coarsening on the machined surfaces of Ti-6Al-4V. 16 Predictive modeling utilizing FE simulations combined with Random Forests method is found effective in capturing temperature affected microhardness profile into the machined subsurface as well as machining induced microstructure alterations such as grain size and fractions. Genetic algorithm is a viable method to conduct optimization for selecting tool type and machining parameters in relation to most desirable microstructure, strength and Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 microhardness. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors greatly acknowledge the financial support provided by United States National Science Foundation- Grant# CMMI-113078 for this research. REFERENCES [1] Ulutan, D.; Özel, T. Machining Induced Surface Integrity in Titanium and Nickel Alloys: A Review. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 2011, 51, 250-280. [2] Che-Haron, C.H.; Jawaid, A. The Effect of Machining on Surface Integrity of Titanium. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2005, 166, 188-192. [3] Moussaoui, K.; Mousseigne, M.; Senatore, J.; Chieragatti, R.; Monies, F. Influence of milling on surface integrity of Ti6Al4V—study of the metallurgical characteristics: microstructure and microhardness. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 2013, 67, 1477–1489. 17 [4] Jovanovic, M.T.; Tadic, S.; Zec, S.; Miskovic, Z.; Bobic, I. The effect of annealing temperatures and cooling rates on microstructure and mechanical properties of investment cast Ti–6Al–4V alloy. 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Critical Assessment: The unique contributions of multi-objective evolutionary and genetic algorithms in materials research. Material Science and Technology 2014, DOI. 10.1179/1743284714Y.0000000578 19 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Table 1 Hardness measurements on the machined tracks. Tool Edge Cutting Feed Mean SD Avg. SD Volume Type radius Speed f Hardness Hardness Grain Grain fraction r vc (mm/rev) (HV) (HV) Size Size of (mm) (m/min) davg davg matrix (µm) (µm) grains WC/Co 25 55 0.05 316.9 8.9 13.03 3.04 0.22 WC/Co 25 55 0.1 301.6 16.0 14.39 2.73 0.27 WC/Co 25 90 0.05 316.7 18.9 16.17 3.45 0.19 WC/Co 25 90 0.1 310.0 37.9 13.57 2.85 0.28 TiAlN 10 55 0.05 326.5 9.5 14.66 3.43 0.17 TiAlN 10 55 0.1 323.3 17.4 13.09 2.59 0.18 TiAlN 10 90 0.05 319.1 13.3 14.40 3.18 0.19 TiAlN 10 90 0.1 324.2 16.3 14.95 3.63 0.17 WC/Co 10 55 0.05 313.9 24.8 13.20 2.69 0.27 WC/Co 10 55 0.1 319.6 11.4 12.82 2.69 0.24 WC/Co 10 90 0.05 319.6 23.4 14.39 2.79 0.29 WC/Co 10 90 0.1 310.1 23.9 13.66 2.62 0.23 WC/Co 5 55 0.05 321.2 22.3 10.70 2.41 0.34 WC/Co 5 55 0.1 324.8 11.2 13.63 3.07 0.23 WC/Co 5 90 0.05 332.3 10.2 16.29 2.95 0.25 WC/Co 5 90 0.1 332.1 14.5 14.57 3.23 0.27 20 Table 2 Hardness measurements at room temperature after cooling down Condition Temperature (°C) Mean Hardness (HV) SD Hardnesss (HV) 335.8 13.3 Air Cooled 700 323.8 13.1 Air Cooled 600 332.8 8.9 Air Cooled 500 326.4 18.9 Air Cooled 400 312.1 20.1 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Furnace Cooled 704 21 Table 3 Mechanical and thermo-physical properties of work and tool materials used in FE simulations [6]. Ti-6Al-4V WC/Co (Ti,Al)N E(T) 0.7412T+113375 5.6x105 6.0x105 α(T) 3.10-9T+7.10-6 4.7x10-6 9.4x10-6 7.039e0.0011T 55 0.0081T+11.95 (T) 0.0005T+2.07 0.0003T+0.57 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 cp(T) 2.24e0.0007T 22 Table 4 Optimization results. Optimization Constraints Approach 1 55 ≤ vc ≤ 90 & 0.05 WC/Co ≤ f ≤ 0.10 uncoated 55 ≤ vc ≤ 60 & 0.05 TiAlN ≤ f ≤ 0.10 coated Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Approach 2 Tool 23 Edge radius, vc f r (µm) (m/min) (mm/rev) 6 84.9 0.069 6 58.3 0.073 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Figure 1 Hardness measurements at room temperature after cooling down 24 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Figure 2 Hot hardness measurements for different initial temperatures. 25 Figure 3 Microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V (a) unmachined and machined subsurfaces (b) WC/Co tool, r = 5 µm (sharp), vc=55 m/min, f=0.10 mm/rev, (c) TiAlN coated WC/Co tool, vc=90 m/min, f=0.10 mm/rev (d) WC/Co tool, r = 10 µm, vc=55 m/min, f=0.10 mm/rev (e) WC/Co tool, r = 25 µm, v c=55 m/min, f=0.10 mm/rev (f) WC/Co tool, r = 25 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 µm, vc=90 m/min, f=0.05 mm/rev. 26 Figure 4 3D FE model for machining and predicted machining induced temperature Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 fields. 27 Figure 5 Representation of a regression tree in the instantaneous hardness model (a) and Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 RF model fit for hot hardness (b). 28 Figure 6 Temperature in ºC (a) and hardness in HV (b) over line section on the workpiece Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 during machining over time. 29 Figure 7 Instantaneous hardness (a) prior to chip formation, (b) after the cutting process, Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 and (c) after cooling down to r. t. 30 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Figure 8 Random Forests based prediction models for hardness and grain size. 31 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Figure 9 Measured and predicted average grain size. 32 Downloaded by [Gazi University] at 18:51 03 February 2015 Figure 10 Measured and predicted hardness. 33