Analysis of a Modified Single Phase Multilevel Cascaded Inverter Circuit *M.K.A.Ahamed Khan1,Manickam Ramasamy2, Chun Kit Ang3,Lim Wei Hong3, Tran Duc Chung4, Kalaiselvi Aramugam5,S.Sridevi6 *1 UCSI University, Faculty of Engineering, Corresponding author 2,3,5 UCSI University, FETBE, Kuala Lumpur-56000, Malaysia, 4, FPT University, Vietnam .,TCE Madurai, India. Abstract— In this paper a modified circuit of single phase five level cascaded inverter state of art design topology is discussed. The modified circuit has reduced number of switches and a comparison of the total harmonic distortion with various pulse width modulation techniques was carried out. A multicarrier sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique is used to control the distortion in the output of the inverter. Several types of multi carrier pulse width modulation techniques have been analyzed in this paper. For higher modulation index value the Phase Disposition offers the lowest level of Total harmonic distortion. To validate the objective MATLAB/Simulink simulation software was used and it has been justified by using the experimental results. Keywords- Sinusoidal pulse width modulation(SPWM), cascaded multi level inverter (CMLI), and total harmonic distortion (THD). I. INTRODUCTION Inverter is a power converter circuit mainly used to synthesize the required AC output from DC source. During the conversion from DC to AC many limitations related to the type and number of switches is involved [1]. The inverter circuit considered here has many advantages over other types of inverters such as reduced harmonic content. In most of the inverters designed earlier before, the crucial drawback is that the optimal switching angles could not be calculated in realtime and one has to rely on lookup tables with pre calculated angles. Though some inverters offer better quality of the generated waveform and lower switching losses there are also drawbacks associated with this technology: more switching devices and associated gate driver circuitry, more complex modulation and control of the DC-link capacitor voltage sharing etc,[10] The state of art design is carried out in various sections. In the first section a multilevel inverter (MLI) and its standard circuits are discussed. SPWM techniques are discussed in the second section. In the third section both the advantages and the disadvantages of the various Inverter circuits are discussed. Gate switch is done by using the , the multicarrier SPWM. Lastly the simulation results and the analysis of total harmonic distortion are presented. A. Multilevel Inverters Cascaded With their own isolated dc bus, cascaded multilevel inverter is made up from a series connected single full bridge inverters. Almost a sinusoidal voltage waveform can be obtained from several separate dc sources[2]. DC sources can be obtained from batteries, fuel cells and solar cells. Transformer, clamping diodes or flying capacitors are not required in this inverter design.. Five different voltage outputs ranging from +2Vdc, +Vdc, 0, –2Vdc and –Vdc can be generated by connecting the dc sources to the ac output by various combinations of the four switches. Sum of all the Inverter outputs equals to the output voltage of an M-level inverter [3]. Each H-bridge unit generates a quasi-square waveform and switches at its fundamental frequency and each switching device always conducts for 180˚ regardless of the pulse width of the square wave .For high voltage and high power inversion with its ability to produce better harmonic spectrum this Inverter is widely used. B. SPWM Multicarrier Techniques Level – shifted modulation is considered to avoid the total harmonic distortion resulting in H –bridge Inverters. It requires (m-1) triangular carriers[4], all having the same frequency and amplitude to design a m-level multilevel inverter using levelshifted multicarrier modulation scheme. There are three alternative carrier disposition Pulse width modulation strategies are used mainly based on the phase shift angle[5],: II. MODIFIED SINGLE PHASE INVERTER CIRCUIT i = 1…n (Total number of full bridge inverters included) for the n level type. b) Ia is the cascaded inverter output current. c) S1i and S2i are the full bridge inverter upper switches. a) V DC S4 S2 Dz S1 Rload For each phase of the multilevel cascaded inverter the output voltage is given by: V DC S3 S5 Von = ∑ Voi Figure 1: Modified single phase inverter with five switches and two sources. i = 1,2…..n (3) For different type of multicarrier the modulation Index for SPWM techniques is shown in the Table 1 . Table 1: Modulation Index Voltage APODIndexModulation 2Vdc Vdc 𝐴𝑟 𝑛′𝐴𝑐 0 π time Ma -Vdc -2Vdc Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition POD-Phase Opposition Disposition PD-Phase Disposition 𝐴𝑟 𝑛′ 𝐴𝑐 𝐴𝑟 𝑛′ 𝐴𝑐 Where n’ = (n - 1) / 2 Figure 2: Output voltage waveform by the modified inverter The modified circuit of inverter with less number of switches, full-bridge inverter, capacitor voltage divider, and an auxiliary circuit comprising four MOSFET switches is shown in Figure 1.The inverter topology produces improved output voltage quality, lesser filter size, less electromagnetic interferences, and less total harmonics distortion.. and the modulation frequency ratio (Mf) is the ratio between the carrier frequency (fc) to its reference frequency (fm) and is given by[8][9] , Mf = fc / fm (4) IV. OPERATION MODE AND SWITCHING TECHNIQUE SIMULATION Ac voltage wave form is produced from using separate dc sources. Each H-bridge inverter is connected to its own dc source Vdc. If i stands for one particular H-bridge inverter, to obtain the total ac voltage produced by the multilevel inverter, five distinct ac voltages are summed together. A cascaded Hbridges multilevel inverter can produce S’= 4 + (n-1) distinct levels in the output phase voltage [6][7]. III. MODULATION PARAMETERS AND MODELLING OF HBRIDGE INVERTER Output voltage of each level is given by V0i = Vdc (S1i – S2i) (1) The input dc current is Idci = Ia (S1i – S2i ) Where, (2) Figure 3: Operation modes of a Modified cascade MLI : (a) 0Vdc (b) Vdc (c) 2Vdc (d) 0Vdc (e) –Vdc (f) -2Vdc Each H-bridge inverter can produce five different voltages by closing the appropriate switches: S2 and S4 of H-bridge inverter are closed, the output voltage is 0 .S2 and S5 are closed, the voltage is +Vdc. Switch S1, S2 and S5 are closed, the voltage is +2Vdc. Switch S3 and S5 are closed, the voltage output and when S4 and S5 of one particular H-bridge inverter are closed, the voltage output is –Vdc, as S4 and S5 are closed, voltage is -2Vdc. V. MODIFIED MULTILEVEL INVERTER SIMULATION CIRCUIT In this section using multicarrier SPWM techniques for the five level inverter, switching pattern are simulated with the use of R2012a MATLAB. This circuit is modified from eight switches .Only MOSFET switches are used as power switch. Simulations are carried out by varying the subsystem in the simulation circuit and their corresponding output voltage are recorded. The multicarrier SPWM techniques such as POD, APOD, and PD are well discussed and the simulation results are recorded. Using FFT Analysis in Simulink the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) for all techniques was calculated. The following values are implemented for simulation results: Vdc= 210V, fc=1200Hz and R =40Ω. Figure 4 shows the simulation diagram of modified single phase five level output voltage cascaded multilevel inverter. Figure 5: Circuit diagram of pulse width modulation of modified single phase five level output voltage cascaded multilevel inverter Table 2 shows the five level output voltage switching strategy by using five switches. Table 2: Modified single phase five level output voltage cascade multilevel inverter Switching states Voltage Levels Switching conditions Diode Switch1 Switch2 Switch3 Switch4 Switch5 2VDC Off On On On Off Off VDC On Off On On Off Off +0 Off Off On Off On Off -0 Off Off Off On Off On -VDC On Off Off Off On On -2VDC Off On Off Off On On Figure 6 shows the switching patterns Figure 4: Modified single phase five level output voltage cascaded multilevel inverter circuit Figure 5 shows the Circuit diagram of pulse width modulation of modified single phase five level output voltage cascaded multilevel inverter. Table 2 shows the output voltage levels, according to the on/off switch conditions, . Figure 6: Pulse generated multicarrier PWM technique output voltage waveforms. A. (APOD) PWM Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition Carrier arrangement is shown in Figure 7. All the carriers have the same frequency, same amplitude; and they are phase shifted by 180° with its adjacent carriers. Figure 9: PD PWM Carrier arrangement VI. SIMULATION RESULTS OF MODIFIED SINGLE CASCADED MULTILEVEL INVERTER Figure 10 shows APOD PWM switching technique five level output voltage from the modified circuit multilevel inverter. THD is 36.55% of five-level output voltage from modified inverter at the modulation index = 0.8 as per Figure 11. Figure 7: Carrier arrangement for APOD PWM strategy B. (POD) PWM Phase Opposition Disposition All the carriers above zero reference value are in phase but in opposition with those below which is shown in the Figure 8. Figure 10: APOD PWM Output voltage waveform Figure 8: POD PWM Carrier arrangement C. (PD) PWM Phase Disposition Figure 11: APOD PWM technique THD value Here the carriers above and below the zero reference line are in phase. The carrier arrangement is shown in the Figure 9. Figure 12 shows the output voltage from the modified circuit multilevel inverter with POD PWM switching technique. The THD is 36.42% , modulation index = 0.8 as shown in Figure 13. Figure 12: Voltage waveform POD PWM Figure 15: THD for PD PWM technique From Table 3, the Phase Disposition (PD) has the low harmonic distortion. Figure 16 shows the summary of THD for different modulation techniques. It is concluded that the Phase Disposition (PD) SPWM technique has good harmonic spectrum with THD (33.53 %) for the modulation index, Ma = 0.8. Table 3 Figure 13: THD for POD PWM technique Figure 14 shows the voltage wave form for the inverter during using PD PWM switching technique. The THD is 33.53% , modulation index = 0.8 as per Figure 15. MaModulation Index 0.4 74.18 POD-Phase Opposition Disposition 74.18 0.6 42.09 39.34 36.26 0.8 36.55 36.42 33.53 1 29.74 26. 84 25.76 1.2 23.56 22.03 19.78 APOD-Alternative Phase Opposition Disposition PD-Phase Disposition 77.01 THD vs Modulation Index %THD 80 60 40 APOD 20 POD 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 PD Ma Figure 14: Voltage waveform using PD PWM Figure 16: THD comparison VII. CONCLUSION By using state of art design a modified single phase five level cascade multilevel inverter was designed and the experimental verification of simulation results is carried out. To remove the harmonics, SPWM was used and the overall performance of the system was improved. Results obtained show the successful harmonics elimination. By utilizing the different configuration of multilevel SPWM techniques the harmonics are reduced significantly. 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