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Beowulf: Overview, Themes & Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Background/ Overview Information
* Beowulf marks the beginning of English literature.
* Only one original manuscript of the poem still exists.
*Although the setting is Scandinavian, the poem is English.
* “epic poem”
- long narrative poem that celebrates the deeds of a
legendary or heroic figure
* Few epics predate Beowulf
- Illiad (Homer)
- Odyssey (Homer)
- Aeneid (Virgil)
* Epics generally:
- feature a larger than life hero
- highlight an eternal human problem
- good vs. evil
- are presented in a serious manner
- often use elevated language
- the hero exemplifies national, cultural, or religious values
of a people or nation
* Beowulf is one of the oldest European epics
* Beowulf, the character, embodies:
- loyalty
- valor
- unselfishness
- sense of justice
* Beowulf represents good; Grendel represents evil
* Beowulf is a blend of:
- christian ethics
- pagan morality
* Beowulf encourages/ highlights:
- courage
- generosity
- faithfulness
* Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon poetry:
- two-part line
- separated by a pause (caesura) with two strong beats
per part
- kenning
- colorful, indirect way of naming something