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Personal Development: Understanding Adolescence

Paragon Place, 17 Commonwealth Ave, Quezon City, 1126 Metro Manila
Tel. No.: 253-0452
Personal Development
(Level: Grade11)
Week 1
Knowing and Understanding Oneself during Middle and
Late Adolescence
The learners demonstrate an understanding of himself/herself during middle and
late adolescence
The presented activities or exercises and texts are developed in
order to meet the following objectives:
1. Define oneself and middle and late adolescence.
2. Enumerate or list down your unique characteristics, habits and
experiences during your middle and late adolescent period.
3. Create a simple timeline that show the highlight of your middle
and late adolescent period.
Read the following items carefully. Write the
letter of your answer.
1. Every individual undergo physical development that leads to different
stages of human life. In what transition between childhood to adulthood
A. Adolescents
B. Adolescence
C. Middle adolescents
D. Early Adulthood
2. Adolescence is divided into three stages. In what stage wherein a person
becomes a young adult?
Personal Development
Late Adolescents
Early Adolescents
Middle Adolescents
Early and Middle Adolescents
3. Physical changes in middle adolescent is very crucial. They may start
questioning and exploring themselves. Which of the physical change in
middle adolescent does not belong?
A. Females have almost complete regular period.
B. Most males may have a cracking voice.
C. Some develop acne.
D. Building muscles.
4. Middle adolescent changes an individual physical, emotional, mental,
and social aspects continuously, what is one of the reasons why middle
adolescence stage is crucial?
A. They are able to think abstractly but do not have enough ability to
apply in the moment.
B. They begin questioning so many things.
C. Their physical development is not yet complete.
D. They need good people to guide them.
5. An individual continues to develop to become a young adult. In what
phase wherein adolescence have a stronger sense of their own identity and
can identify their own value?
A. Early adolescence
B. Middle adolescence
C. Late adolescence
D. Both middle and late adolescence
6. Physical change in late adolescent is the hardest of the three periods
because of the significant changes that a young adult experience. Which
change is not included during the late adolescence?
A. They become more impulsive.
B. They become more focused on the future
C. Their relationships become more stable.
D. They become more emotionally and physically separated from their
7. Knowing and understanding oneself pave the way to self-acceptance. Why
is knowing and understanding oneself important?
A. To live productively
B. To make better decisions
C. To maintain good relationship with others
D. It will lead you to discover interesting skills.
8. Discovering oneself is a journey that everyone must to go through. In what
stage do this happen?
Personal Development
A. Early adolescence
B. Middle adolescence
C. Late adolescence to adulthood
D. All of the above
9. Success is measure through different standards in life. By knowing and
understanding oneself, what is the key to success?
A. Develop your personality
B. Discover your talents and skills
C. Know yourself
D. Develop self-control
10. Stages in life eventually change drastically. In what stage where we
embrace subtlety, spend the rest of their life and start a family?
A. Early adolescence
B. Late adolescence
C. Middle adolescence
D. Adulthood
1. It is a transition between childhood to adulthood.
Answer: Adolescence
2. Adolescence is divided into three stages as follow:
Answer: A. Early (12-14), middle (15-17), late (18-20)
3. Below are the common physical change of middle adolescence except,
Answer: Building muscles.
4. One of the reasons why middle adolescence stage is crucial because
Answer: They are able to think abstractly but do not have enough
5. It is a stage in adolescence where teens have a stronger sense of their
own identity and can identify their own value.
Answer: Late adolescence
6. Which change is not included during the late adolescence?
Answer: They become more impulsive.
7. Why is knowing and understanding oneself important?
Answer: To make better decisions
Personal Development
8. Discovering oneself happens during:
Answer: All of the above
9. The key to success is:
Answer: Know yourself
10. The stage where we embrace subtlety.
Answer: Late adolescence
Activity 1: “Self- Concept” and “Self-Understanding”
Complete the concept map by supplying it with the information than can
be taken from the video clip. Write the key concepts about the topic in the
circles and the details about these key concepts in the rectangles.
Source: https://study.com/academy/lesson/self-understanding-and-self-concept.html
Processing Questions
Personal Development
1.After watching the video, can you now answer the question “Who am
2. What new word can you relate to the word oneself from the video?
Activity 2: Self-Concept Inventory
Take a look at your own self- concept and answer the following self-concept
inventory in your journal. Give yourself a rating using the scale:
0= very weak
1= weak
2= somewhat weak or somewhat strong
3= strong
4= very strong
__1. I have a strong sex appeal.
__2. I am proud of my physical figure.
__3. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome.
__4. I exude with charm and poise.
__5. I am easy to get along with.
__6. I can adjust to different people and different situations.
__7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me.
__8. I am lovable and easy to love.
__9. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction.
__10. I am intelligent.
__11. I have special talents and abilities.
__12. I can easily analyze situations and make right judgements.
__13. I can be trusted in any transaction.
__14. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty feeling.
__15. I have integrity and good reputation.
__16. My friend and classmates can look up to me as a model worth
__17. I can express my ideas without difficulty.
Personal Development
__18. I talk in a persuasive manner and can easily get people to accept me
what I want to say.
__19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
__20. I am a good listener.
__21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble.
__22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions.
__23. I feel and act with confidence.
__24. I am a mature person.
Scoring: Copy this table in your journal. Write your score opposite each
number and get the subtotal.
Physical appeal
Human Relations
How do you perceive yourself?
Look at the results of your self-concept inventory and answer the following
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16 or
somewhat weak (score of 10-13) and very weak (below 10).
2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people
consider as your strength? What are these? Check with a partner.
Example: A lady can say “I`m ugly” yet other consider her very charming. Or
conversely, one can have the illusion of saying “I am very intelligent or
Personal Development
competent” when most of his ideas sound unreasonable or illogical to most
of the people. There is indeed a big difference between what you see in
yourself (real self-image) and what is projected in the eyes of the others
(your social image).
3. How realistic is your self- image?
4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?
Source: Roldan, Amelia S. (2003). On Becoming a Winner: A Workbook on
Personality Development and Character Building. AR Skills Development and
Management Services (SDMS), Paranaque City, Metro Manila.
Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.
Children who are entering adolescence are going through many changes
(physical, intellectual, personality and social developmental). Adolescence
begins at puberty, which now occurs earlier, on average, than in the past. The
end of adolescence is tied to social and emotional factors and can be somewhat
ambiguous (Cleveland Clinic, 2018). Adolescence is divided into three stages:
early (12-14 years), middle (15-17 years), and late (18-20years). Module 1 will
focus on knowing and understanding oneself during middle and late
adolescence stages.
Middle Adolescent
The physical changes from puberty continue during the middle stage. Most
male may have some voice cracking. Some develop acne. For females, physical
change is almost complete and girls have regular period. This stage is crucial
for the middle adolescents for the following reasons:
1. They may start questioning and exploring their sexual identity which
is stressful if they do not get support from peers, family, or community.
At the same time many teens become interested in romantic and sexual
Personal Development
2. Many middle adolescents have more arguments with their parents as
they struggle for more independence.They may spend less time with their
family and more time with friends. Peer pressure is at peak during this
time and they are concerned about their looks.
3. The brain continues to change and mature in this stage, but there are
still many differences in how a normal middle adolescent thinks compare
to an adult. This is due to frontal lobes, the last area of the brain to
mature. The frontal lobes are responsible in coordinating complex
decision making, impulse control, and being able to consider multiple
options and consequences. The development of a person will be complete
until a person reaches into his/her 20s. Middle adolescents are able to
think abstractly and consider the “big picture,” but they do not have
enough ability to apply it in the moment. A student may think that there
is no problem skipping in a class since s/he can learn easily. Middle
adolescents may be able to apply the logic in avoiding risks in this
situation, but strong emotions often continue to drive their decisions due
to impulses.
Late Adolescents
Late adolescence is the period of development in a person’s life from ages 18-24
wherein person becomes a young adult. This is the hardest of the three periods
of adolescence because of the significant changes that a young adult
experience. A high school student may say goodbye to some of his/her friends
who will go to another school, or entering a career. In college the environment
is totally different. Young adult may have to learn how to live on their own for
the first time, in a dorm with the same age of people. After graduating college
some may have found some person they want to spend the rest of their life and
start a family. All of this can happen in late adolescence.
Young adults usually have more impulse control and able to see risks and
reward accurately. They reasoned logically for they already knew the reward of
their actions. Instead of watching their favourite you tube channel, they would
choose to study for their finals. Teens entering early adulthood have a stronger
sense of their own identity now and can identify their own values. They may
become more focused on the future and base decisions on their hopes and
ideals. Friendships and romantic relationships become more stable. They
become more emotionally and physically separated from their family.
Personal Development
The Course Of Late Adolescence Development
Just like the other stages of adolescence, some changes are going on in a
person's development during late adolescence. Everything on your physical,
social, emotional and intellectual levels is in flux. No wonder young adults tend
to be so stressed out!
Physical Changes
By the time a person has reached late adolescence, physical changes for the
most part, have finally settled down. By this time, the reproductive system of a
young adult has fully matured, and capable of having a family.
Social Changes
Adolescence is tough on the family for some reasons, mainly because the
child's life no longer revolves around his family and is instead widening to
include friendships with their peers and even other adults, like a teacher or
coach. Eventually, friendships turn to romances, as the teen's emotions mature
and he or she can fall in love with another person.
Emotional Changes
While young adults, just like a young teen, may not be overly affectionate
toward their parents and will probably spend more time with friends, it's less of
an act of rebellion and more an evolution of the natural state of things. More so
in early adolescence, but also present in late adolescence, is the constant
struggle to balance the safety and security of home with the unyielding desire
to get out there into the wide open world and discover life for themselves.
Intellectual Changes
Young adults have come to understand and embrace subtlety. In being able to
see things from a different perspective, they are better equipped to solve more
complex problems, and get better at perceiving what others may be thinking.
However, because these tools are fairly new, they don't get good at practicing
them. This is why teens in late adolescence tend to act seemingly without
thinking in certain situations.
Personal Development
Late Adolescence Milestones
Once the adolescents entered to being young adults, there are certain
milestones that they should be able to check.
Emotional Milestones
By now, young adults should be able to take pride in their work. They should
be more emotionally stable, care more about those around them, and have an
improved sense of self.
Social Milestones
By now, people from this stage should be able to trust themselves to make the
right decision when called upon in a particular situation. The rebellious phase
should have outgrown and can now enjoy time with parents again.
Mental Milestones
By now, young adults should be able to set reasonable goals for themselves
and plan a strategy that will help them reach those goals. They should have a
good idea, and a deeper connection to the issues that they will become
passionate about (e.g., pro-choice vs. pro-life, environmental activism, etc.).
As for physical changes, by this point, a girl, should have fully developed. A boy
will continue to gain both height and weight, as well as body hair and muscle
mass. Sometimes girls beat the boys when it comes to how fast they develop. Of
course, it is important to understand that no two people are the same. So while
these may be the average age ranges for these milestones and developments to
occur, what happens to one person at 18 years old may not happen for another
until much later.
Personal Development
Activity 2: Groupings
Group the class at least equally. Have a leader in each group to guide the
discussion. After the discussion choose one or two to report what they have
Guide Questions:
1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with score 14-16) or
somewhat weak (score of 10-13) and very weak (below 10).
2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider
as your
strength? What are these? Discuss in your group.
3. How realistic is your self-image?
4. To what extent does it reflect your real self?
Does it not happen all the time that we happen to underestimate ourselves?
Don’t we just almost all the time give others the credit they deserve but not us?
It is very important to know ourselves. We tend to neglect our own values,
strengths each and every time we are judged. The true mantra for success is
knowing yourself.
Personal Development
It’s necessary to know yourself. But how do you go about it, right? You must be
aware of your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Observe and be aware
of your moods, reactions and responses to what is happening around you
because then you will be able to react in the right manner. Then, become aware
of how these moods and emotions affect your state of mind. Also examine how
you interact with others and observe how your environment affects you.
Why is knowing yourself so important? Well, it is so because the knowing and
understanding yourself part would help you to make much better decisions, it
will improve your decision making habits, in setting and reaching appropriate
goals and altogether living more productively and more. You can play many
interesting personality tests and evaluations for self-discovery that can help
you become more in tune to yourself.
You must question yourself on aspects like how well do you really know
yourself? What unique gifts, talents and skills do you bring to this world? What
specific issues represent your life challenges? How much of your life is
controlled by your personality? Are you really inspired by your soul? What
underlying motives run your life? What gives you meaning and purpose? These
questions will lead you to a beautiful understanding of your own self. You must
be confident about your answers while answering these.
Interestingly there are many people who hardly know themselves. But how do
you expect to grow in life and become better if you don’t? It’s perfectly okay to
explore what the heart wants and to tune out the rest of the world long enough
to build a relationship with your soul. In fact the moment you start interacting
with yourself you will discover that you know so little about your own self.
Knowing yourself will make you meet the world.
Knowing yourself is definitely beyond knowing your favorite color or your ideal
mate. It is about discovering yourself which will take you days, months or
years. But once you do you will either love yourself or hate yourself, either
ways it will be a cherishing experience
Personal Development
Activity 3: Forum
Create a close group on FB or Tweeter for the class interaction. Group the class
into a maximum of 10 members. Each student is required to post their
reflection and insights on the activities and reading in this module to their
respective close group and respond at least two to the posts of their peers. The
participation grade will depend on the engagement and quality of the responses
to the posts. In responding the posts, it is important to focus on the ideas being
shared and not on the person behind the ideas. Remember to use appropriate
words and be courteous in your responses.
Be guided with the following question in answering your reflections and
1. Why do you think knowing yourself is important?
2. What significant changes you have discovered about yourself? How did you
deal with it?
Personal Development
Read the following items carefully. Write the
letter of your answer.
1. It is a period of adolescence that you may start questioning and
exploring your sexual identity.
Middle adolescence
Early adolescence
Late adolescence
All periods
2. Many middle adolescents have more arguments to their parents
since they are struggling for:
A. Emotional changes
B. Mental milestone
C. Independence
D. Different relationships
3. They are responsible in coordinating complex decision making, impulse
control, and being able to consider multiple options and consequences.
A. Self- control
B. Frontal lobes
C. Brain
D. Nervous system
4. Their strong emotions often continue to drive their decisions due to
A. Peer pressure
B. Development
C. Impulses
D. Social demand
5. During late adolescence, should be able to set reasonable goals for your self
and plan a/an ______ that will help you reach the goals.
A. strategy
B. action
C. dream
D. Course
5. In this milestone, you should be more emotionally stable, care more about
those around you, and have an improved sense of self.
A. Development milestones
B. Emotional milestone
C. Social milestone
D. Mental milestone
6. In this milestone, you are able to see things from different perspective.
Personal Development
A. Mental milestone
B. Social milestone
C. Intellectual milestone
D. Emotional milestone
7. In the late adolescence period, it not normal that sometimes the girls beat
the boys when it comes to how fast they develop.
A. True
B. False
C. Partly true
D. Partly false
8. According to Sushant, exploring what the heart wants and to tune out of
the rest of the world to build a relationship with your soul is a good idea.
A. True
B. False
C. Partly true
D. Partly False
9. The moment you start interacting with yourself you will discover that
A. You know so little
B. You are less impulsive
C. You have talents and skill
D. You are getting mature
 The physical change from puberty continues during the middle stage. Most
male may have some voice cracking. Some develop acne. For females,
physical change is almost complete and girls have regular period.
Young adults usually have more impulse control and able to see risks and
reward accurately. They reasoned logically for they already knew the reward
of their actions. Teens entering early adulthood have a stronger sense of
their own identity now and can identify their own values.
 The true mantra for success is knowing yourself
Personal Development
DepEd (2016), Personality Developmemt, Ground Floor Bonifacio
Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines
Allen and Waterman (2019), Stages of Adolescence,
Sushant, (2019), Know yourself, retrieved
Bruner S., December 18, 2018, Changes to expect in the late adolescence,
retrieved from,https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/adolescence/changes-toexpect-in-late-adolescence/
Personal Development