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Architectural Lettering Guide: Techniques & Best Practices

Explanation of Architectural Lettering:
1. It is expected as a designer or architect that all
blueprints, drawings and designs have
architectural lettering.
2. This lettering was established ages ago by
architects so that all writing on blueprints were
legible therefore costly mistakes would not be
3. Practicing this lettering is still a necessary part of
the curriculum in most architecture and design
education, because it is still a necessary part of
the job.
4. Bad handwriting tends to make any design look
amateur. All handwriting should match the quality
of the design.
5. Practice is necessary to develop the skills
needed to letter legibly. Just as each individual
has a unique handwriting, they will also have a
unique lettering style.
6. Architectural lettering has an animated quality
while appearing very uniform and neat.
7. Guidelines are very light and almost invisible.
They should be drawn with a 4H pencil while the
lettering should be darker, drawn with a 2H
pencil. (The higher the number, the lighter the
Summary of important points to remember are:
 4H lead for guidelines
 2H lead for lettering
 Use light guidelines
 3/16” to ¼” guide lines for room labels, key or schedule titles,
drawing title and client name in the title block.
 1/8” guidelines for minor titles
 Always use a straight edge to draw the vertical lines for your
letters first; all other parts of the letters drawn freehand.
 Letters are to be dark, dark, dark.
 Letters should all be the same width.