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Standard Engineering Lettering Guide

1. Standard Engineering Lettering
2. Lettering in Engineering Drawing Lettering is used to provide easy to read and understand
information to supplement a drawing in the form of notes and annotations. Lettering is an
essential element in both traditional drawing and Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawing Thus, it
must be written with: Legibility – shape & space between letters and words. Uniformity – size &
line thickness.
3. Types of Lettering The two types of lettering are: Vertical Lettering Inclined Lettering vertical
letters inclined letters
4. Conventions for Lettering • Use all CAPITAL LETTERS. • Use even pressure to draw precise,
clean lines. • Use one stroke per line. • Use kerning to eliminate excessive space between letters.
– • [kerning refers to adjusting the space between characters, especially by placing two
characters closer together than normal. Kerning makes certain combinations of letters, such as
WA, MW, TA, and VA, look better.]
5. Conventions for Lettering (cont.) • Always Skip A Space Between Rows Of Letters. • Always
Use Very Light Guide Lines. • Fractions Are Lettered Twice The Height Of Normal Letters. •
Fraction Bars Are Always Drawn Horizontal.
6. Application of Lettering Lettering in Engineering Drawings is used in writing Title Blocks which
play a crucial role in drawings, they are used to record all of the important information necessary
for the working drawings. What does the Title Block contain? • Title of the drawing. • Drawing
Number. • Scale. • Name of the firm. • Symbol denoting the method of projection. • Initials of staff
who designed, checked & approved. Other uses of lettering include Dimensions and Notes on the
engineering drawing.
7. Placement of text on Engineering Drawings
8. Guidelines Extremely light horizontal lines that are necessary to regulate the height of letters. In
addition, light vertical or inclined guidelines are used to keep the letters uniformly vertical or
inclined. Guidelines are absolutely essential for good lettering. • After lettering has been
completed, the guidelines are not erased.
9. Spacing • Should be UNIFORM • . L I N E S L E T T E R S LINES AND LETTERINGS
10. Examples of Common Mistakes in Lettering L E t T E r I N G Lettering style not uniform
Lettering height not uniform L E T T E R I N G Lettering inclination not uniform L E T T E R I N G
L E T T E R I N G Lettering thickness not uniform LET T E R ING Lettering space not uniform
AND DRAFTSMEN. London: Hill Publishing Co., Ltd. Engineering Drawing Fundamentals:
Introduction to Engineering Drawing. Retrieved from
http://pioneer.netserv.chula.ac.th/~kjirapon/lecture-note.html. Madsen D. A., Madsen D. P.,
(2011). ENGINEERING DRAWING & DESIGN, Fifth Edition. New York: Cengage Learning.
Reddy K. V., (2008). TEXTBOOK OF ENGINEERING DRAWING. Hyderabad: BS Publications.
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