Margin Integrity Sub gingival margins can be assessed by radiograph Marginal integrity can be assessed by moving a sharp explorer from the restoration to the tooth and from the tooth to the restoration (open margin= 50 µm the tip of sharp explorer can be inserted between the restoration and the tooth). Microscopic Examination Casting beyond finish line (over extended) due to Over waxed/flash of wax during wax build up Types of Marginal Defects A. B. C. D. Over extended vertically Short margin(under extended) Over extended horizontally(over contoured) Open margin Types of Marginal Defects and their causes 1. Open margin – Casting not completely seated – Improper impression 2. Shoulder or ledge(under extended horizontally) – Overpolished casting – Improperly trimmed die 3. Casting beyond finish line (over extended) – Overwaxed/flash – Improperly trimmed die-over trimmed 4. Short margin – Improper impression – Over trimmed die – Over carving of wax pattern – Over polishing of casting Types of Marginal Defects Open Margin: • Missing margin – Incomplete impression – Improperly trimmed die – Incomplete casting • Error in waxing • Error in casting – Over polishing the casting Marginal discrepancy caused by an overextended margin; can be corrected????? a) Marginal discrepancy caused by an overextended lingual margin; b) Reduce the overextension from the axial surface not from underneath; c) If overextended margin removed incorrectly, this results in a deficient margin Burnishing of slightly open gold rest. Margins using burnisher Failures result from incorrect margin • • • • Looseness of crown Cervical caries Injury to the gingival tissue Poor esthetics All Ceramic crown All metal crown