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Mongols and Silk Road: Social, Political, Cultural Impacts

Mongols and Silk Road
Nomadic lifestyles
- At a young age, Mongols started mastering the art of horseback
riding and archery
- Conquered many territories → no concentrated population
No culture
- They were influenced by the territories that they conquered
A women’s role included influence in family life and had the right to be
heard in tribal councils, men however dominated leadership positions
Many ideas, religions, diseases, tech was spread across the Silk Road
Merchants were at the top of the Mongol’s social structure
Mongols were divided into tribes, sub divided into kin related klans
(clans did everything together: camp and herd)
Mongols used steppe diplomacy
- Alliances and elimination of enemies
When in war time, clans and tribes formed together to make
confederations- these would be led by one leader, depending on him, the
confederation would survive or not
On all organization levels, the leaders were elected by the free men of the
A women’s role included influence in family life and had the right to be
heard in tribal councils, men however dominated leadership positions
Spread of the plague- because of the Mongols, it was so fast and on a
large global scale, the silk road brought everyone from everywhere on it
trading, but at the same time spreading disease to the world’s four
The Mongols delayed Russia’s Renaissance which made them fall behind
compared to other civilizations
The Mongol Peace enriched the exchange of ideas between the West and
the East
Mongols made trade safer and facilitated trade between Asia and Europe
- Ideas spread faster
Mongols allowed people to keep their religion and culture
Mongols were very curious about other cultures, as a result when they
conquered new land they were open to different cultures
Mongols were religiously tolerant towards the people they conquered
although they were mainly Muslim and animists→ tolerant ruler
The Mongol’s extent of territory resulted them in being conduits of other
cultures (from the people they conquered)
Chinggis Khan established a new capital: Karakorum, there, se brought
scholar-like minds and consulted with
confucian scholars for advice on how to rule China during the
Yuan dynasty
Muslim engineers for advice on battlefield technology and on how
to improve trade with lands father west
Doaist men in efforts to become immortal
→ these attempts to consult with multicultural people, shows the mongol’s
interest in building new from old all while keeping the idgeneous people happy
by adopting aspects of their own culture
- The Mongols brought peace to all of Asia, this time was usually
advantageous to different civilizations because when under such a large
domain, there is no- one (almost) to fight with. This provided large
periods of cultural development.
- Central Asia trade on the silk road help spread buddhist religious objects
from north northeast india
- Central asian trade went all the way to Europe from which
The Mongol Peace promoted the trade of products that increased the
wealth of merchants
In central Asia through the silk road, the Mongols provided safe
passageway for merchants to travel→ prosperous trade
Central Asia’s economy depended on:
- China- gunpowder, firearms, porcelain, paper, silk, tea
- Europe- Honey, glassware, slaves
- Middle East- textiles, sugar cane, rugs
- North asia- horses- this helped the Mongols gain so much land so
fast, easy way of transportation
- North india- spices, gems, perfume, textiles
Mongols, because of their cultural acceptance, accepted muslims into
their government, they introduced to the population under the Mongols,
new systems for more efficient tax collections
Collected tribute from occupied areas