The plural form of most nouns by adding –S to singular noun. BOOK BOOKS BAG BAGS Nouns that end in - ch, -x, -s, -sh, z or s -like sound add -es in the end. Church - churches box – boxes gas - gases bush - bushes ass - asses Most nouns end with a CONSONANT + -O also form their plurals by adding 'es' . The plural of words that end with Potato potatoes a CONSONANT + -y is spelled –ies. Hero heroes Factory factories Baby babies Most nouns end in -f or –fe are changed to –ves to from plural. Calf calves Knife knives Leaf leaves Changing their vowels for the Adding a syllable for the plural. plural. Foot feet Goose geese Mouse mice Woman women Child children Ox oxen Some nouns have the same singular and plural form. Aircraft Deer Fish Sheep Species aircraft deer fish sheep species Latin and Greek have plural endings that come from those languages. Criterion criteria Fungus fungi Datum data Medium media Some nouns have only a plural form. It can be used a pair of before nouns. A pair of JEANS A pair of SHORTS A pair of PANTS A pair of PAJAMAS Words end with –s but are not plural. Economics News Athletics Physics