Uploaded by Carla Baucom

Teacher Lesson Plan Template

Here’s the Hook:
Today our focus is on:
You will show:
The standards are :
This helps you:
What do you know about
Then, you still need to
know: (vocab/concepts)
We have already studied:
After this we will study:
In the real world this will
help you:
Many of you said you
Since many like:
You may work on your
To figure it out,
Another way to figure it
out can be to :
Remember, the goal is
If you need extra help:
If this is too easy:
Make sure you have:
Technology we will use is
For extra support:
You may work in groups
To be safe, make sure:
To be respectful:
Do you have questions?
What seems difficult?
What seems easy?
This is what it will look
Look at your (rubric,
standards, suggestions)
to see if you are on track
Teacher Reflection
Put a smiley or emoji on paper to show how you did
Professional Responsibility
Collaboration and communication
Cooperate with colleagues: What colleagues did you share with, or gain information from?
Work with others on problems
Who have you helped lately?
Communication style with students? Families? Colleagues?
Are you professional when speaking to students? Families? Colleagues? Would they say you were positive?
Seek perspective of others? Examples:
How would your students, families, and colleagues see you? How do you know?
Professional responsibility and growth
Prior knowledge applied to my teaching: What do you already know about this subject? How does it help you
teach this lesson?
How I reflect and analyze my performance: When do you know you taught a lesson well? How do you respond
to a lesson’s success or failure?
What I’m doing as a professional to grow: Classes? Research? Seeking colleague’s help? Polling students?
Reviewing and reflection on past successes and failures? Spending extra time on lessons? More preparation?