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CSIR-UNDP Rural Network Operator Support Programme Call

CSIR - UNDP Rural Network Operator Support Programme, Call for Participation
1. Invitation
The CSIR invites expressions of Interest (EOI) from SMMEs that are wholly owned by women, people with disabilities and
youths (up to 40 years of age), in response to this call focusing on innovative use of Television White Spaces (TVWS)
and Wi-Fi network technologies that will lead to a competitive telecommunications sector, bridging of digital divide and
creation of job opportunities in South Africa.
2. The CSIR-UNDP Rural Network Operator Support Programme - Phase 1
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has signed a Letter of Agreement from the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) for Implementation of Rural Television White Space (TVWS) Network Operator
Support Programme – Phase 1. This project is a contribution to a broader programme, the UNDP is undertaking, titled
“Supporting an Inclusive and Multi-Sectoral Response to COVID-19 and Addressing its Socio-Economic Impact in South
Africa”. The broader project is aimed at strengthening capacity of the Government of South Africa at the municipal,
provincial and national levels to contain, prevent, and accelerate efforts to recovery from COVID-19. Following
consultations between UNDP and CSIR Officials, the UNDP accepted CSIR’s proposal for contributing to this programme
by undertaking – as an integral part of the broader project – the Implementation of a Support Programme for Rural TVWS
Network Operator – Phase 1.
3. Submission Requirements
To apply, please submit the following documents: company profile with a brief project plan valid tax clearance certificate,
copy of network license from ICASA, B-BBEE certificate/affidavit and proof of registration with the Companies and
Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) with a clear proof indicating ownership to the following email address:
Please use the following naming convention for attached documents:
Application Document:
Copies of documents to be attached as a continuous
one PDF document (size of the PDF file must be less
than 5 MB)
PDF File: “Name of SMME_EOISeptember 2020”
Company profile with a brief project plan, tax clearance
certificate, B-BBEE certificate, copy of company
registration with a clear proof indicating ownership, copy
of network license from ICASA
CSIR - UNDP Rural Network Operator Support Programme, Call for Participation
4. Exclusionary criteria:
Item #
SMME must be registered with CIPC with a clear proof indicating ownership
SMME must be licensed by ICASA to provide wireless network services with at least 6 months
experience in this regard or a demonstrated experience in providing equivalent ICT network
connectivity services
SMME must demonstrate willingness to provide services in rural areas and should have knowledge of
local communities for the selected geo-location and municipality where networks will be deployed
Demonstrate ability to work with or get support from existing telecommunications support service
providers or original equipment manufacturers or vendors
Have an understanding of the ICASA TVWS regulations 2018, and the CSIR spectrum innovation
Have B-BBEE certification(s)
Be able to present a brief project plan to operate a rural-based/or community wireless network
indicating the targeted rural community to be served
Have a valid tax certificate
SMMEs should be wholly owned by any of the following targeted groups: women, persons with
disabilities and youths (up to 40 years of age).
The SMME must not already be a current beneficiary of any similar programme(s);
Applications that are not accompanied by any of the requested submission documents listed under Section 3 of
this call will be excluded;
Applications sent to any e-mail address other than: tvws@csir.co.za will be excluded; and
Submissions received after the closing date (Wednesday, 23, September 2020 at 23:59) will not be considered.
CSIR - UNDP Rural Network Operator Support Programme, Call for Participation
5. Reporting Requirements
Successful applicants will be expected to report on any jobs created, as well as communities and facilities connected
during the process. Evidence of both jobs created, communities and facilities connected will be required, and the format
will be established during contracting.
For more information, please contact Dr Luzango Mfupe at: lmfupe@csir.co.za. Terms and conditions apply.
Expression of Interest proposal
Successful applicants may be invited for a more detailed interview
Closing date for applications is Wednesday, 23 September 2020