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LRT Passenger Satisfaction in KL Sentral: A Research Study

The concept of customer satisfaction is important in any business. Striving for customer
satisfaction means understanding and anticipating what the customers want from the products or
services given. Customer satisfaction can also be taken as an indicator either a customer will buy
or use the product continuously. The main purpose of introducing the Light Rail Transit (LRT)
system in Malaysia is to ease the traffic congestion in Malaysia roads. Customers will not keen to
use the service if the service is not satisfactory. However, there are some problems towards LRT
such as maintenance problem, train delayed, lack of facilities and unsatisfactory of safety level.
Therefore, due to these reasons, we wish to study on passenger’s satisfaction of LRT service.
This study aims to examine the passenger’s satisfaction towards the use of Light Rail Transit
(LRT) in KL Sentral. The variables are classified into four categories in which attributes at the
stations and inside the train. A customer satisfaction survey was carried out and 253
questionnaires were successfully completed by the respondents. The data collected was analyse
by using the bar graph and pie chart. The result shows that majority of all service attributes are at
a satisfactory level except one element which is comfortability. In this study, the result showed
that comfortability in the LRT have a least level of satisfaction by the respondents. Users agreed
that they didn’t fell comfort in the trains and station especially during peak hours. Further
improvement needs to be taken to improve the service and to increase the level of customer
satisfaction. Transportation authorities can use these findings as a guide to enhance the quality
of life of Light Rail Transit users in the future.
Keywords: Passengers, Satisfaction, Quality Service.
1.1 Introduction and Background of the Study
The concept of customer satisfaction is important in business field. For service providers,
customer satisfaction is crucial to know which service attributes add value and increase
satisfaction, which of them merely fulfil minimum requirements and minimum dissatisfactions and
which do both. In the transportation of Light Rail Transit (LRT), it is a high technology
transportation which is providing alternatives yet comfortable for customer. In Kuala Lumpur, there
are four LRT main line which are namely as Sri Petaling Line, Kelana Jaya Line, Bandar UtamaKlang Line and Ampang Line. The distance connection of LRT system between city central and
other districts is around 20km radius and it was a crossing with total 49 stations. General
speaking, LRT system play a role in reducing the transport crowdedness on the road.
1.2 Problem Statement
However, a major problem with this kind of application is the maintenance problem which is
signaling problem. For example, on 18th February 2019, a signaling fault between the Kelana
Jaya and KLCC stations on the Kelana Jaya LRT line led to a temporary disrupted during the
morning rush. Ida Nadirah Ibrahim (2019) Moreover, there is an increasing concern towards LRT
delayed. In addition, timeliness is very important especially when the LRT shows the train's arrival
time on the signboard that had been provided. The management must supposedly improve the
system more systematically so that there’s no problem about the punctuality. Ida Nadirah Ibrahim
Despite its long clinical success, LRT has a number of problems in which the lack of facilities and
unsatisfactory of safety level because nowadays, many unforeseen things can happen especially
when it comes to a woman. For example, on December 2014, a woman who is a student in age
20 had been molested by irresponsible man at Masjid Jamek to Pasar Seni station. So, LRT much
provide couch for women only so there is no sexual harassment issues. Hasbi Sidek (2018)
1.3 Research Objectives
1.3.1 To examine the safety of LRT passengers in the train.
1.3.2 To determine the punctuality of LRT in kl valley area.
1.3.3 To analyses the service quality of LRT services towards their passengers.
To analyses the comfortability of passengers during travel in the train.
1.4 Research Questions
1.4.1 What are the factors that affect safety of LRT passengers in the train?
1.4.2 What are the customer’s opinions on punctuality of waiting time for the train in the rail transit
station Kuala Lumpur?
1.4.3 How can customer satisfaction in quality service of LRT station be improved?
What can be improve in terms of comfortability in the train?
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study aims to contribute to this growing area of research by exploring relationship
between LRT services and passenger’s satisfaction. This project provided an important
opportunity to fulfil all of LRT passenger’s needs when they use this services.
Scope and Limitation of the Study Due to practical constraints, this paper cannot be done
on the peak hour due to the crowded situation in the station. The reader also should bear in
mind that this study is based on KL Sentral station only because it is a main changes transit
for the passengers.
Organization of Chapter
In chapter 1, it describe the first step of conducting this study on passenger’s satisfaction of LRT
in KL Sentral.
In chapter 2, basically consists of literature review on how do we analyse the literature gap with
the previous study.
In chapter 3, presents the data collected from the respondents for this survey and the reliability of
this questionnaire.
In chapter 4, the data analysis that had been collected from the respondents and the discussion
of findings on the data collection.
Lastly, chapter 5 explain the summary of discussion on this research and conclude this study
about the passenger’s satisfaction of LRT in KL Sentral.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the past studies that related with this study and also the literature gap with
the past studies.
2.1 Definitions Transportation has become one of the most important system in our daily life. The
government have created a public transport in Malaysia to facilitate the travel, expediting arrival
time, and saving user costs. Public transport also provides other benefits which is increasing
public health and providing a good environment.
Light Rail Transit or better known as LRT is a form of urban rail transit that operates primarily
along exclusive rights-of-way and use some multiple units to form a train. Nowadays, LRT already
have their own customer that use it every day in Malaysia especially in KL valley area. The Light
Rapid Transit (LRT) services, consist of 4 main line that are integrated to form the key components
of the KL / Klang Valley Integrated Transit System (My Rapid, 2019).
Passenger satisfaction has become an important area in the field of transportation. Satisfaction
captures the feelings of consumers towards transport services (Parahoo et al., 2014). Satisfaction
is actually an important area in order to evaluate the quality of the public transport services.
Therefore, public transport services must plan their strategies in providing the best service to their
passengers. An excellent service towards passengers will make them often use public transport.
It is important to minimize the dissatisfaction among passenger. Satisfaction as a core variable of
marketing (Parahoo, Harvey, & Radi, 2014) that affected directly towards any services
2.2 Past Studies
Firstly, Spears, S. (2015) have conducted a study Evaluating the Benefits of Light Rail Transit.
The objective of the research to study evaluate the impact of the Expo light transit (LRT) line on
nearby private vehicle travel, transit ridership, and physical activity, which began service in south
Los Angeles in 2012, on travel and activity patterns of both long-term residents and those who
moved to the area after service began. The study’s research design classical control experiments
to conduct a longitudinal evaluation of the travel impacts of LRT through the use of 7-day survey
protocol. The finding shows that identify neighbourhood factors which could enhance the potential
positive effects of transit proximity on bus ridership and walking.
Secondly, Andy & Douglas (2016) have conducted the study New Light Rail Transit and Active
Travel: A Longitudinal Study. The objective of this study is to isolates the effects of new light rail
investment on active travel. There more common study designs that use cross-sectional data.
The results show that, when not controlling for subject before opening walking or physical activity,
there was no significant relationship between treatment group status and after-opening walking
or physical activity. Future research should consider the possibility that sedentary populations
may be more responsive and more targeted approach in transit service would be needed to
encourage people to make healthy travel choices.
Thirdly, Suria Haron, Muhammad Nasir & Siti Mohamad (2016) have conducted Rail Transport
Service Performance Indicator in Klang Valley, Malaysia. This research aims to measure the
performance of rail transit. There are 110 questionnaires was distributed to rail users LRT rail
transit. The findings divulge quality indicators can be classified into environment, safety and
security, reliability responsiveness, and physical facilities. Thus, these factors can be used to
measure the level of service performance provided and gaining the attractiveness of public
transportation system towards sustainability.
Fourthly, A number of studies have been done towards rail transit services. Firstly, Wunderlich,
W. (2016) have conducted a study on Japan rail network developments: Japanese railways go
for better social integration. The aim is to report about countermeasures in order to increase
passengers by reporting some success stories of social integration of railways. The Findings
shows that the regions with good public traffic connections, with good personal relationship to the
passengers and local attractions will attract repeaters to come back.
Next, Suhana Koting (2017) have conducted a Study on Evaluation and Improvement of
Accessibility to Urban Rail Transit System in Kl Sentral, Malaysia. This research aim is to evaluate
and improve the accessibility from home to urban rail transit system in Kl Sentral. There are 569
individuals have been involved in this research as a sample. The findings revealed that frequent
rail users were fairly influenced by access time and access distance increment rather than access
cost increment.
Mohd Idrus Mohd Masirin, Aminah Mohd Salin, Adnan Zainorabidin, Martin, D. and Norshakina
Samsuddin (2017) have conducted a review on Malaysian Rail Transit Operation and
Management System: Issues and Solution in Integration. The objective of this study is to appraise
the Malaysian rural rail transit operation and management system, which are considered
important as there are many issues and solution in integration of the services that need to be
tackled more conscientiously. The finding shows that some of the most important issues on
integration of services and rail transit system in Malaysian and how some countries have solved
or reduced these problems and conflicts.
Noor Hafiza Nordin, Mohd Idrus Mohd Masirin, Mohd Imran Ghazali & Mohd Isom Azis (2017)
have conducted Appraisal on Rail Transit Development: A Review on Train Services and Safety.
The objective of this study need to be improved as an effective and efficient communication
means. This also share importance of railway safety based on real case studies around the world.
The most element is how to avoid accidents from happening and providing enough information to
the target audience such as safety certification, maintenance of vehicles, national safety authority
and accident and incident investigation.
Elangovan, K., Kumar, C. B. S., & Nallusamy, S. (2018) have conducted a Study on Effect of
Chennai Metro Rail Limited Routing System and Its Future Growth. The aim is to focus on future
of Chennai Metro Rail Limited and its future development along with the parallel growth of metro’s
that boost people’s lifestyle at metros. The Findings shows that the city is looking forward to
revitalize its stagnant and rethink its future of transport, but at the same time it must understand
that metro is a long term investment and the benefits will accrue over a period of time.
Liu, Enjian & Toshiyuki (2018) have conducted a study Does Urban Rail Transit Discourage
People from Owning and Using Cars? Evidence from Beijing, China. The aim is to focus reducing
car dependence. Living within URT catchment areas by itself is not significantly associated with
car ownership and use, people who both live and work near URT station areas have lower
probability of owning and using cars. The study verifies that URT does discourage people from
owning and using cars, which may have important implications for developing cities to make
response to the on-going motorization.
Lastly, Ahmad Nazrul Hakimi Ibrahim., Muhamad Nazri Borhan., Nur Asilah Zakaria., & Siti
Khairunisa Zainal. (2019) have conducted a study on Effectiveness of Commuter Rail Service
Towards Passenger’s Satisfaction: A Case Study from Kuala Page 14 of 46 Lumpur, Malaysia.
The objective is to evaluate the quality of commuter rail service at Kuala Lumpur by conducting a
commuter user survey. There are 400 commuter rail passengers have been involved in this
research as a sample. The instrument for this study is questionnaires. The findings show that
there is significant conflict between passenger’s expectation and perception of the commuter rail
service quality at Kuala Lumpur.
2.3 Summary (Literature Gap)
Numerous studies have been done before towards rail transit services. However, there is no
specific research have been done towards the quality of LRT services. A large and growing body
of literature has identified that the customer’s satisfaction is commonly stated in previous studies
on rail transit services. Customer’s satisfaction is mainly based on the quality provided or given
towards them. More recent attention has focused on the certain quality that highly demand by
passenger which are safety, punctuality, comfortability and cleanliness. However, most of
previous study didn’t focus much on relationship between passenger satisfaction and the quality
of the rail transit. Therefore, we have determined to make a study on passenger's satisfaction of