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The Colonies Come of Age: French and Indian War Overview

The Colonies Come of Age
CHAPTER OVERVIEW As British colonies in North America grow, their economies
and societies develop sectional differences. After the British push the French out
of the region, relations between the colonists and the British become more tense.
0 The French and Indian War
MAIN IDEA British victory over the French in North
America enlarged the British empire, but led to new
conflicts with the colonists.
hallenging the British in North America, as in
Europe, were the French. The French
claimed control of the entire Mississippi River val­
ley, but they had few settlers compared to the
British. They were interested in the fur trade and
developed friendly relations with many Native
American groups as a result.
The two sides ended their rivalry in North
America in the French and Indian War, fought
between 1754 and 1763. The war began when
Virginia troops led by George Washington marched
to the Ohio River to drive out the French. The
French and their Native American allies easily
defeated both this force and a British army that
came the next year. Then, in a great victory, the
British defeated the French at Quebec in 1759. France
was forced to give Canada to the British and New
Orleans to Spain. Although the victor, Britain still had
trouble. Native Americans were angered by colonists
mov­ing west. Pontiac's uprising captured eight British
forts. After defeating Pontiac, the British banned
settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains­which
angered the colonists.
The French and Indian War produced other
trouble. The British left 10,000 troops in the colonies
to keep the peace. Colonists feared they could be used
to suppress their rights. The British and colonists also
clashed over British efforts to raise money to pay for
the war. When the royal governor of Massachusetts
issued search warrants to find smugglers, colonists
protested. A new British law, the Sugar Act of 1764,
put duties on some previously untaxed imports and
changed the rules for trying smuggling cases. Colonists
argued that the new law violated their 1ights.
1. How did victory in the French and Indian War have negative results for the British?