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Herbal Fairness Cream Brand Launch in Bangladesh

Final Project
MKT 337(Promotional Management)
New Brand Introducing in Bangladesh
Submitted to
Ehfaz Nowman (EhN)
Lecturer, Dept. of Marketing and International Business
North South University
Submitted By
Group- Full House
Sheikh Istiaque (Leader)
Ariful Islam Symon
Shahriar Arefin Sajid
Sajid Rahman
Shahren Sharker Konok
Executive Summary:
Our principle task was to set up a brand and assess its IMC. Our product classification is fairness
cream and we picked the brand name to be "Hype Presents- Herbal Fairness Cream" which is an
herbal fairness cream with interesting highlights and gives total security to skin. The Summary
of the undertaking work is as per the following in sequential arrangement. The report is
explained from producers’ point of view and furthermore explained from agency’s point of view.
The task profile contains venture title, focusing on, division separation and situating, cost and
above all promoting system.
The examination incorporates the investigation and elucidations of the gathered information and
the SWOT examination for "Hype’s Herbal Fairness Cream". It likewise incorporates the
discoveries and dialogs about the current brands ongoing circumstance in the market and what
individuals thinks about the item and the situation of the item in people groups' brain. At last the
exploration contains end made by the researcher.
Fairness Cream Industry: .............................................................................................................................. 4
Why Hype Herbal Fairness Cream?........................................................................................................... 5
Core Competencies: ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Pest Analysis: ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Political Factors: ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Economic Factors: ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Social Factors: ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Technological Factors: .............................................................................................................................. 6
STP (Segmentation/Targeting/Positioning): ................................................................................................. 7
Segmentation: ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Targeting: .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Positioning: ............................................................................................................................................. 12
4ps: .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Product:................................................................................................................................................... 14
Pricing Strategy: ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Placement Strategy: ................................................................................................................................ 15
Client Brief: ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Creative Strategy:........................................................................................................................................ 16
The Big Idea:............................................................................................................................................ 16
Storyline of the ad:.............................................................................................................................. 16
Our USP, Execution Pattern & Tagline: ....................................................................................................... 17
Media: ......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Television: ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Print Advertising: .................................................................................................................................... 18
Outdoor Advertising: .............................................................................................................................. 18
Schedule: ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Social Media Advertising: ........................................................................................................................ 19
Plan for Future: ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Appendix: .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Fairness Cream Industry:
It was Fair & Lovely who introduced first successful fairness cream in the world. Basically, they
focused on including Vitamin B3 in the cream and they wanted to launch something which can
make skin smooth and soft also. Their intention was to seize the bleaching creams inventing this.
(Bhatt, 2014) After that, the product become popular as the product positioned to public as begun
off by advertising dreams and wants, “changing to being the key that will get you the man you
had always wanted. “
Presently fairness creams are introducing by many brands. Even, it has been categorized into
male segments also because few of males had already started using females’ fairness creams.
Emami took the opportunity and introduced “Fair & Handsome” in 2005. On the other hand,
Ponds introduced their fairness cream by targeting 35 plus workaholic women which was the
bestselling product of Indian Fairness Cream industry’s market.
After all of these, we have decided to introduce Hype Presents- “Herbal Fairness Cream” in
Bangladesh. Our ultimate goal is to provide a better skincare solution to Bangladeshi women. If
we need to introduce a product in Bangladeshi segment, we need to identify those brands that are
capturing Bangladesh’s Fairness Cream Industry are:
1. Ponds
2. Nivea
3. Loreal
4. Garnier
Why Hype Herbal Fairness Cream?
Typically, most of the Bangladeshi fairness cream brands give focuses on by making beautiful,
even International brands like- Ponds, Garnier also. Ultimately, the statement is not true because
no looks more beautiful by using these brands products. We want to position our brand as if they
use the product it will be medically good for them and they will be look healthy, but not
artificially. Inorganic components can harm human skin. History says fairness cream company
used carcinogen even arsenic to make the skin fair. We have decided to introduce our brand as
Hype (which means exite) because we want to give focus on both our products and customers.
We want the users to be overwhelmed after using this product .We do not prefer positioning
ourselves by convincing our customers as false statement.
Core Competencies:
Hype’s Herbal Fairness Cream will be offering natural and medical ingredients for healthy
skincare purpose whereas normal fairness cream does not give focuses on that. By using women
will be experienced of:
1. Healthy skin
2. Gently glowing skin
3. Clearing spots and pimples
4. Anti-tan
The enthusiasm for healthy fairness cream will elevating assignable to various elements, for
instance spreading healthy skin issues among the young and workaholic men and women.
Moreover, rising additional money close by changing lifestyle of the consumers will actuate the
improvement of canny swaying fairness cream exhibit over the figure time span for example
Pest Analysis:
We are analyzing pest analysis based on fairness cream industry basis:
Political Factors:
Government rules and regulations: Many brands in this industry either import fixings
from various countries or offer explicitly on outside land. They're required to take after
all political and authentic necessities in whichever country they're in, and it very well
may be questionable.
Political Instability: We all know that; our political situation is not stable. It will be a big
cause during herbals, protests.
Product has to be BSTI standard.
Product has to be sale by maintaining Sales Good Act standard.
Economic Factors:
Economic condition is developing day by day. GDP is rising every year.
An extensive number of populations are job less.
Inflation rate of Bangladesh now results 6.15%.
The financial development is good to start business in Bangladesh.
Social Factors:
Consumer behavior: People tends to buy product which is safe and cause no harm to
human body. Herbal organic product has a value because consumers are more aware of
the lethal chemicals. They will be interested when they will see the product is herbal
Concern for healthier skin: 70% women among 18-35 ages are educated and they are
becoming more sincere regarding their skincare.
Social Media Influences: The generation is relying on totally on social media like
Facebook, Instagram. Industry like fairness cream, it is an opportunity for grabbing
information and suggestions through these sites which is less costly also.
Technological Factors:
Bangladesh is becoming technologically advanced and globalization has huge impact
on us.
Digital marketing is must due to technological development, for adapting niche
market to mass market.
STP (Segmentation/Targeting/Positioning):
As we introducing the product only in Bangladesh we will go through local segmentation. We
will divide our distribution channel into two parts:
1. Offline distribution
2. Online distribution
We will also be dividing our segment into demographic segmentation, psychographic
segmentation and behavioral segmentation.
For demographic segmentation we will give focus on:
20 plus
Male and Female
Middle class, Upper class
Figure1. Demographic Segment Analysis
For geographic segmentation, initially we have decided to distribute into urban areas. As urban
areas’ women are more skincare centric. On the other hand, in the rural areas’ context people are
still using fair & lovely though the influence of their typical emotional ads. We think, startup
company like us, we should be sincere in one segment strongly.
For psychographic segmentation we will give focuses on:
Workaholic men and women,
Students and professionals of
makeup industry.
Healthy skincare
Premium quality
Figure2. Psychographic segmentation analysis
We have mentioned in the segmentation part that we mainly focusing on educated, workaholic
men and women. So, for attracting these specific segments we have decided to target though two
 Students and entry level employees are more career focused now. Besides having
skills and knowledge, person must have a good appearance in the modern world.
This is good for one’s career. Because people are inclined to pay people more
depending on how they look. A study found that employers looking at
photographs of would-be employees were ready to give 10.5% higher salaries to
attractive people over unattractive people. Psychologists call it the "beauty
 Those women who watch television on regular basis, we will implement TVC for
them. (in general)
 Now day’s people are relying on internet in a more way which was not expected
before. We will create awareness through marketing campaign. We launch this
program for two months where we will showcase some facts like: women
empowerment, eve-teasing and others with a name of “Fair Inside”
This is to target demographic, psychographic men and women whom are tech
savvy and relying on internet more than television. Interesting, it will seem as fun
but by sharing and participating into this campaign will carry a great value: one is
creating brand recognition and positioning brand image towards these women
strongly and on the hand, it will be beneficial for us as they start to spread these
facts which will be result as word of mouth.
We did survey from selecting university students, customers from shopping malls and
workaholic women. These questions helped us regarding positioning our products to them.
 Please select your age group.
Question 1.Which fairness cream brand you are using?
2. Do you know about Herbal Fairness cream?
3. Do you think Herbal Fairness cream is more effective than normal fairness cream?
4. Are you conscious about smooth skin, pimples and spot?
5. Are you familiar with Herbal Fairness cream’s activities. Like- It will gently lighten skin, clear
spot and pimples, remaining you skin smooth without harming it?
As we introducing our product in urban areas only. We will give focus on giving premium
quality through our product, packaging and services. Though we have many competitors like
Ponds, Dove and others in the market we will position our USP as herbal fairness cream: which
will be a skincare solution for women. Whenever, people will think about skincare solution they
will buy our product first- that will be our positioning strategy.
Basically, we want to capture 7% of the market share initially, and within a year we want to
capture 15% market share from the market.
Figure3. Our product logo and its packaging design.
Product: Herbal Fairness Cream is enriched with wonderful herbal ingredients can gently
lighten skin, clears spots and gives you fairness with an even tone. It gives beautiful and
healthy complexion. Skin can become smooth, supple, flawless and radiant.
It is combination of Aloe Vera, Persian Rose, Bitter Orange and Walnut.
Key Ingredients and Benefits:
Aloe Vera
It is acknowledged for its comfort and determines properties. It promotes
the removal of dead cells and replenishes it with new ones, giving the skin
a radiant glow. It improves the skin elasticity. Thus, it refreshes the skin
and makes it vibrant and young looking.
Persian Rose
It softens the skin color
Bitter Orange
It removes dark spots, discolored and pigmented skin and brightens skin tone
It gives sustenance to skin
Pricing Strategy:
We will give focus to maintain moderate pricing strategy. Since, our customers will be both men
women we need to position pricing strategy technically. We will offer 250mg product with
pricing 750 taka. Quantity is enough; pricing is also moderate- consumer will think the fact
regarding the product if we can maintain product quality in a good way.
Placement Strategy:
As we are offering our product into urban areas only as a result, we want to distribute the product
strongly. Customers will get our product in departmental stores, grocery stores, super stores and
even in pharmacy also. We believe in strong distribution for making profit.
Initially, we are introducing through comparatively lower pricing but whenever we will
categorize our product extension, we will offer premium pricing for one who are adaptors and
early innovators.
Client Brief:
Hype’s Herbal Fairness Cream is a new brand and as an herbal fairness
cream producer we target specially the adult of social class A, B. In
Bangladesh herbal fairness cream is not popular and available without
some super stores so it can make hype as no other brand offers that in our
country. We want to create a good image and want an excellent exposure
in its target market.
New concept in Bangladesh so customer has to clear about this
feature and benefits.
Becoming customers first decision when they about skin care
strong positioning.
To be the symbol of perfect skincare solution drive the consumer to
buy the product.
Target audience Higher class, middle class adult
As quickly as time permits! As we are prepared with our item. Be that as it
may, to make it culminate time of a month and a half can be given. In the
following customer introduction, planned for a month and a half, we need
to see the full battle which will incorporate
1.The Big Idea.
2.The limited time offers.
Moreover, we likewise need to perceive how the innovative idea can deal
with Facebook, print (daily paper, magazines), and open-air medias.
Execution style
Television commercial, print media, advertisements on well-known
Bengali and English newspapers, social media and other open-air media
Creative Strategy:
The Big Idea:
The big idea for this product is “Solution for your skin, solution for your life”. We have decided
this big idea to promote. Most of the normal brands focusing on looking beautiful superficially.
Whereas we are giving solutions by implementing natural and herbal ingredient. Personal
insecurity may go away by using “HYPE”. Consumers will have more confident look in a
healthier way. People are more likely choose herbal cosmetic over traditional one. The word
“Herbal” makes consumer feel closer to nature. We will deliver best quality fairness cream.
Treating skin and making skin glow in an organic way will earn trust of lots of consumers.
Herbal products usually do not have side effects so the effect lasts for longer.
We want promote our ads on basis these concepts:
Storyline of the ad:
Advertise 1: First advertise will be very traditional one. Because people need to relate a new
fairness cream with others and make it believe that HYPE is another fairness cream just launched
in the market. A Helpless guy was ignored by everyone. No one even looks at him and it blew
his self-esteem. One day finds solution using “HYPE” fairness cream. Now he is socially
accepted and no one ignores him because of his less glowing face. This is an everlasting solution
because HYPE is completely herbal and the man is handsome permanently. His life long struggle
Advertise 2: This advertise will be made for social media storm. A big budget advertise will be
A young girl always dreams to be a princess. She wears a fake crown and fantasize herself as a
queen. Once she auditioned for her annual college drama. College drama club was recruiting to
play William Shakespeare’s “Antony and Cleopatra”. She auditioned for the role of the queen.
But she was selected for the role of a maid. She got depressed and came back home. The
following night she found a package of HYPE fairness cream on her dressing table. She
surprised because she didn’t purchase any. She threw it out of the window. The next morning,
she wakes up and sees a HYPE fairness cream beside her pillow. She uses it that day. Then the
miracle happens. Someone knocks at her door and she opens. She was visited by a fairy who
gives her a real Egyptian prince. She became so amazed. The price holds her hand a and take her
to his flying horse. Then they fly away together happily. This Ad will show that HYPE wants it’s
every consumer feel important.
Our USP, Execution Pattern & Tagline:
 We want to promote this product as a fairness cream which is a gift of nature. Rare
ingredient is collected to make the magical recipe. This blend will take care of everyone’s
skin and do its main job by making I fairer. Consumers will fell safe using only natural
components. Side effect issue has no chance to stand here. We will gain consumer trust if
and this will be a big leap for newly launched fairness cream.
 It will create a rational appeal.
 Our USP is Herbal Cream that we providing through our Herbal Fairness Cream where
most of the competitors are not providing that.
 Tagline for our product is “Let the nature nourish you
Television is a great medium for advertising our brand. We will show our ad on NTV, ATN
Bangla, Massranga, Bangla Vision, and so on. We want to give focus on showing our ad on 7:00
to 11:00 pm.
Figure4. A sample advertisement rate card of ATN Bangla
Print Advertising:
As we are giving focuses on mostly educated women, so we will go through on print advertising.
We will advertise in leading newspapers like: Prothom Alo, Kaler Kontho, The Daily Star and
The Independent.
Figure5. Advertisement rate card of The Daily Star.
Outdoor Advertising:
For outdoor advertising we will use bill boards based on implementing in front of the market,
high traffic roads, and opposite of familiar restaurants. Our intention is to create catchy message
to attract them.
We want to prmote our ads in between tv shows, natoks break time. During Cricket match, we
will try to sponsor on that and will promote heavily. The given chart is initial scehduling of ours,
after these, we will make a better scheduling.
Social Media Advertising:
We will adverting in social medias like in Facebook and Instagram. We will introduce pages on
there, where customers can give their feedback regarding using our products.
Social Media
35 lakhs
20 lakhs
15 lakhs
50 lakhs
5 lakhs
1.25 crore
Plan for Future:
In future we have a plan to categorize our product for people with allergetic skin. The new
HYPE will treat allergetic skin as well as making it fairer. Many people suffer from allergee.
Thay cannot use any product due to alargetic reaction. New Anti allergy HYPE fairness cream
will stand beside those people.
Expansion is the main goal of HYPE . We can launch oversees if domestic operations are
successful. Herbal product has increasing value everywhere. So, this product is suitable for many
places all over the world.
Bhatt, S. (2014, February 26 ). Journey of fairness creams' advertising in India. Retrieved from The
Economic Times : https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/journey-of-fairness-creams-advertisingin-india/articleshow/30997189.cms
Survey Questionnare:
1. Please select your age group
a) 20-25 b) 25-30
b) 30-35 d) 35-40
2. Which brands fairness cream you are using?
a) Garnier b) Loreal
c) Tibet d) Ponds e) others
3. Do you know about herbal fairness cream?
a) Yes b) No
4. Are you consious about smooth skins, pmiples and spots?
a) Yes I am. Whichever brand I am switch, I am not getting solution.
b) No I do not take any extra care regarding these
5. Are you familiar with Herbal Fairness Cream’s activities like: it will gently lighten your skin,
clearing spots and pimples, remaining your skin smooth?
a) Yes b) No